Why are some relationships so weird?


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I mean, why is it that sometimes there are people who try to present themselves as being these perfect figures but have the most confusing, bizarre romances of all? In this case, I am of course talking about the romantic relationships of Adolf Hitler.

So I'm doing research for this paper, right, and I come across a few interesting facts about old Uncle Adolf and his girlfriend/wife/suicide pact partner Eva Braun. Mostly, Hitler's own physician was unsure if they ever actually did any dirty deeds together, and claimed it was highly unlikely. They also slept in separate beds, and Adolf referred to Eva as not his lover but as his dearest friend.

Now while I know he didn't die a virgin, due to having gotten syphilis and being "forward" with his own niece, I do have to wonder if he was ever interested in any romantic relationships at all.

Regardless, anyone have any other relationships you wonder about, or any interesting ones of your own? Keep it all PG-13, of course.
I'm always curious about High Profile relationships and if they do things out of the necessity to be seen together thus improving their A-List visibility or if they genuinely have moments in public together. I also wonder if the partners have agreements allow them to be promiscuous.

On the Hitler note, I had heard he got syphilis on the History channel and they made it seem like it was untreated and may have driven him mad. Any truth to this?
Maybe early in his life, but by the time he took power he was being shot full of so many drugs there was no way he didn't get a penicillin shot. He may have had Parkinson's, though. But that's a different story altogether.
People still revere Elvis Presley to this day even though it has come out that he liked underage trim. I guess you can say the same the about Michael Jackson too but I think he still got way more shit over it than Elvis ever did. Jerry Lee Lewis married his underage cousin and it almost ruined his career. So is the public saying that if you are a famous musician that statutory rape is fine so long as incest isn't involved?
When your goal is wiping out a whole buncha people because they're different, you can't waste time bumping uglies.

That's why I'm almost always having sex. Just constantly. Killing's bad, mkay?
Relationships come in all kinds of variety.

I have lady friends that I would call "a dearest friend" even though we are more than friends. Does that make me the next hitler?!? All console owners will be stuck in prison camps. All developers that don't use DX11 will get the gas. Renounce your gaming systems for the all mighty PC! Heil PC!

The original meaning for the swastika was for good fortune before the nazis used it. Random fact I learned at the carlsburg brewery.
Dobby2244 said:
The original meaning for the swastika was for good fortune before the nazis used it. Random fact I learned at the carlsburg brewery.

It's often associated with bhuddism.

I know a bunch of twisted tales of love. They even inspired me to write a bunch of short stories lol.

You know about "Stabby McStab Stab" already longo but this is one we can all appreciate here since we all have online friends. It's about a co-worker I knew who got "Catfished".

He liked to go on Playstation Home and I'd join him because truth be told, I had a guilty pleasure and would hop on it to play games and even meet some fellow gamers. So one night we're playing poker and he introduces me to his girlfriend. I figured online relationships are common nowadays but I also knew most of them didn't go anywhere due to the long distance or one person being dishonest about their apperance.

His girlfriend didn't have a mic and kept saying she'd get one. That would always set up red flags and I got worried. At work I would tell him to be careful and not fall for this girl until they met in real life. But he would carry on like he had a perfect relationship and insisted I was being paranoid. He showed me her facebook account and she was attractive, a little too attractive to be spending her days as an avatar in online chatrooms.

About a week or so later he tells me they broke up. He asked me to keep it a secert (not like any of you would know this guy regardless) and said it was because she was in fact a man. He looked incredibly embarrassed and promised me to never bring it up to him again. I controlled my desire to laugh and was sympathetic. He seemed to have handled it pretty well which I was happy to see.

But little did he know I had friended the he/she on PSN and sent this person an assertive (and aggresive) message telling him to quit the act before he ends up breaking some poor guy's heart.

But the reply I got back was even more alarming and confusing. Turns out this person was indeed a girl and didn't lie about her gender, she lied about her age. She was only 15 and told my friend she was 26, just three years younger than him. When he discovered the truth he quickly ended the relationship quicker than you can say "Dateline".

I suppose being strung along by a dude sounds somehow better than being strung along by a kid, so I always kept it to myself. It still makes me wonder who had the right story though: The girl who was indeed a pathological liar or my friend would who rather be mistaken as gay than a pedophile.

I'll never know, but I know my friend. And whatever the truth may be I know he's a good guy who, like so many others, just got tangled up in the world wide web of lies.
Dobby2244 said:
The original meaning for the swastika was for good fortune before the nazis used it. Random fact I learned at the carlsburg brewery.

Yup, I once had a co-worker who was pissed he couldn't wear a necklace with a swastika in public because of its association with Nazis. To him and his family it was a symbol of good fortune that goes thousands of years back before the birth of Hitler.
Isn't it similar to a Buddhist symbol? Meaning "peace"...or something like that.
Longo_2_guns said:
Adolf referred to Eva as not his lover but as his dearest friend. . . . I do have to wonder if he was ever interested in any romantic relationships at all.
Are you trying to say that romantic relationships necessarily involve sex?

I don't have leaps in bounds between friends and lovers. It's a big sliding scale of trust and intimacy, with probably more than 99% of relationships falling into the "Acquaintance" category. It's not a problem just yet, but I have conversations when it's necessary.

I have a "piggy bank" that's an elephant, and it has swastikas on both sides. I like it.
Hey. We don't talk about that here.

But since you started, I actually keep the drugs in my sandals, which is why I keep a pair of sandals with a bit of a heel around.

And stop derailing this noble thread!
Don't make me get a large collaboration of cartoon characters up in here to educate about the dangers of drugs.

April O Neil and Leonardo... NOW THAT was a weird relationship.

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