Worst Boss Battle


So tired.
Shao KAHN!!! You, sir are a cheater. Cheater, cheater, move repeater. I hate...I HATE!!! I absolutely hate boss battles in fighting games. It's like the game designers have decided that a boss is simply a dude that has four or five super high damage uber attacks...and that he is so prideful that he fights like my ten year old nephew when he plays fighters (hint: he ONLY uses super moves).

The fact that I had to wittle that bastard down with low fireballs is poor game design in my opinion. Which is too bad, because this is an excellent story mode.
Have you ever fought Gill in Street Fighter III: Third Strike? If his super bar is filled and you somehow beat him down, he'll cast Resurrection and heals himself back to full health.
Bret, are you talking about the reboot of Mortal Kombat? He was a bitch, but it appears you're not at the end story. I learned quickly, you have to evade and attack.
Dont have any that spring to mind. But I hate it when bosses spew out minions you see in normal levels at you. Some boss he is relying on them.

Say hello to Alpha - 152,
say goodbye to your controllers.
MattAY said:
Dont have any that spring to mind. But I hate it when bosses spew out minions you see in normal levels at you. Some boss he is relying on them.

Kai Leng springs to my mind.
I hated Uncharted 2 finall boss. Especially in higher difficulties. Running around in circles forever.
Kijan said:
MattAY said:
Dont have any that spring to mind. But I hate it when bosses spew out minions you see in normal levels at you. Some boss he is relying on them.

Kai Leng springs to my mind.

Terrible boss fight, but Leng didn't rely on them too much.

Although Leng was kind of a waste in Mass Effect 3. Good idea, poorly executed.
I don't think Leng was a terrible boss battle at all, other than it was too easy.

In previous worst boss topics I've mentioned Ares. Ares, Ares, Ares.
The last boss in Resident Evil: Dead Aim was a pain in the ass; not because the battle itself was particularly hard; but because the hit detection was so broken that it made it nearly impossible. Don't even get me started on Navarro from Uncharted 1...
ARES! Oh man, you have hit a sore spot. I should also say any game that completely changes the rules of engagement is not a friend of mine. Like the MGS4 end battle which mimicked the MGS end battle. Here's some boxing controls you've never used before, Snake. Now beat his ass.
Tekken 5, Heihachi. Move away from him? Fireball up the ass. Get close? Bitchslap and fireball in your face. Basically fireballs.

Ice Princess in Etrian Odyssey II (This version specifically), surmounts to Bind Head or Six Sins + Tentacle Rape with two dead and the rest of your party all but useless, probably includes your medic.

Mem Aleph in Strange Journey. Moves from previous bosses? Check. Shifting elemental resistance, check. Ball busting instant-kill moves? Check. Butt-pounding multi-hit special that will target your MC? Hell yes. Mercy? You're screwed.
Sephiroth in FFVII using Supernova, 9999 every character -_-

Shao Kahn in the MK reboot makes me want to punch babies.

Ornstein and Smough with a tank/melee only character in Dark Souls

I could probably keep on going but I'm tired and can't think of any more at the moment
Ananymous said:
Sephiroth in FFVII using Supernova, 9999 every character -_-

Shao Kahn in the MK reboot makes me want to punch babies.

Ornstein and Smough with a tank/melee only character in Dark Souls

I could probably keep on going but I'm tired and can't think of any more at the moment
Worse then Sephiroth would have to be ruby weapon. killing your two characters just to get a hit on his ass, took me years to beat him.
Silent Hill and Resident Evil games are impossible to finish if you run out of ammo. Ever try to defeat the Tyrant with just a clip from your handgun and a knife? It's not fun.

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