Nervous Gaming Habits


I was playing with a friend in the states since he was actually awake and wanting to play games at the same time as myself, a rare thing since I normally hate multiplayer. Since it was an occasion to rejoice though, I let go of all else and played with him for hours upon hours, GTA IV multiplayer killing a gang of bikers and stealing their cash, Call of Duty 4 blowing up weapon caches for no discernable reason other than you're supposed to, Gears of War watching the head get blown off horrifically and possibly releastically gorey of my speech impediment ridden beast man thing since I hardly play the game, and then laughing at how terrible Kane and Lynch must be since there was literally not a single multiplayer game session on the planet for us.
At the end of the furious shooting and running and driving, I ignored the headache I got from getting frustrated at lag and the handache from punching a table after he died after about half an hour of playing a mission because he couldn't quite get the cover system to work, and noticed that the inside of my upper lip felt... well, sort of worn down.

It's not difficult to figure out how it happened, I obviously bite my upper lip when I get worked up, something that would be difficult if it wasn't for my large lips. I know I do various other things, little tics and habits that go with me throughout most days such as the ringing of my hands when in a situation with people I don't know, wiggling my ears when I'm bored, and such inane junk as that. I'm only really worried about the biting of my lip because I'm neurotic and I expect for it to fall off at some point because I bite so hard.

So, while I continue to play games I'm going to be distracted by this nervous habit, but are there any such habits that plague any of you as you play games?
Possibly the stabbing of chubby dreadlocked midgets at the completion of a level for the sake of good luck for the following level?
Or just cracking your knuckles as you go?
Inundate me with your gaming habits, for I am bored. =]
After i fail a mission on Ace Combat 6 & GTA IV, i automatically hit my 360 faceplate with the controller.

it's not so much that i'm angry, but because i always used to do it with the strong-as-a-brick PS2.
I like to lean into the curve when playing racing games or flight combat games. Serves no purpose, I know, but I can't help it.

If I see a cat or a giraffe in WoW, I go out of my way to kill it. I'm not allowed in the Barrens.
I get frustrated in GH3 when I miss notes. This usually ends up in me yelling out really loudly like "FRIGGING HELL!" or "YOU IIIIIIIIIIIDIOT". If I become seriously frustrated I put the guitar down and walk to the kitchen to get something to eat lol :P
I also chew on my lower lip and crack my knuckles alot. But when I do bad I hit my leg as hard as I can(right above the knee on my thigh) and I often leave brusies but I have since lost feeling there and now when I hit it it dosen't even hurt.

I dont do it in front of my girlfriend but when we first got together I had to explain to her why I always have a bruise there in a way where I wouldn't sound like a freak.
Not me, but my brother in law/ best friend. Let's start by saying that he is double jointed and can "POP" every bone in his body from his neck to his toes. Well, every time it's his turn at the cotroller he will stand up stretch, do some warm up movements, and proceed to "POP" every joint in his body like he's about to step in the ring of a major fight or somethin. Oh, and then he'll sit down and light-up a cigarette, take a couple drags, die a few times, and then blame it on the fact that he's smoking, and that he can't play very well while smoking. JUST TAKE YOUR F*CKIN TURN BRAD!!!
one of my friends has a strange tick. in mid game, usually after accomplishing something, like a kill in halo for example, he will place his controller on his lap. then he rubs his thighs, lifts his hands in the air and snaps his fingers. i know it sounds bizarre, but he is kind of a bizzare guy.
as for me, during guitar hero i tend to crinkle my toes. i also lean during racing games. other than that i don't have too many ticks.
I rub my palms... If things are going well.
And I scratch my head if things are going bad.

My older brother gets all frustrated with me while we are playing FM08 together, since he is like all "You fucking autist, stop doing that".
I find that as I play along my head gets closer and closer to the computer/TV screen. I'm pretty sure that's the reason why I'm getting nearsighted.
I don't know if its a "nervous gaming habit" but I tend to pause every 30min or so to wash my hands.

I guess I have a bit of OCD when it comes to my hands...
I'm usually amped up on caffeine when I'm playing PC games so it's not as much getting frustrated but just wanting to keep scoring as much as possible. Whenever theres a respawn time I'm internally going "HURRY THE FUCK UP!!!"

My roommate gets full of rage when playing competitive games, especially ones like super smash. It pisses me off although it's funny when the whole hall hears him yell "CU**!!!" So just from playing with him I've picked up that trait to an extent as well. It kinda sucks.

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