Your perfect game ideas.

my idea is your in prison and you gotta get out you can sell your room mate for a apck of cigs and shank people.
LinksOcarina said:
They made that, it's called Chronicles of Riddick, Escape from Butcher Bay, and Alcatraz, Prison Escape.
yeah a futeristic shooter not a reguler prison game i want it to be like OZ the show.
Yay, a new Chronicles of Riddick game is in the pipeline. That game was great. The three films were great. I loves Riddick.
JCD said:
Yay, a new Chronicles of Riddick game is in the pipeline. That game was great. The three films were great. I loves Riddick.
there were three of them i know about pitch black wich was a great picture i wasnt so stuck on chronicles of riddick.
The 2nd film was an adult cartoon which continued the story of Pitch Black, showing what happened right after the end of it.

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