Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!

Man, when Sony BMG takes that money and sues another grandmother because her grandkids are getting albums from Pirate Bay then you tell me where the bullshit lies.
rage = owned by sony
idol = owned by sony
you supporting this cause = idiot

this isn't going to hurt sony in the least. if anything they'll try to get you all to do it over and over. also, picking out a song thats about revolution to fight a powerfull corporation that owns said song, not the brightest idea. it's like siding with your enemy.
malakian said:
i'm a bit confused as to why you're both talking about sony.

I'm sure you realise Sony BMG own the rights to both songs and the implications of that fact. What people who voice that opinion seem to forget is that the point of all this is to show big record labels that there is a sizeable market for alternative music and cheesy covers et al is not the be all and end all of music. The charts don't have to be dominated by shit regardless of who the money is going to.

I read an article that SonyBMG is the parent company of all the labels Alex, that is why I'm talking about them

Sam, I get the idea- the fact that there is a puppet master behind the idea kind of kills it for me.
StalfrosCC said:
I read an article that SonyBMG is the parent company of all the labels Alex, that is why I'm talking about them

Sam, I get the idea- the fact that there is a puppet master behind the idea kind of kills it for me.

I'm pretty sure you would have but there are others who may miss it and jump straight to the pessimistic "you're wasting your time" angle. The concept of enormous conglomerates pulling all strings is a shitter but it's also the truth. Mars makes dog food (they own Pedigree apparently), Sony BMG occupies all markets of music in some way, Nestle is on their way to owning food, there's a huge nameless company behind pretty much everything these days. Try to boycott Google and see how far you get what with their GPS, phone service, email, advertising and of course search engine: it's the same deal with music, boycotting one song means nothing to Sony since they get billions from all their other songs but perhaps if we show them that better music is also an excellent source of moolah they may give more funding to real music.

At the very least we get to piss off Simon Cowell and who doesn't want to do that? He can be right pissed off at us on his yacht (what a fucker).

Well the Daily Mail rag has a funny article up today:

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/ar ... owell.html

From the quotes given in the article it seems that RATM is being nothing but courteous, directing no attacks to Joe McElderry ("It is dreadful and I hate it. How could anyone enjoy this?" spoken just before he probably started crying and calling for his mummy) and Simon Cowell (has called the campaign 'stupid' and aimed at him). They're even donating some of their proceeds from all these sales to the charity Shelter (a charity set up to help homeless people) and have gently invited Cowell to do the same: yeah it's just a way of making him part with money or look selfish but what a way to do it!

Louis Walsh has blamed them for taking the fun out of the race to Christmas number 1 (must not be fun when the result isn't cut and dried in his favour). Cheryl Cole, beauty that she is, has even said if the RATM campaign (not band) makes it to number 1 she'll be gutted for McElderry AND our charts. Bless her, she thinks that stuff's real music.

"He added that the band would be donating the unexpected royalties to the homeless charity Shelter."

"What you're seeing is real democracy."

This is why i love RATM.

"Backing Joe: Radio Five Live's Shelagh Fogarty wants the public to buy McElderry's single after Rage's X-rated outburst on her show"

Flawless Victory by RATM.

I would like to say, lastly, only a complete PUSSY would do a cover of a miley cyrus "song".
Ha, good stuff. All the people I hate are proving why I hate them.
Good to know RATM are being pleasant about everything. They had nothing to do with the campaign after all, it's probably what every human being with a heart would do in the end.
Haha, I'm not bothered enough to download it .I already have it -_-

None of this is very Christmassy! BRING BACK THE KINKS!
Actually I heard that the 29p Amazon file doesn't count towards the chart count. The cut off is supposedly 50p.

Yeah but amazon since confirmed it does - they are selling at a loss and making the markup to 40p - the minimum.
We won!


The article says it all really but RATM won by 50,000. I admit I'm in the pessimistic side in believing this will change anything. When next Christmas comes around there will almost certainly be another X Factor with another shit cover by the winner (who will almost certainly be talented but given limited opportunities due to constricting contracts and terrible songs) and of course Sony will want to artificially induce another one of these campaigns to ensure more sales (I'm sure McElderry's song did better as a result of the increased competition and, of course, RATM is on the same label so whoever loses Sony wins). If I'm right in thinking this then I hope the chosen song for the campaign next year will be from a small, less represented band so most if not all of the royalties go to them.

In spite of this I am happy that I took part in this campaign, not because we necessarily changed something past the result of this year's Christmas number 1 but because fuck major record labels. Simon Cowell has played a major part in helping awful music and the complete lack of creativity propagate and has benefited enormously. Well done to him for making money but it's at the expense of talented young people who could have gone on to make great music instead of cover after cover after bland original. So yeah, I hope we have pissed him and his ilk off this year. The race to Christmas number 1 is far more fun for everyone (excluding Louis Walsh) when the result is not cut and dried and it's wonderful that enough people put money where their mouth is to edge out the powerhouses.

I dislike the music you like!

The charts were never indicative of quality music; only tweenage girls give two shits about the Christmas #1; music is a matter of taste; Simon Cowell/Joe McElderry are still loaded; probably fueld by Cowell and Sony- way to get played; fuck you I'll do what some faceless website persona tells me; paying money for a worthless act of spite; Cowell and X-Factor have no affect upon music beyond said worthless charts and equally worthless television; de la Rocha sounds like a twelve year old boy in both vocals and sentiment; "democracy" in a protest vote; the same thing will happen next year.
Wow. The cookster is back with another typicallly cynical opinion and the longest GR sentence of 2009.

This is really an incredible victory for what people can do together. I'm incredibly proud to have helped put a song I love in the public eye.

Did you just learn what a semi-colon does? I know I used them a lot when I found out a few years ago; perhaps not enough to actually replace full stops in a huge run on sentence though (see what I did thar?)

Anyway, Cookster, if you read my post you will have seen that I acknowledged the exact same thing will almost certainly happen again next year but so what? Wouldn't you prefer for a relatively unknown band to become enormously known thanks to the efforts of the internet? Surely that is better than yet another X-Factor winner to get no.1 by a landslide. There is no spite behind this: RATM is donating the proceeds to charity, Joe McElderry still made it to no.2 and is no doubt making pots of money for Simon Cowell and the like, this is just introducing new music to the Christmas no.1.

The most worthless vote is one that is never cast.


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