Your favourite video game characters?


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I threw a post on this forum a while ago asking everyone what they felt where their favourite boss fights in any video game, and so I've decided to throw out another topic. Who're your favourite video game characters, and why?

For me, let's see.

Mario (Super Mario series): Simply put, I've been playing video games since I was four years old (I'm twenty now), and Super Mario Bros was my first game ever, on the Nintendo entertainment system I randomly got for that Christmas, and Mario's just stuck on me ever since.

Link (The Legend of Zelda series): Especially, the Twilight Princess incarnation. I've always liked Link, he's a strong, courageous character who doesn't say anything, just "YEEEARGH!" and stuff. Wicked.

Jade (Beyond Good & Evil): I felt Beyond Good & Evil was one of the most underrated games I've ever seen, I thought (with the exception of it being short) it was good, and I really liked Jade, she's a strong character who just kicks a lot of arse. I'm waiting for Beyond Good & Evil 2 for the next-gen consoles.

Samus Aran (Metroid series): Like almost everyone, I thought Samus was a robot, or a man or something. I first played Metroid II: The Adventures of Samus (I think it's called) when I was seven years old on my brick, transparent Gameboy, and I played every morning before school, eventually finishing it. It was great. It's pretty lame, I only discovered Samus was a woman when I first played Super Smash Bros. on the N64 (when I was about eleven). Like Link, she's almost silent - with the exception of her dialog found in Metroid: Fusion on the GBA back in 2003.

Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid series): Especially after playing Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (no spoilers, mind) I'll definately add this guy to the list. A cool, serious character with a bit of a dark sense of humour, he's pretty bad arse, and an all round good guy.

There's a lot of other characters out there who I think are cool, like Nathan Drake (Uncharted: Drake's Fortune), Leon S Kennedy (Resident Evil 4), Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes), Master Chief (Halo series) etc, but the characters mentioned above this paragraph are the ones who truly shine for me.

So how about you guys? Who're your favourite video game characters?
Kain (Legacy Of Kain Series): This will be my top character cause is guy who suffered treason, was being manipulated by many untill he made a choice of his own by refusing to sacrifice and save Nosgoth, than was marked as a traitor and at the end of the netire series he was the true hero.

Raziel (Soul Reaver 1,2 and Defiance):This guys suffered like Kain, was manipulated, he was betrayed, and so and so, and well he was the Key so Kain could be a Hero.

Snake (Metal Gear Series): In this case I will go with the playable Snakes, cause is hard to pick one between Naked and Solid, the guys went through a lot.

there are much indeed but this are my top characters in order
Kratos (God of War): The most badass video game character ever, even more badass then Duke Nukem (Yeah I said it). Who else has debuted with the line "I will send you back to the depths of Hades!"

Link (Ocarina of Time): My favourite game. When first played it, I couldn't get over how cool I thought Link was.

Cloud (Final Fantasy 7): My other favourite game. He's such a cool character, with an awesome back story.

Jak (Jak and Daxter Series): A Badass. Nuff said.

Master Chief (Halo series): He doesn't fit the archetypal hero at all. He has a lot of anti-hero qualities, doesn't show much compassion, and is overall awsome.

Cortana: What happens if you miss?
Master Chief: I don't miss

How badass is that?
HK-47 (Knights of the Old Republic): Part of one of the greatest RPGs created, funny, violent and has some of the funniest yet threatening dialogue.

Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island series): Great dialogue, funny and witty, and he is just plain awesome.
Link - He's just the epitome of a hero.

Kratos- He's a complete badass. It's that simple, he slayed the bloody god of war.

Wander- What a badass. He rides off to forbidden lands, betrays his society and slays 16 giant colossi just to bring back his wife from the dead.
others will be (dont mind the spelling)

Agent .47:No word, he just kicks ass

Tommy Verceti:The best GTA characters for me

Gouki (Akuma in America):Best Street Fighter Character ever, possessed, killed his master afterwards, is freaking awesome

Sephirot: Dont need to say anything about him, he just kicks ass......

and counting.....
Vincent(ff7) it was just wrong how Dirge of cerberus killed him (yeah I still diss that game)

Null/grey fox(metal gear solid)- who doesnt love the bad ass ninja?

Dante Sparda (devil may cry) the half demon half human is one kick ass character made

Nemesis(resident evil 3) ok one of the coolest monsterositie's in the resident evil series

and one of the old school characters ever MARIO
Player Character in Knights of the Old Republic, you can be a kind, generous soul or a evil, twisted *******. But, you'll still be one bad-ass Jedi.

Nathaniel J. Claw (Claw): A cat pirate, that's enough for me.
Link:the character in my favorite game ever(Ocarina of Time),it doesn't matter what he looks long as he has the Master Sword,no one and nothing can stop him

Kratos:he is 100% badass.there is no one else that has the balls to take on the gods

Altair:i love him because he uses stealth to wouldn't see him until your about to die and i love his hidden blade

Agent 47he is just freakin awesome.he kills whoever he wants,whenever he wants
damn!, a lot of people liked I the only one who doesn't? anyway....a got more....I know I like a lot but thats cause there are so many...

Dlita (Final Fantasy Tactics)

Sniper Wolf (Metal Gear Solid): My favorite female character ever

Rayne (Blood Rayne series): The sexy vampire who is a vampire killer...and was the first video game character to show her goodies on Playboy....( so noy Hugh is into V-idols...weird)

Anna Williams (Tekken series): Best female character in tekken who wants to kill her sisters....
I think I'll stop now....but there are many many more :D

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