I thought summer was meant to be the era of crap games!

Look at GR's reviews for the past month - the worst game only got a D+, and there have been a solid number of Bs, and even a few As.

Do you reckon publishers have realised that people actually have spare time to play games in the summer and that you can't be sunbathing every day?
Summer will always remain a shit time for new releases. Publishers generally release the big games either during the holiday season or prior to the summer so gamers have their summer filled with great games that they haven't gotten around to playing yet.
I agree with NES. I count MSG4 a before summer release. We won't see anything big until at least September.
Rakon said:
I agree with NES. I count MSG4 a before summer release. We won't see anything big until at least September.
Yup, it all picks up in september. Oh well, I have plenty of games I still have to play.
Agreed. Summer is usually lack luster in terms of AAA releases. Although, so far it's been pretty good. I just pick up BF: Bad Company and it's great. There is also some price drops on games i've been wanting this summer as well :D
I'm just hoping GR reviews Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Languard, even though I would buy it regardless of the grade they give it.
But I can't, seeing that I don't have the game, and that I've yet to see at the local game store.

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