Neil Armstrong dead at 82

The USA was only motivated to go to the moon so they could beat the Russians and get there first. Once they did that they never went back.

I guarantee if China had the technology to send man to Mars the USA would've done more to make sure they got there first.
Wes said:
The USA was only motivated to go to the moon so they could beat the Russians and get there first. Once they did that they never went back.
Except for the five times they went back after. But still.
Once the Americans were done proving how much better they were to the Russians, Congress cut off all funding for missions to the moon. That was back in 1972, 40 years ago. NASA hasn't sent a man past Earth's low orbit since then.

I'm sure NASA and many other astronauts would love to go back, but they need money to do it. The only thing that's going to motivate the government to fund NASA is if another country has the chance to be the first to do something USA hasn't.

Congress is like Longo and Rain. You've got a very cynical person in charge like Longo, who shuts down anyone who needs funding by trying to make them look retarded. And a bunch of yes men going "lol" to whatever the man in charge says. That's the government for you.
Wes said:
The only thing that's going to motivate the government to fund NASA is if another country has the chance to be the first to do something USA hasn't.
Good point. Even if we find life on Mars, what then? We're gonna move to Mars? no.
At this point, to what end are we in space other than profit? We're at the point where current technology and long term goals are colliding with practicality. Unless NASA knows something I don't, which would be impossible.
What are we doing on Mars? Are we looking for something new to stick our proprietary designing mittens on? Just wondering what's the endgame.
The logistics involved in anything of grand design is still a long ways off. I'd say turn Mars into a space landfill for our planet's garbage, but there's nothing cost effective about that. What are we doing then? Is it success for the sake of success?

Maybe the Mars buggy has some cockroaches on board and we're secretly planting new life on the red planet. And after thousands of years the cockroach kingdom evolve into anthropomorphic beings and District 9 become a reality. Otherwise, what the fuck are we doing? Taking our dune buggy for a test drive? Thanks a lot, Wes.
To paraphrase, we choose to go to Mars, not because it is easy, but because it is hard.

Because it is there.

That being said, I'm sure the future of human space travel will not be with NASA or the such, but with the growing commercial sector of space flight.

Now I'll leave you with this:
why would we keep wasting money on sending people to the moon? just curious about what it accomplishes.

and anyone who knows anything knows the aliens have a mining operation on the dark side of the moon and told the humans to never come back, so NASA cut funding and only did quick drop and scoop missions to finish the contract.


Kepler to me, is the most exciting space program at the moment. Hooray we're landing men on mars in 2030, so we can continue to learn there is not and never has been life on Mars. Not that it isn't AWESOME and i'll be pumped as shit, but it really is a giant waste of funds.

Kepler and programs like it is where it's at.
I wouldn't really say waste of money, more like WHAT money?

NASA's entire total budget from 1958 to 2011 amounts to $526 billion. In just this year alone, the Department of Defense is expected to spend over $700 billion. That doesn't count Homeland Security, counter-terrorism, or international affairs. NASA might get $18 billion if it's lucky. It usually amounts to no more than one-half of 1% of the annual national budget.

$18 billion. Americans spend almost twice that annually on gifts for thier pets.
intoTheRain said:
Hooray we're landing men on mars in 2030, .

But we're gonna be OLD by then! :(

I'm sure in 2060 we'll have developed wormhole technology and blah blah blah... We won't understand all that! Instead we'lll be watching daytime TV and taking our pills out of those weekly organizer boxes.

The adults of the 80's were jealous of us. And how could they not be? Look at all the cool stuff we're getting in 3 years...




I also noticed in 2015 there wasn't an iPhone or a black President. Looks like trouble for Obama and Apple are still to come.

But seriously, people thought by now we'd have developed a way to travel through space using light speed. Looks like all those sci-fi movies and TV shows have made us feel a bit too cocky.
intoTheRain said:
and anyone who knows anything knows the aliens have a mining operation on the dark side of the moon and told the humans to never come back, so NASA cut funding and only did quick drop and scoop missions to finish the contract.
There is no dark side in the moon, really. Matter of fact, it's all dark.
When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,
Out of the corner of my eye.
I turned to look but it was gone.
I cannot put my finger on it now.
The child is grown, the dream is gone.
I have become comfortably numb.



Haters gotta hate, just cause it's an American flag doesn't mean people have to get their panties in a knot.
Optimus-Crime said:
intoTheRain said:
and anyone who knows anything knows the aliens have a mining operation on the dark side of the moon and told the humans to never come back, so NASA cut funding and only did quick drop and scoop missions to finish the contract.
There is no dark side in the moon, really. Matter of fact, it's all dark.

glad you understood how serious i was being there

*bro fist*
WickedLiquid said:
But seriously, people thought by now we'd have developed a way to travel through space using light speed. Looks like all those sci-fi movies and TV shows have made us feel a bit too cocky.

it's physically impossible to move an object at light speed as it's mass will become infinite.

also, even if we could travel at the speed of light, it would still get us nowhere except easily and quickly around our own solar system.

all about that einstein-rosen bridge if we ever want to accomplish anything in space.

besides that i think the best thing we can do is send up more and more powerful kepleresque telescopes so we can try and figure out from a distance if there is life on other planets within our galaxy
WickedLiquid said:
But seriously, people thought by now we'd have developed a way to travel through space using light speed. Looks like all those sci-fi movies and TV shows have made us feel a bit too cocky.
Well, we can't hit light speed but we have the technology to go extremely fast through space for a long period of time.
Only problem is that making a ship able to do that would cost all of the money ever and we really don't need to do it yet.

Building a bunch of MPDTs to be powered by a nuclear reactor we have to somehow get into space safely would cost an insane amount of money.

The real reason humans haven't been back to the moon is that there's really nothing there. It's just a random reflective rock that's orbiting us. Mars on the other hand has the ability to be terraformed and we don't know what resources it has. Hell, maybe it has an abundance of Titanium with .01% oxygen or something.
Mars could also prove useful if we ever discovered, say, a big-ass rock that's going to hit us and wipe out earth in 50 years. It's at that point we'd start making some more CFCs and start packing some old shuttles with economy class seats.
madster111 said:
WickedLiquid said:
But seriously, people thought by now we'd have developed a way to travel through space using light speed. Looks like all those sci-fi movies and TV shows have made us feel a bit too cocky.
Well, we can't hit light speed but we have the technology to go extremely fast through space for a long period of time.
Only problem is that making a ship able to do that would cost all of the money ever and we really don't need to do it yet.

Building a bunch of MPDTs to be powered by a nuclear reactor we have to somehow get into space safely would cost an insane amount of money.

The real reason humans haven't been back to the moon is that there's really nothing there. It's just a random reflective rock that's orbiting us. Mars on the other hand has the ability to be terraformed and we don't know what resources it has. Hell, maybe it has an abundance of Titanium with .01% oxygen or something.
Mars could also prove useful if we ever discovered, say, a big-ass rock that's going to hit us and wipe out earth in 50 years. It's at that point we'd start making some more CFCs and start packing some old shuttles with economy class seats.

it doesn't matter anyway, even traveling at the highest speed possible at this point in time it would likely takes hundreds and hundreds of years to reach the next star, which could have nothing of interest around it. it's just not realistic, and never will be.

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