What would be the BEST game?


As the title explains, what would be the best game in your opinion?
Feel free to mix genres and do not think about specs or stuff like that.

A game that I would think would be awesome, is a mixture of CnC Renegade and Tiberium Wars.
A mixture of strategy and first person shooter.
There has been a Half-Life mod that did this decently. But imagine if you could do like the newer Battlefield games and chose to be "Commander" and build a base.
And the rest is playing as infantry.
You can deploy tanks, and such stuffs :D
And hopefully your teammates will listen to you.

This would focus on the Multiplayer :)
an MMORPG of the Roman Empire - but except for fighting, you would simulate bathhouse orgies!!!!!!!!!!!

with vivid imagery and the very latest CGI!
That would be awfull, haha I think that a type of game that makes you watch old naked men with high res can only be sold for a small group of people :D
doesn't matter about the game. the main character will be me though - thus making it the best game.
A cross between contra 4 on hard mode and this old first person arcade game where you punched sharks and bears and shit. wait are we talking the best game or the most manly game?
Most manly game would probably be a game about being Chuck Norris. In Dinosaur time, and you had to beat T-rexes with roundhouse kicks :D
More suggestions like the original C&C post or this gets closed. Enough with the bad jokes.
madster111 said:
Mass Effect x Bioshock x Crysis =
Best game ever.

How would that play out?
I've not tried Mass Effect, but what I've heard it's like Kotor..
Or are you just thinking about in pure graphics?
madster111 said:
Mass Effect x Bioshock x Crysis =
Best game ever.
You can't just take 3 good things and smash them together and make a great thing. I mean, ice cream, peanut butter sandwiches and steak are three delicious foods, but would taste terrible if you ate them all at once.
Longo_2_guns said:
madster111 said:
Mass Effect x Bioshock x Crysis =
Best game ever.
You can't just take 3 good things and smash them together and make a great thing. I mean, ice cream, peanut butter sandwiches and steak are three delicious foods, but would taste terrible if you ate them all at once.

Keep in mind, the subject is about what do YOU think would be a great game.
If he was german that would explain it :D
Germans believe that mixing stuff that is good for themself with other good stuff, makes stuff better :D

But what I am interrested in, is HOW you would mix those three games..
A MMORPG that uses the guild wars payment system (ie, none) on the Wii. Sword and shield will rule the game, using the Wii mode in the block/attack sorta thing. Magic will be incredibly hard to use, but very powerful.

Also, a sword will be a sword. none of this +1 bullshit. a sword will cut your damn arm off regardless of what it's made out of. End of story. Weapons will stay true to their real world counter-part (nun-chuks will still suck).

Also, no monkey arms like in FFXI or giant stupid anime swords outside of a german double hander.

realism folks, realism.

The second best game in the world is one where you beat the shit out of Jack thompson and Hillary clinton (they both want to ban video games) and it feels real.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
The second best game in the world is one where you beat the s*** out of Jack thompson and Hillary clinton (they both want to ban video games) and it feels real.
It would be great on the Wii.
For me, a Adventure game that has a great cast of characters, all with depth, great setting (pirates, and the like), a funny script/dialogue, an overall sense of humor, amazing voice overs.... heck, this might as well be a remake of CoMI, but with better graphics.
HK-47 said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
The second best game in the world is one where you beat the s*** out of Jack thompson and Hillary clinton (they both want to ban video games) and it feels real.
It would be great on the Wii.
For me, a Adventure game that has a great cast of characters, all with depth, great setting (pirates, and the like), a funny script/dialogue, an overall sense of humor, amazing voice overs.... heck, this might as well be a remake of CoMI, but with better graphics.
They already made that game. It's called Uncharted.
I'm gonna pull a Nick Tan and agree with Longo, even though I've never played the game in question. Sounds like Uncharted would be right up your alley, HK.
A game that would mix the gameplay depth of Elders scroll, an overpowered character creating system and the coolness of Yoshi's Story. Who needs drugs when you can play Yoshi's story?!
A game that gave you a hummer than made you a sandwich when you were done playing.

But seriously the best game ever was already made. It's called Ms.Pac-Man.
I would like to see a game with character building like oblivion set in a modern world (or semi-modern) like shenmue, more real-world with no magic or monsters.

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