More Call of Duty. (Bear with me)

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You need to get yourself a girl mate. Unplug, for everyone's sake. It's okay to like a good game (which the latest CoDs aren't), but your obsession is just flat out unhealthy.
Pretty good clips. I suck at Call of Duty now.

^Don't worry brows. I just realized how young he is. It'll come in good time. And if you're worrying about obsession I honestly wouldn't start with Jx4. My girlfriend's cousin (who's even younger) has a copy of Black Ops for PS3 and 360... and nothing else. I'd say Jx4 has a better chance at expanding his gaming palette than that poor kid.

Hell, Jx4 is here so really he can't be that bad off.
I think it's time for Daniel to get his Journalism on and do a piece on video game obsessions and the younger generation. Previous games did not have as much "science" like Skinner's Box behind them as they do now; the difference is crazy.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
You need to get yourself a girl mate. Unplug, for everyone's sake. It's okay to like a good game (which the latest CoDs aren't), but your obsession is just flat out unhealthy.

Do you exist only to be an asshole?
I have a girlfriend, I only play for 3 hours a day at the most. I don't have an obsession with it. The only one I even OWN is Black Ops.

I edit 30 second clips together using the game and I linked it to my fucking youtube account. You act as if I spend all day doing this. Shut the hell up for once, okay?

Or go to Kotaku. You belong there.
But there is no need to keep making so many bloody threads. We want more community, but branch out. It's always cod cod cod cod. I want steak, not fish!

It just reeks of plugging, I love morrowind just as much as you seem to go for these games, but I'm not plastering the forums with it.
Plus, didn't Shenta or DeTing make a COD Youtube thread?

Anyways, I don't care. Each of you are doing your respective thing (makin' CoD threads, harassing the noobs). The important thing is that you're having fun.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
But there is no need to keep making so many bloody threads. We want more community, but branch out. It's always cod cod cod cod. I want steak, not fish!

It just reeks of plugging, I love morrowind just as much as you seem to go for these games, but I'm not plastering the forums with it.

I put up the OT thread. Okay, that's one.
The speculation thread is up because an OT thread wasn't suggested yet. That's two.

This one is a bit more personal. That's three.
I don't intend on making anymore.

This is what branching out gets you
I'm gonna have to agree with Eyebrows. More on the play better games thing than anything. You'll thank me when you grow up to be more than uncultured swine.
Longo_2_guns said:
I'm gonna have to agree with Eyebrows. More on the play better games thing than anything. You'll thank me when you grow up to be more than uncultured swine.

So, you think the only thing I play is CoD?

Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.

and thanks used.
Longo_2_guns said:
I never said that was the only thing you played. It's just the only one you talk about.

No it's not.
I made a BF3 topic, I've discussed Zelda, Pokemon, Batman, Homefront, X-Men, Halo Demon/Dark Souls, Ninja Gaiden, shall I go on?
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