Gods Of The New Age


Documentary from the 80's about Hinduism.
Atheist think Christians are crazy. Still funny to me atheist's are so hard on bashing Christians, yet I've never seen anywhere a Atheist bashing other religions. On forums, and what not. To pretend that all religions are the same is dishonest, however that's they way it's becoming unfortunately....
Don't have time to watch the documentary, but true Atheists make fun of all religions equally. They respect a person a right to believe whatever religion might be, even if it's bullshit to them.
UghRochester said:
true Atheists make fun of all religions equally. They respect a person a right to believe whatever religion might be, even if it's bullshit to them.


Just let people believe what they want because no amount of arguing and debate will convince someone to change their life-beliefs (although the arguing and debating can be fun). In my experience, the only thing that can change what one believes in (or doesn't) is time and perspective.
I've found the more trendy athiest likes to poke Islam, largely because they're like that kid in highschool who goes apeshit if you say anything to them at all
See here's the thing. There's what like 2.2 billion Christians. That's alot of friggin people! And if you lump these people all into one stereotypical category then you're no worse than the people you're claiming are wrong.

Same with Islam, I have Muslim friends here who tell me all that 40 virgins thing is crap and they don't believe that God (Allah) would ever want us to kill each other over faith. Yeah there are crackpot muslims in the Middle East but there's 1.5 billion in the world and not every single one wishes death to America.

I grew up in a Catholic home, and they're like the extremists of Christianity. Perhaps if I grew up Prodistin I wouldn't feel so Agnostic? Alot of Catholics become Athiest/Agnostic because of how ridiculously strict they are. I mean no sex before marriage, are you kidding me? Anyway, my point is instead of bashing an entire religion Athiest's would be less hypocritical if they bashed the individual (or group).
I still wish them fake Atheist would make fun of lesser known religion like Zoroastrianism or Sikhism. But noooooo! They gotta poke fun at popular beliefs cause it got millions of followers! They are also into the new age stuff so no making fun of far east religion! What! They not worthy of your time?

Ppfff... if them fake Atheist like to generalize religions then I'll generalize them: Atheists are a bunch of whiners who cannot make a constructive argument against non-monotheism belief cause it's easier to hate the popular kids on the block and that brings more attention.

Green_Lantern said:
De-Ting said:
My favorite is when atheists say "oh my god" and "Jesus Christ."

That is all.

That's a figure of speech with no further connotations....
Say that to fox news running a "allahu akbar" clip once in a while...

Guys just go to the Grand Canyon, take alot of peyote and you'll find God. Just don't wind up like that kid in 127 Hours.

Afterwards, you'll know the solution.

Oh but wait till you're at least 21. And always wear a condom.
De-Ting said:
My favorite is when atheists say "oh my god" and "Jesus Christ."

This is why I've started saying "Oh my Batman". It's a good thing I don't cry to a higher power in the act. "Oh Batman" could raise some eyebrows, or get me slapped, but most assuredly leave me wanting.
If you think someone who says "Oh my God" is implying they're religious then you're probably dumb enough to think anyone who says "fuck" is implying sex.
I don't think it's people's fault that you don't understand the difference between connotation and denotation, so I think that hate is a little bit misplaced.
You're right, I'm just bent out of shape because of the blatant disrespect and disregard for morality society so gleefully accepts. And I didn't say I hate the people who do this sort of nonsense, just the fact that they do it.

By the way, Longo. You've got mail.

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