Jenifer hepler DID NOT quit because of harrassment



Seems news outlet got confused over the mess. Jenifer mentioned the frustation over the harassment but assures everyone she is NOT leaving because of the harassment. She did give thanks to the people who gave her support when her story reappeared on the surface but pointed out it was for family reason she left bioware.

When asked if the harassment led to her depature, Hepler told Polygon “No, leaving Bioware was for family reasons. I am going to be working on a text book on narrative design among other game-related freelance projects.â€
I'm glad this got cleared up. But like helper pointed out in the article, making her case and just any harassment aware is the step towards the right thing for staff like her, the industry as a whole and most importantly, the gaming community. She even still getting support from bioware staff, the #1reasonwhy movement and her many fans (like me!) who encourage her in her new career.

So it's a happy end pretty much. Still mad that it happened in the first place but hey! People are maturing up, let's be happy about that instead.
danielrbischoff said:
I guaran-fucking-tee you the harassment had something to do with her leaving a cushy writing job like the one she had at Bioware.

Oh totally. I mean if i was in her shoes and i had to choose between a cushy jobs with online harassers or being poor but helping my family, i totally would pick the latter and not end my life with high blood pressure.
danielrbischoff said:
I guaran-fucking-tee you the harassment had something to do with her leaving a cushy writing job like the one she had at Bioware.

Well, if thats the case she didnt say it, so anyone saying otherwise is just spreading rumors.

I already reported on this as being a fabrication over at BT. It pissed me off that people thought otherwise.
Huh... you are mad that people thought she did quit because of the harassment... wait what?
Lien said:
Huh... you are mad that people thought she did quit because of the harassment... wait what?
Probably in the sense that they'd be thinking, "Oh, she quit because she couldn't handle it. Loser's in the wrong industry. She deserved it."

I assume that's where Links is coming from.
De-Ting said:
Lien said:
Huh... you are mad that people thought she did quit because of the harassment... wait what?
Probably in the sense that they'd be thinking, "Oh, she quit because she couldn't handle it. Loser's in the wrong industry. She deserved it."

I assume that's where Links is coming from.

In part, yes.

Also mad because game journalists by and large mis-represented the story. That irked me too.
Oh i hate that too. But like i pointed out up there and in the article, the mis-information wasn't all that bad. Jenifer received thousands of e-mails of new people who just heard of her woes wishing her good luck in her next career and asking her to stay strong. Even if those people were misinformed, it put jenifer in a much better mood when she left Bioware. Like I'm sure she knew then that everything she did wasn't for nothing.

Can you imagine what would of happened if she left without the press saying a word? I still say her story needs to be remembered and let the haters know things like they put her through can't be forgotten that easily.
De-Ting said:
Lien said:
Huh... you are mad that people thought she did quit because of the harassment... wait what?
Probably in the sense that they'd be thinking, "Oh, she quit because she couldn't handle it. Loser's in the wrong industry. She deserved it."
That's not what I thought, but maybe some others with my point of view felt that way. I understand it and she couldn't come out and say "yeah all these mean internet bullies pushed me out of my job, so now I'm writing a text book." That'd be depressing. Of course you have to say "No they didn't really have anything to do with me leaving" because you take away the bully satisfaction.... but... I mean, c'mon.

No one leaves Bioware, writing amazing, nerdy, inclusive fiction... to write a fucking text book without a really terrifying work environment to blame.
danielrbischoff said:
No one leaves Bioware, writing amazing, nerdy, inclusive fiction... to write a fucking text book without a really terrifying work environment to blame.
Drew Karpryshyn did. And let's be real, he was the last truly amazing writer they had.
Longo_2_guns said:
danielrbischoff said:
No one leaves Bioware, writing amazing, nerdy, inclusive fiction... to write a fucking text book without a really terrifying work environment to blame.
Drew Karpryshyn did. And let's be real, he was the last truly amazing writer they had.

Patrick Weekes.

And honestly, Karpyshyn wasn't that good.

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