Arrow OT (SPOILERS...can't make that much clearer)

Let's talk about Arrow. Where do we start, since this has been made during the middle of S2? For the last few episodes, I noticed Roy isn't getting much involved. At the beginning of Season 2, he was getting so much focus, now he's just there for image.

How about Oliver and Slade finally seeing each other face to face after all these years? What I want to know is whether Diggle is captured or just knocked out. I have a strong feeling it was Cyrus Gold.

Let's discuss. Mind you, I'm Green Arrow nerdy, but I do look up character bios for the show.
Yeah, they were definitely squeezing in Oliver's past in that episode. Do you think Season 2 would be the final season? Merlyn is still out there.
So I have a prediction of what's going to happen. Slade is going to go to court with the Queen family, because of kidnapping Thea. However, he won't have an attorney present and he will be given an attorney if needed. That attorney will be Laurel. Now, Laurel mentioned she will do her job and provide evidence to her fullest. She found out Thea's dad being Merlyn and used that again Moira Queen. Where am I going with this? Slade told Laurel, Oliver is the Arrow. However, that's just a statement and didn't provide evidence at the end of the show, but Laurel did look shocked. So, something is going to happen. Perhaps Slade is going to torture Oliver more by using Laurel against him. Who know? All I know is, Slade's a mastermind at what he's doing.
So, how about the new episode? I looked at Katie Cassidy's facebook page after what happened to Sara and it appears she's preparing to be the true Black Canary. ... =1&theater
Makes sense thinking Dinah Laurel Lance. Anyways, I have no doubt the person who shot Sara was Merlyn. I mean, why else would they put John Barrowman in the opening credits? Also, if you watched The Flash, love how they keep the time frame pretty similar.
Just watched it. When I saw Sara was back, I thought 'again?'. Then she was killed and I didn't really mind. Her killer is either Merlyn or (twist!) Thea. Another outside possibility is Ra's al Ghul himself. Cool to see Ray Palmer. Curious to see if he becomes the Atom or not. Now that metahumans are a part of the Arrowverse, that could be a definite possibility.
Yeah, it probably is Ra's al Ghul. Thought he was supposedly making an appearance this season.
I liked Ray Palmer. He's my new favorite character on the show. I also liked that they teased the one Japanese girl hero.

This was a pretty solid episode all in all. Very pleased with it, and I never liked Sara much so I'm glad she's finally dead dead. And I'm glad Roy ain't a little bitch.

I predict at the end of the season Oliver will become mayor of Starling/Star City.
like starting episode but now i don't like much more to see. i hope in future good to see some new actions.
First off
UghRochester said:
So. Ra's Al Ghul made his appearance. However, I still feel Thea killed Sara.
I called it. Secondly, I'm a little disappointed in that mid-season finale. That just makes Ra's Al Ghul going to come back to Starling City. Also, how will Merlyn feel when he knows Oliver failed? Obviously, Oliver survives, since this was just the mid-season finale.

One last thing, can people learn to pronounce Ra's name correctly?
Everyone is saying that, but do you think that'll actually happen? However, Ra's Al Ghul's age and strength versus Oliver's young and strength makes it likely.
Lazarus Pit, do you think it'll happen in the show? I mean, Oliver got healed pretty fast with the herb from the island.
He's dead. What reason does Ra's have to bring him back? And wih Flash becoming such a success, I wouldn't be surprised if the have Roy finish the Season and then start a Black Canary series with Laurel.

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