Moments in gaming you were disturbed.

If you've ever seen the female dwarves in Lineage II it's pretty disturbing. They're not that bad by themselves but when you think about how the male dwarves look in comparison...


So i was scrolling on the last page, then i came to this post near the bottom.

Then i 'noped' and ran from the room.
Not quite disturbing but the school house in Silent Hill 1 was pretty creepy. Also not exactly disturbing but every time I stumbled across child size skeletons in FO3 and New Vegas made me pretty sad. Even more so when it is set up a certain way to give you an idea of what happened to them. :(
There was something about watching the Professors getting squashed in Gyromite that was just too much to handle at that young of an age. I didn't feel that way about the Duck Hunt ducks or Link and Mario, but fucking Gyromite. That horrible squishing sound will stay with me always.
I had to play with my 5 year old cousin who was just an absolute sociopath and still is. He made my gaming life pure hell by squashing me at any given moment, most of the times not warranted, so, yeah, that game was pretty fucking disturbing and for varied reason because it was at this point where I first got a taste of the evil that life had in store for me.

And everything after that's been fairly easy to cope with. An honorable mention to the first time the zombie dogs crash through the windows in Resident Evil 1, though it's cinematic and loses its effect after the first time. Still, it was fun showing new people the scene. But you never knew with Gyromite. It was up to player 2's discretion whether you'll live or not. Props, Nintendo, for you sure don't fuck around when it comes to social dynamics, not even in the early days.
aka how Nintendo taught me to hate and to be distrusting of others, especially my own family
***Prince of Persia 2008 spoilers (like you care)***

The ending to the Prince of Persia reboot disturbed me profoundly because the Prince undid everything the player had been working towards at the drop of a hat and re-released the God of Evil Cliches from his prison in order to revive a girl, who he had just barely gotten to know, against her will. It turns out the Prince is an incredible retard. I guess the joke is on me. The game ends with the main villain clicking his heels with glee as he laughs at the player's stupidity, and then Elika basically says "Oh well, who cares phbhbhbbbt!" Roll credits.

Fuck you, Ubisoft.

edit: the rest of the game is mostly shit, too.
Guan_Yu said:
***Prince of Persia 2008 spoilers (like you care)***

The ending to the Prince of Persia reboot disturbed me profoundly because the Prince undid everything the player had been working towards at the drop of a hat and re-released the God of Evil Cliches from his prison in order to revive a girl, who he had just barely gotten to know, against her will. It turns out the Prince is an incredible retard. I guess the joke is on me. The game ends with the main villain clicking his heels with glee as he laughs at the player's stupidity, and then Elika basically says "Oh well, who cares phbhbhbbbt!" Roll credits.

Fuck you, Ubisoft.

edit: the rest of the game is mostly shit, too.
You gonna hate fight club too. *Spoiler!* The hero was the bad guy and he still lets detonate the bombs just to save a girl. Man what a jerk! Guess it's the worst film of all time! am i riiiight?.

But speaking of disturbing moment... Inafume
Tyler Durden was also batshit insane and couldn't control what he was doing half the time, and Fight Club was actually good. Prince of Persia 2008 will spit in your face from start to finish if you happen to like good things. The ending is just one last corny nugget on top of an already steaming pile.

I will say, the art is stellar and half the platforming is decent, but it just seems like wasted potential. I am being hyperbolic in what I am saying about the game but I feel like they really gutted the series when they should have been improving upon what was already there.
A helluva of lot stuff in Dead Space 2 disturbed me, especially the moments where you think a enemy is dead and you start meandering until to sh*t your pants and start swearing at your television.

Naked Raiden

I second the suggestion of the certain part in Bioshock, the whole game I spent hating that man and everything about him only to have my whole world turned upside down. Every motivation and hatred I had against Ryan and the trust and likeness of Atlas just screwed my judgment and made me wonder what I did.


Alma, causing confusion in sexuality since 2004
Delorean88 said:

Alma, causing confusion in sexuality since 2004
Oh God I forgot all about Alma, probably because I repressed it. It's just some weirdly sexualized demon... thing? Gives me the jeeblies.

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