Weirdest thing you've seen today


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What's the weirdest thing you've seen... today? If you saw anything weird that is. Hey, if you don't see anything weird, you never know, you might see something weird tomorrow.

Today I saw a guy out on the street in the city wearing only shorts, standing in the middle of the sun with his arms out and making fists, like he was receiving energy from the sun or something.

I saw him and the first thing that popped in my head was "Praise the sun!" - thanks Dark Souls.
I live in SF Downtown. I don't know what is weird and what isn't anymore...

I guess i saw a homeless vet spill milk on the bus this morning and told everyone he totally did it on purpose to feed the dogs. What dogs? Beats me...
I once was watching porn while rolling on some good ecstasy. I was watching these two people have sex on a bed with their legs in the air. I was so fucked up though to me it looked like a 4 trunked bouncing elephant monster! Watched for a good 12 minutes wondering what the fuck I was watching before I snapped out of it and could focus my eyes. Definitely one of the weirdest things I have ever seen.

Oh wait this thread is about weirdest thing seen today?
It's supposed to be "today" as in, the day of your posting, but it's all good. Weird stories are fun. :p
That's our resident druggy.

Today I did see a girl with hair down to her knees! The first thing I thought was, "how would anyone grab her bum with that in the way?"
You might see me in jail pretty soon, guys.
I was trying to call my dog to come inside but he wasn't moving. Just sitting in the grass with a weird look on his face. I walked over to him and picked him up and saw a small piece of poop hanging by a string? something coming out of his ass.

I guess he was ashamed or something, so I got some gloves and helped him out. That was pretty weird though.
I was at my girlfriend's last night after judo, and when I was about to leave we were just chilling out by my car. These two people walk past with their shopping bags (nearby supermarket), they look about my age (mid twenties). I say to them to be polite, "How's it going?"

The girl responds "Howdy" while the bloke responds "Shut the fuck up you faggot."

I was stunned, wasn't quite sure how to reply. I was thinking to myself "Say something back, or let it go?" - I just let it go, considering if I said anything it probably would have started something unnecessarily dumb outside my girlfriend's house.
A truck driving around with no grill, and half a wooden telephone pole on the side of a road with no telephone poles.
After work yesterday I went to the gym, as I was getting out of my car I saw these two kids riding their bicycles. They were probably about twelve, maybe fourteen years old tops. One of them says to the other, "Hurry the fuck up you dick head!" to his mate.

I must be getting old, but my inner judo coach came out and I just glared at them and said "Watch your language BOYS."

The one who swore looks at me, panics, begins to speed up on his bicycle and when he gets some distance he yells "SHUT THE FUCK UP".

I feel so old.
I feel kinda bad about it and I didn't mean to do that, it just kinda happened.

In saying that, yeah, I could feel the boy's courage. It was as if he bared the Triforce of Courage.
No. I feel you. Nothing gets me more than when people can't get through a sentence without swearing at work. I'm not a no swear purist but when you use them all the time they start to lose their impact.
In all honesty I do swear a bit, but there are certain situations where I will never swear - whether I'm at work, doing freelance work with clients (basically when it's "business time" I won't swear) and then the biggest time I never swear is on the judo mat. This is especially the case if I'm coaching kids.

I don't mind when people swear during a conversation with me, but if they swear at me or they are constantly swearing, then we might have a problem. This is especially the case when at work. I had one client who kept dropping the c-bomb when describing people and who wouldn't stop saying f***. I had to tell her off and it became an... interesting debate.

I guess I just hate seeing kids swear because when I was a kid I never used to swear and if kids swear on the judo mat, I give them hell for it. So seeing those kids swear, it just... I dunno, I probably shouldn't have done/said anything but I just turned "judo coach" on without warning. :/

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