voice recognition in gaming


I installed Dragon on my computer last week and am using voice commands to do everything and it rocks my world. My neck had been sore for weeks and I guess it musta been the mouse because it went away. Anyway, wondering if anyone knows if they’ve developed/are developing a voice recognition system for gaming? Would be great. If so, I hope it’s the same people that made this: http://www.nuance.com/naturallyspeaking/
Not sure on the details yet, but I do know of a company who are developing advanced voice recognition tech. Windows Vista, I believe, will also use some form of voice recognition.
Only game I played with voice recognition was Star Trek: Bridge Commander, and that wasnt really built in. They just had a precompiled list of commands for a voice recognition program. The voice recognition was awesome when it worked... which was like 40% of the time. The novelty wore off after a while and I was back to issuing commands the old way.

Voice recognition is an awesome thing, but still has a ways to go. I cant wait for the day where I dont have to memorize commands that the computer can recognize and also have the computer be able to pick up my voice without any speech recognition.
The Socom games. Socom 2 at least.

Uhhh. That Pikachu game that was like 80 dollars at walmart for a while :D

Hmmm. Not sure beyond that.
Frozen said:
Only game I played with voice recognition was Star Trek: Bridge Commander, and that wasnt really built in. They just had a precompiled list of commands for a voice recognition program. The voice recognition was awesome when it worked... which was like 40% of the time. The novelty wore off after a while and I was back to issuing commands the old way.

Voice recognition is an awesome thing, but still has a ways to go. I cant wait for the day where I dont have to memorize commands that the computer can recognize and also have the computer be able to pick up my voice without any speech recognition.

Well, your day is partially here. The new version of Dragon recognized your voice without any training, which I think is a huge step as I remember my friend spending about 22 hours on one of the older versions just for training. Also - the accuracy is way up. That Star Trek: Bridge Commander thing sounds awesome, but yeah, 40% isn't good enough for gaming.
It would be cool

I would love voice software that was built into a game correctly, but I don't think it is going to happen for a lot of reasons.

1. Lack of software that does it in the market today. ViaVoice and Dragonfly were two programs that offered voice-to-text and voice-to-commands options, and they never really took off. Each human voice is unique, and a program needs to be trained on your voice in order to get the commands right. Without that level of training, which involves you sitting there reading chapters from a book at your computer, the quality is never going to be very high.

2. Potential uses that would enhance, not destroy quality of game. Lets be honest, you can say things a lot faster than you can type things. While I think it would be awesome to be sitting there on a RTS game giving voice commands to harvest more gold while managing my army with my mouse, what that means is that an element of the game that would have usually been handled by me will basically be handled by a program, and that takes away a bit of the time-management that a game requires, especially important when it comes to multiplayer.

3. Unfair advantage. If I can issue a ton of commands to shoot the tank or drop a bomb while my character is moving and shooting, I have a huge advantage over someone without voice input. My fear is that developers will put this in place without really thinking it through, and then gamers will appear who create short-hand voice commands for common tasks and events that allow them to never take their hands off of the mouse and wsad keys. It sounds awesome if you are the one doing it, but imagine being a newbie who had no idea whats going on and now everyone is shooting forever without stopping while you fumble to hit the r key as they smoke you.

Just some thoughts.
Good thoughts. I think that given that it would still be possible to weave voice recognition into a game, it would just have to be done thoughtfully and not with the whole game using it, just in places.

On another note it's weird to notice how I speak differently than I would type - I'm using Dragon right now, for instance. I speak less formally, I think, or maybe I type more creatively? I guess there are places for both, just like ideally there would be in gaming. I suppose it would have happened by now, though.

Wouldn't it be cool though, to be able to use your voice to control bots on your team with voice commands that would be recognized and they would react? It would add a whole new element to any game, but especially a game like battlefield 2142.

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