What are ya playing?

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Playing LoZ: The Wind Waker HD and now at my first boss on Dragon Roost Island. You'd think you have to grapple hook the eye. Nope! I had died a couple times and quit, because I have to head to work.
Finished Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception this morning, so my girlfriend and I decided to go back to where it all began, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
Gods Will Be Watching just released on Steam. My best attempt so far to beat the first level has been 89% download.

Any masochistic strategy fans should pick it up.
Green_Lantern said:
I'm up to 19 hours of playtime in AC4 and I'm only about 35% complete....So much to do!

There's tonnes to do. I think by the time I finally finished the single player campaign I had about 79% completion with thirty five to forty hours clocked in?
Batman: Arkham Asylum

Getting that 360 controller was worth it for this game alone. It's just outstanding and I really don't mind doing the stealth bits by taking out armed guards one by one. One room took probably 10 minutes or 15 to take out 6 guards but I absolutely loved it.

Tales of Maj'Eyal

Running a Dwarf/Alchemist because my old saves don't work with the new version for some reason. Ran a really awesome Dwarf/Alchemist before that had three pimped out unique items from that merchant. And a really, really awesome Skeleton/Archmage without Wildfire that slaughtered most things in it's way but crumbled to anti-magic anything and a Skeleton/Archmage with Wildfire that I couldn't utilize fully.

Still, first one was Dwarf/Alchemist with the new update. Gonna turn everything into gems so I can get those unique items late-game. Or I'll restart because it gave me two useless as shit Temporal Explorer Escorts in the early game whose skills I had no use for and that means I''ll have escorts in that douchey hellhole "Ice Giants throwing rocks that will fuck up your escort because there's a metric asston of the bastards" or Dreadfell, because the game is a giant dick with it's rolls.

And one of those will be the Anothril, because that skill tree with Providence is awesome for Providence. I get it just for Providence.
Well, so far according to my stats on Wii U, I racked over 13 and a half hour on Wind Waker HD. I just obtained The Master Sword.
Caved in and bought The Last of Us: Remastered for PS4. Cheapest I found for it was $59.95 AUD, which is about $56.25 USD.

Not too bad, considering the Left Behind DLC is over $20 AUD ($18.77 USD minimum) and it comes with a few other bits of DLC thrown in there that are a little pricey too.

May play it tonight, but most likely will be tomorrow.
Master_Craig said:
Caved in and bought The Last of Us: Remastered for PS4.
Just picked up God of War 1-3 for PS3 today and started playing the first one. I've never tried this series before but the first one is pretty fun so far! Has anyone here tried the PSP games? I'm wondering if I should get that collection too. I also started MGS3 last night.
Sat down for about half an hour before drawing up the next GR Strips, playing The Last of Us: Remastered, just to give it a quick test.

Despite having it on PS3 and now having it on PS4?

Batman: Arkham Asylum, onto the final stretch and that boss battle in the Gardens was frigging awful. Second part kicked my ass a half-dozen times and had to really zone in to wrap it up. But learned the tricks to it and it got a bit easier to get farther and farther into it. Actually putting what I learned into play was still tough.

Unrelated to what I'm currently playing, but this is how I feel when I beat any boss in Dark Souls II for the first time without dying.
Still some achievements in Bayonetta I've still yet to get. But from memory I remember them being frustratingly hard. It's also one of those games where you have to learn to play all over again and learn the enemy's patterns etc. So I'm playing it for now, but we'll see!
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