David vs Goliath (Israel & Palestine)

Who is to blaim?

  • Israel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hamas

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • USA

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Iran and Syria

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Weird none have brought this up.

Todays news is that Israel have begun their invasion of Gaza, after have done 750 airal bombarments of Hamas placement.
Roughly 500 dead on the palestine side, and 10 or so in Israel... (No official numbers of how many of the 500 were Hamas, that can be confirmed by international press)

Here is what I think, I have not much sympathy for Gaza, Israel are protecting their population against terrorist attacks, they had to build a wall and several military checkpoints to prevent more suicide bombers.

Some clips worth watching

- We love death, as much as you love life.

- Praising the Qassam rockets that are hitting Israeli civilians

- Two children talking about their mother who blew herself and 5 Israeli into smitherens.
In the palestines' defense, i would be pretty pissed if someone one day brought a bunch of people to my place and simply said: Hey, these people are gonna live here now, kthxbye.
Actually it was the UN that asked the arabian countries if they could form the state Israel in that area after WW2: )
So it is not like it was a surprise :D
If its a linen closet in the Royal Palace, then yes.

Hamas is the only one to blame here. Israel and the Palestinian authorities (as well as the Palestinian people) are calling for peace, but the Hamas care more about rockets than food.
Tylzen said:
Actually it was the UN that asked the arabian countries if they could form the state Israel in that area after WW2: )
So it is not like it was a surprise :D

But the palestines were not consulted at all, most of them were against it. With all the crap that went on over there, most people had a change of heart and want to compromise. Still, the UN and the Israeli are the ones to blame for starting this shit, not the palestine civilians, wich incidentally are the ones getting the bigger share of the dick Israel and the Hamas are trying to pound into each other.
Gotta love humans, the least advanced animal to ever live.
I don't want to comment on this yet because it's far from over, but the problem here is not so much that this is happening, but more of the fact that this can spiral out of control.

What we need to fear is outside interference by other countries on behalf of Hamas. If that happens, we have to get involved.
^Then we better hope we (I'd say you, but he's about to be my President, so I'll back him) didn't back a President who is afraid to look bad by not sending in the military or sending in too little (see Clinton in Somalia).
If I were a Palestinian civilian trying to get by in the ghettos of Gaza, where Israel controls the flow of goods and services, and 2/3 of the people are living in poverty, and half are unemployed, and security checkpoints are set up, I would be pissed at Israel too, whether it was for the right reasons or not. And if hundreds of rockets fired at Israel resulted in a few dozen casualties made the Israelis retaliate with airstrikes that killed hundreds--a significant portion civilians--then I would be even more pissed at Israel.

I don't think that doling out blame is ever the appropriate thing to do, but I think anyone dismissing all the Palestinians as terrorists who got what was coming to them is dangerous and naive.
True that placing Israel where it is now, was a bad idea.
But now they are there, and they have been for 60 years, why not create peace.

Israel is doing what I think 99% of all nations with the capability would do.
If your neighbourhood was daily bombarded by mortars and qassam rockets, you'll probably want the government to take actions.

also the fact that Israel have conducted 750 airstrikes in one of the most densely populated areas in the world, and "only" killing few hundreds is an achivement.
Israel also by air mail they dropped told the local population to leave certain areas.

But Hamas are using civilians as human shields, children, women, elderly, this is a fact!
If they have a child at a Hamas HQ, and it dies, then Hamas can use it to recruit more people.

Also calling it a genocide or state funded terrorism is way out of proportions.
Israel is a country with nuclear capability, if they truly wanted to erase the palestines, they would have nuked them, or just carpet bombed the entire region.

Israel have done a lot of efforts to help and make sure the palestines can redeem themself.
They pulled settlers out of places they were not suppose to be, they went out of Gaza in 2002, they gave them finicial aid.

But since it did not help, there were still suicide bombers, the check points and wall came.

If you're a palestine with legit purpose you can pass the check points.

The fact is also that Hamas are targetting civilians, and Israel are targetting Hamas, but regrettable, as in any war, civilan casulaties can not be prevented.
Just look at Iraq and Afghanistan, several hundred thousand civilians died because of the Allied that got in there.
Kiristo said:
Least advanced? They're not just throwing rocks at each other. Lets see a monkey make a RPG.

