I forget how to put images in user made reviews...


...I did a quick search and couldn't find anything, and I even asked Maca...But he's drunk which also means he is completely useless to me right now. I was wondering if any GR users or any Admins would be kind enough to tell me the secret?

I once knew but...Can't remember at all now.

Also..In one of my other reviews, I managed to change the text colour..And I forget how that was done as well. It seems if I do it in Word and paste it into the review box, it goes back to the default colour.
You hurt me Colin. Yes I am drunk (drinking all day does that to a guy) but I'm not useless. Am I? I don't think I am. Maybe I am. I don't know any more. Sod you all.

Protip: Put the images in your bio, then just highlight the image in said bio, invoke ctrl + c and then ctrl + v that baby into the review. Voila.
I'm html/coding illiterate. Big Time. There should be a FAQ for writing reviews, posting pics in reviews, formatting text in reviews, etc.
You don't really need to use HTML when writing reviews since pretty much everything you'd normally want is in the panel above the text box but I can make a UBB FAQ for the boards if people would find it useful, basic HTML commands aren't too dissimilar either.


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