Not a big deal, but...(IGN Countdown)


Just wanted to give a little nod to the drunks over at IGN. I use to get mad at their little features on top 100 this and top 20 that, especially since most of them have nothing to do with videogames, which they also tend to be bad at keeping in perspective.

Well, they've somehow outdone themselves. I give you the most misguided list I have ever seen them drinking-game into existence.

The Top 25 Animated Movies of All Time

You know, it's not what's on there so much as it is what order it's in, and also what's not on there. Monsters Inc. should be somewhere. Ratatouille should not be 19. Wall-E, although a good movie, should not be 2. Little Mermaid at 8? Where does that come from? And so pretty much speaks for itself...
How the hell is Hayao Miyazaki not in the Top 10?
And where the fuck is Howl's Moving Castle?

Misguided hits it right on the nose.
every list like this ever in the history of the internet has a few controversial rankings just so that people will post links to the list asking wtf are they thinking, this practice increases their pageviews in order to attract advertisers
The Iron Giant - legendary film! They've got the right films, but in the wrong fucking order.
No Ninja Scroll is a sin. And my favourite Ghibli is The Cat Returns, that should be on there. There are times in Spirited Away where I'm just going...what the fuck?

They've not done a bad job in my opinion.
lol if i had a dollar for every time someone argued about these type of top xx list', i'd be a very rich man.
What's wrong with the list?

Besides Toy Story 3 (too soon) I didn't see one movie on there that I think shouldn't belong. Toy Story should be #1since it's the first of it's kind and it was a really good movie. Also Wall-E was good enough to be at #2, it's arguably the best CGI movie of the decade. They rest might not be in the right order, but they're still worthy of being in a top 25.

Anyways, when someone makes these lists it's not the be-all end-all list to any sort of debate. It's IGN's top 25, not THE top 25.
whoah, I don't think any of us noticed this because it's so supremely fucked up that our subconscious probably deemed it impossible as a defense mechanism and led us to unconsciously think that we made a mistake while scrolling through, but...

Princess Mononoke is not even on the list.
Plus they are missing the more cult animated movies out there, like the Thief and the Cobbler, Wizards, and Secrets of Nimh.....
LinksOcarina said:
Plus they are missing the more cult animated movies out there, like the Thief and the Cobbler, Wizards, and Secrets of Nimh.....

Absolutely loved The Thief and the Cobber as a kid, and Secrets of Nimh.
And you just reminded me of An American Tail: Fievel Goes West.
Oh man... An american Tail... My all time favorite!

Hey! what about land before time and All Dogs Goes to Heaven! Or how about obscure cult classic The King and the Mockingbird!
Heck, does Heavy metal count at this point?

Man, why can't IGN just check this list first before jumping the gun and proclaim beauty and the beast as number 1.
Alright, Toy Story 2 was the WORST one, and I dont even think of it when I think of Toy Story, honestly...

And Beauty and the Beast and Wall-E should have been lower, around 20-15. Princess Mononoke should be on there, and high.

Akira should have been higher. It saved anime in america for fucks sake.

I dont value Iron Giant as that high of an animated movie to be honest, and I own it... Its good, but...forgettable

IGN sucks. They take good things for a list, put them on magnets, and then throw them on a fridge.

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