Can't talk about work

GL, do you actually work with legal issues yourself, or do you work in the department doing other work?

I want to make my work sound more exciting. It's super top secret, and there are occasional lockdowns. There are also often police/security, and ummm... Well, no one's threatened me personally yet.
Sightless said:
GL, do you actually work with legal issues yourself, or do you work in the department doing other work?

I want to make my work sound more exciting. It's super top secret, and there are occasional lockdowns. There are also often police/security, and ummm... Well, no one's threatened me personally yet.

I'm guessing either a half-way house or a shelter for abused women.
It's not that exciting. :( I would happily work there, but the pay wouldn't be as good, and most of it would likely be volunteer work unless I were in a managerial position of some kind, finance or what have you. I'm not that skilled. I'm a thinker, but I don't have the training in the businessy areas that everyone thinks they're looking for.

I wish people would be more open to innovation and action in their organizations. Unfortunately, you either get stagnant government suit-type orgs, or the radical anarchists. What bothers me the most is the fake innovative movements, like "oh yeah, we're all into social media and you can give us your feedback directly to the CEO" but no meaningful dialogue actually occurs apart from delicately explaining how the ideas are good but cannot be implemented.

I feel like I should change my lifestyle to like... go live in the mountains or something (or in my underwater commune), because I often feel kinda useless where I am right now.
Sightless said:
I feel like I should change my lifestyle to like... go live in the mountains or something (or in my underwater commune), because I often feel kinda useless where I am right now.

Have you thought about the possibility of going back to college or something to try and learn more skills and get some more qualifications? Is there anything that interests you in particular? Or... Are there any particular hobbies or creative goals you might have in mind to try and do and achieve in your free time?

I work as a multimedia developer for the government. I work in a two man team (used to be three) where we make a lot of educational material, usually health related with the target audience of Indigenous Australians. We do the lot - we film it, we edit it, we do any audio recordings, we make animations, graphic design, photography etc. Most of the time we make DVDs that end up in the hands of health workers - whether it's doctors, nurses, or Aboriginal health workers and liaison officers. These DVDs are intended to help the health workers educate Indigenous patients on various health matters.

Sometimes we might do a little bit more "mainstream"... so a certain department/unit wants to promote something, they'll come to us and we'll help them promote it.

Here are two trailers to show the work we do. This is for a project with "NCPIC" - National Cannabis Prevention Information Centre, and how they wanted to show case how abuse of cannabis is having a negative affect on Indigenous Australians and the communities they live in.

Trailer 1 - (urban environments)
Trailer 2 - (rural/isolated environments)

I also work as a freelance artist. At the moment I only have two clients. GameRevolution, as I help them make the weekly GR Strips webcomic and then a local group DBMAS (Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Services), where I help them make short animations regarding dementia education.

Here's my first animation with DBMAS - - I'm currently working on another one on the weekends.

I guess this is volunteer work, but I'm an assistant coach at my judo club, helping to coach the junior players (the kids). This involves drilling exercises with them (and participating with them), instruction of techniques and then coaching them at competitions (which seriously sometimes feels like a Pokemon battle). When ever we travel for competitions, I've gotta look after 'em too.
Sightless said:
GL, do you actually work with legal issues yourself, or do you work in the department doing other work?

Yes and no. I work in line with legal issues all the time, but I don't have a JD or anything like that.
Finding it weird that GL, one of the guy that can say the most controversial things in the GR forum, is working for legals for a train company.

I guess, in the day time, he's the exemplary legal man. At night, he's GL.
Lien said:
I guess, in the day time, he's the exemplary legal man. At night, he's GL.

Answer the question, GL!

So I just got back eight boxes full of papers coming back from a federal court thing. Moving them up and down (just a single floor) was my workout for the day. Can I nap now? I was meant to sit at a desk and type, not actually *do* things. Jeez.
Right now I work in an administrative department at my university. Boring office shit. This next year I'll be trading that job in to work as a research assistant, which will be fulfilling and pays more.
If you work with the university, I bet you're getting paid well... I remember even for one-day jobs helping the Imaginus poster sale, you'd get paid the normal university pay which was like 22-24/hr? Ridiculous.

