What is your personal choice for game of the year?

Little-freaking-BIGPlanet for best exclusive.

Otherwise, I guess it'd be like Fallout 3 or something...I guess.
Hard to say. There hasn't been a game to really standout among the rest this year, unlike BioShock last year. There's still a half-dozen "big" games I need to play, plus SingStar: ABBA hasn't even come out yet.
I can't really decide either. Not that many good games have come out this year. Here's my list of games that I've acquired this year.


-No More Heroes
-Super Smash Bros. Brawl
-Mario Kart: Wii


-Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
-Devil May Cry 4
-Rainbow Six: Vegas (returned it - used to discount GTAIV)
-Grand Theft Auto IV
-Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
-Soul Calibur IV (returned it - used to discount Fallout 3)
-Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (returned it - got money back)
-Fallout 3
-Mirror's Edge

I think for me, it's a draw between three of the PS3 games I have acquired. Fallout 3, Mirror's Edge and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. I can't decide which though I would consider my "Game of the Year", but it would probably have to be Fallout 3.
LBP or MGS4. Fallout is a close third, but comes in third for three reasons. 1) Combat is too V.A.T.S. dependent, which is bad because 2) you only get two to four shots with V.A.T.S., which makes 3) combat too tedious and annoying, especially when there are multiple enemies and you have to patiently kill them 1 at a time.

I'm in the process of a Fallout review, in case you were wondering.
Longo_2_guns said:
LBP or MGS4. Fallout is a close third, but comes in third for three reasons. 1) Combat is too V.A.T.S. dependent, which is bad because 2) you only get two to four shots with V.A.T.S., which makes 3) combat too tedious and annoying, especially when there are multiple enemies and you have to patiently kill them 1 at a time.

I'm in the process of a Fallout review, in case you were wondering.

I have do disagree, i only use vats for sneak shooting multiple enemies at one go... It's has a clunky and outdated shooting mechanic, but it's not really VATS dependant...

Anyway, if we were voting for best movie of the year, MGS4 would definitly top the list, but since we're voting for best game i would have to go with LBP, it's fun, it's original, and the replayability is just short of infinite. If that doens't make a top notch game i don't know what does.
WIi may have sucked this year (kind of) except for one game, Super Smash Bros. Brawl (and No More Heroes). SSBB's my personal choice.
I don't have a top, but my top 5 (in no particular order) are:

Little Big Planet
Gears of War 2
Fallout 3

I'd probably go with LBP if I were forced to choose
RPG of The Year: Fallout 3
Online Game of the Year: (draw between Call of Duty and Left 4 Dead)
Xbox Live Arcade: Portal: Still Alive
Shooter: (Draw between Call of Duty and Gears of War 2)
Music Game: Rock Band 2
Overall Game of the Year: Fallout 3
Diabolus said:
If you're a Wii owner, we'll understand if you keep drawing a blank.

Hey, I heard that.

De Blob, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, No More Heroes, Warioland Shake It!, there are a lot of viable options for the Wii to win this.

In fact, De Blob and Super Smash Bros. Brawl are in my top 5 of the year.

But number one has to go to Fallout 3 for me.
In no particular order, Metal Gear Solid 4, Europa Universalis III In Nomine, Battlefield Bad Company, Gears of War 2.
Did Call of Duty 4 come out this year or last year? I think last year. I haven't played any of the new games that have been raved about (Far cry 2, Fable II, Fallout 3, LittleBigPieceofShit, Red Alert 3, or Force Unleashed). I was hoping Fable II would get some nods from someone as that and Fallout 3 are the ones I look forward to the most. I'd actually have to go with Madden since I haven't played anything else new that's been fantastic and Madden is always good.
I liked Fallout 3, but i don't think it will be game of the year. MGS4 was totally awesome but was pretty much like a movie with some movement parts here and there to stretch out old fart snake's legs. Game of the year, probably GTA4. Which i won't agree with but still remember all the craziness when that came out? It was like New Years Eve falling on a Saturday during the announcement of Obama for president. But i never tried little big planet, so who knows eh?
Dead Space
Peggle Nights

Top-ten predictions. Saints Row2 might make a surprise entrance. Mirrors edge... ehh.. have to wait and see.

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