Your dream game

Master_Craig said:
I'd love to see a beat 'em up style game (like God of War or Devil May Cry) that allows players to create their own custom made combos or something.
They already made that. It's called God Hand.
Just when I thought I came up with something original for once.

Well. Looks like I need to play Godhand then.
Each day that goes by I get closer to playing my dream game. Bungie appears to have ripped every detail of what I would consider my dream game straight from my imagination with this Destiny project. I am super hyped.
Mechwarrior 5 with a total war/ SW Empires at war style RTS element w/ a civ 5 turn based RTS element at the planet level on top of a FPS mech game. Start it at the clan invastions and end it at the fed-com civil war.

Fuck I miss mechwarrior :cry:

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