Read between the lines. Least advanced in a sense that despite all the tecnology and our so called inteligence, we still fuck each other over for frivolous reasons and often drag "animals" that have nothing to do with our little quarrel into the mix. Maybe monkeys can't make a RPG, but at least they're not trying to set the world on fire.]

EDIT: Regarding Tylzen's last post: I wasn't really trying to "take sides" with my earlier post. The Israeli are trying to compromise, and that's good.
All i was saying is, if a guy showed up at my house one day, out of the blue, and wanted to compromise for half of it, i would fill his ass with shotgun pellets before he could spell compromise.
The point is, Both the Israeli and the Hamas are wrong and i hope they bomb the shit out of each other into ashes just so they will stop fucking up the civilian's lives. :?
I think a lot of what is going on right now has to do with the rumored Syrian/Israeli peace treaty that might soon be in the works. The last thing that Hamas and the Palestinians want to see is a treaty between the two. Support for them from Jordan and Egypt completely eroded when they signed treaties with Israel, and Egypt reportedly aided in the intelligence that was used to take out senior Hamas leaders when this all began. Hamas is probably hoping a wider confrontation with Israel will sabotage or at least delay any peace talks.
my problem with this situation is, why did jews need their own country? I know they claim israel as their holy land, but just because a religion or other organization says they should have some land, does not make it theirs. After the holocaust, much of the western world realized the struggles of the Jews and became much more accepting of them, the USA and most of western europe, i think, are very accepting of Jews, and many Jews did settle there but why couldn't all the Jews do so, i understand if they wanted to leave Germany because of the bad stigma, but there was plenty room elsewhere.

Basically the way I see it, is that the philosophy of the major western countries after WW2 was that all people have equal rights and should be able to peacefully coexist together, and this was seen in the states with desegregation starting soon after WW2, but then they decided that Jews shouldn't have to live with the rest of us they need their own country, and that the palestinians would have to move over. I don't get it.
I voted for Hamas. They store and produce their weapons next to churches and schooles. Using them as a human shield. They have put their people in endanger by breaking the ceasefire and calling foul when their human shields are killed.
I just think it is funny that; for thousands of years, the Palestinians and the Jewish people have been at each others throats for so long. I honestly think it is ingrained in these two cultures to hate each other.

In my opinion Hamas are a bunch of bastards who use human shields and the Israelis are a tad bit heavy handed when it comes to airstrikes.

But alas, I'm just a fat, imperialist, pig dog American, what do i know.
Blame all. This on going war has become an tradition around there, so they will never stop. They should also start competing in sports instead of war. That would be interesting.
at this point, trying to pin it on Israel for taking over the Palestinian lands is pointless. For the past few years, the Palestinian Government in the West Bank has been trying to negotiate a peaceful settlement between Israel and Palestine that would grant them more freedoms and maybe even establish a separate Palestinian state, which the Palestinians deserve. Unfortunately, all negotiations have been undermined by Hamas.

If they didn't fire the missiles and just continue the truce, they wouldn't be getting their asses kicked. Using civilians as meat shields doesn't earn my sympathy either. For centuries the Palestinians have been the outcasts of the Arab world, and they're not helping themselves any more. Even the Egyptians want to see Hamas wiped off the face of the Earth. Its their fault at this point if you ask me.
I vote in favor of Israel, and always will. Supposedly, according to the Bible, there will never be peace in the Middle East. So all you athiest morons out there, chalk that up to one prophecy that you'll never disprove.

In fact, if it were up to me, the Middle East would be a glass parking lot right now. So be glad that it's not up to me. Just ask yourself what has been the 'hot spot' for the last 40 years, and you'll come to realize that a 'certain region' has been causing all the World's problems for generations.

Funny, they can't even get along with each other, but when it comes to Israel, they suddenly team up to protest. The most oppressed people in history, and we're supposed to side against them? Maybe you should take a long hard look at your own beliefs, instead of ridiculing everyone else.

And by the way, read this..

http://www.usnews.com/blogs/capital-com ... pdate.html

And be aware that Yellowstone is a super-volcano, which would completely destroy all life on earth if it erupted...

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