Games of 2KX


What's everyone looking forward to this year?

Monster Hunter 3
No More Heroes 2
Red Steel 2
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Sin & Punishment 2
Metroid: Other M
Epic Mickey

Halo: Reach
Alan Wake

Gran Turismo 5
3D Dot Game Heroes
The Last Guardian
MLB 10: The Show

Left 4 Dead 2 (hey, I'll purchase it this year, finally!)
Starcraft 2

Final Fantasy XIII
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Bioshock 2
Mass Effect 2
Megaman 10

(lot of sequels..)
FF13 (also for 360 by the way :p), Bioshock 2, No More Heroes 2, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other's gonna be badass muthatrucker!!

Plus at E3 2010 they will reveal a fuckload about Wii Zelda 2!
BackBreaker Football, hopefully it will either be better than Madden, or force Madden to innovate and actually earn their $60 out of me each year.

GT5 also, I haven't heard anything about this game sicne I bought Prologue like 2 years ago...any new information?
Oops. Forgot FFXIII is on the 360. I've just pushed it out of my mind because disc switching is so two decades ago.
Final Fantasy 13, Bioshock 2, some Phoenix Wright games for the DS, No more Heroes 2, Lost Planet 2 and many more.

These are just tip of the iceberg. ;)
If I had a Wii I would be excited for Monster Hunter 3. I am looking forward to Halo: Reach and Starcraft 2 (please please please let them actually release it this year). Also, I am similar to you that I will be looking forward to finally playing L4D2. Those are probably the main ones for me.
I'm interested in Lego Harry Potter, but it's more a title of interest when it comes down in price.

Heavy Rain looks interesting too.
No More Heroes 2
Mass Effect 2
3D Dot Game Heroes
Just Cause 2
God of War 3
Gran Turismo 5

That's about it.
am i the only one looking forward to red dead redemption? i mean sure, all the other games listed so far i want to play, but come on people. red dead redemption. a western. no silly storyline needed for why you are strapped to the teeth. it's a western, where men were measured in how much lead they could deal out. screw bioshock 2, gow 3, ff whatever number or silly side story. a western damnit. a real mans game.

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