What sorts of documents do you process? Or are you with the registrar or something?

Research assistant can be nice, but they can also be even more boring than an admin job, depending on the prof and how they've framed the role... I've seen people be RAs that are actually more like GTAs/TAs, and more or less photocopy things. Which I guess is just fine and dandy, considering the pay. Do you know what you'll be doing? Any cool lab work or something?
Sightless said:
If you work with the university, I bet you're getting paid well... I remember even for one-day jobs helping the Imaginus poster sale, you'd get paid the normal university pay which was like 22-24/hr? Ridiculous.

What sorts of documents do you process? Or are you with the registrar or something?

Research assistant can be nice, but they can also be even more boring than an admin job, depending on the prof and how they've framed the role... I've seen people be RAs that are actually more like GTAs/TAs, and more or less photocopy things. Which I guess is just fine and dandy, considering the pay. Do you know what you'll be doing? Any cool lab work or something?

Right now I'm making $10/hr doing office work in the continuing and professional studies department. Really boring shit. Only 10 hours a week max, so not great money.

My research assistant job pays $300 per week regardless of whatever hours I work, though it's expected I'll work between 15-20 hours per week.

The job has clearly defined parameters, thankfully. I'm actually going to be splitting my time each week working for one of the musicology professors here and the department chair. While I work for the musicology professor, I'll be helping him do research for a book chapter that he's writing on film music analysis, which is basically what I do, so I'm going to find that to be pretty useful for my personal work. I'll also be doing some work for him as part of his work as a forensic musicologist. Basically, he's an expert witness for music companies and bands/artists for copyright lawsuits involving music. I'll get to do some work related to that, but it's pretty hush hush for legal reasons. He's actually hiring a second student work to do the work for his classes, so I won't be burdened with any of that shit, thankfully.

When I work for the department chair, I'll probably be mostly helping with administrative duties in the department and organizing events, but I might also get some work on the recording sessions that we do here, as well as other functions. At any rate, it will be work related to film music, so it's going to be way better than the shit I'm doing now anyways.
That is awesome. It's great to be able to do something relevant, eh. I love forensics, in a variety of areas. I wish I could have studied some here, but for whatever reason, it's not a big thing. For anything I was interested in, I think I'd've had to go to the States for solid education/accreditation.

Working for the Dept Chair is a good opportunity for networking (I hate that word), and getting in on cool events. People will know you. ;)

Pretty lucky you have these opportunities. Sounds like so much fun. Exciting times!
Sightless said:
That is awesome. It's great to be able to do something relevant, eh. I love forensics, in a variety of areas. I wish I could have studied some here, but for whatever reason, it's not a big thing. For anything I was interested in, I think I'd've had to go to the States for solid education/accreditation.

Working for the Dept Chair is a good opportunity for networking (I hate that word), and getting in on cool events. People will know you. ;)

Pretty lucky you have these opportunities. Sounds like so much fun. Exciting times!

Yeah, I'm pretty excited. What's especially great is that I was basically chosen for this position out of the other 23 students in my program. I was specifically recommended for it as their top choice. Which should be a good thing for me if I want to try and stick around for a PhD.
Are you thinking much about a PhD? Are you building up the fanciest CV anyone's ever seen? Are you going to also let GR in on your secret secrets?
Sightless said:
Are you thinking much about a PhD? Are you building up the fanciest CV anyone's ever seen? Are you going to also let GR in on your secret secrets?

I have been considering it quite a bit. I'm only 23 (today is my birthday!) and if I do a PhD I'll be 27-28 when I finish, which isn't terribly old. It would be nice to be able to continue studying film music in an academic setting for a while longer, and I'm not terribly keen on moving into the industry right now.

It also helps that the analysis of film music is a pretty young field, with lots of opportunities, and doing some work in that wouldn't be a bad idea (or at least that's what I keep telling myself).

As for my secret secrets, I don't know. I probably won't be able to give many details at all. The last thing I want to be is liable for an appearance in court, which could happen. Maybe if I were posting under an anonymous pseudonym and didn't disclose here where I'm at I could get away with more details, but I'd personally rather not risk it.

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