The Gothic series

Well..ahhhh. Just.. Can you at least review Gothic III when it comes out? Please?

I seriously cannot believe no one at GR has played the first two. They're two of the best single-player PC RPGs in recent years. They were overshadowed by Morrowind, but many think the Gothic games are a lot better than Morrowind. Do yourselves a favor: Gothic II Gold it coming out soon. It includes Gothic II and the expansion Night of the Raven. Pick up a copy.

I haven't played it myself yet, but I'm in the middle of Gothic 1 and will get to it eventually. You might have a hard time finding Gothic 1 in stores anymore, but you can get it online. You should probably play it first.

The thing with the first game is that the interface is a little weird. Most sites took points off of it's score for that reason. Personally, I think once you've used it for a few hours, the interface is very intuitive. Appearently Gothic II has a better interface though.
Ballard said:
Well..ahhhh. Just.. Can you at least review Gothic III when it comes out? Please?

They don't pick what to review; it's whatevr the companies send 'em. If they don't get the game, chances are they won't review it...apparantly the added effort of buying it, and the accompanying snacks and beverages give it a predisposed disliking.

Now, if they sent the game with a six-pack...
But...that's... Well, I can understand it to an extent. If they reviewed everything else they weren't sent for free, it'd cost a lot, and probably not be worth it most of the time (crappy games, etc.). Then again, you miss out on good indie games which are in stores, like Dark Fall. And once again, Gothic.

I've been a fan of GR since 1999 or so. Devoted fans of GR like myself count on their reviews before they'll buy something. At least, I did, back when I could actually afford to buy new releases. Heh. I remember being disappointed there was never a Mechwarrior 4 review, nor a MW4: Mercs review. I guess I know why, now. Microsoft must not've sent the games.

This is all very disappointing to me. I'm not sure why.

What about games that're getting a lot of buzz, but that haven't been sent to GR? Do you just not review them, or do you send a request to the company to get a copy? Or is pride an issue and you don't want to be asking permission to review a game?

I am going to try and contact Piranha Bytes and request that they send you a review copy of Gothic III when it comes out.

Wait a minute, I see you guys did a preview of the original Gothic. I guess they sent you a preview copy at least. Though perhaps not. The preview sounds more like a rundown of a list of game features. It doesn't even mention the full voice acting and NPC schedules and stuff. Though perhaps it was an early enough preview to not have them. It was early enough that the HUD is very different from those screenshots.
Though I appreciate TNO's attempt to explain our review policy, it isn't exactly right. A great number of games are sent to GR each week, and we simply prioritize these based on a combination of popular interest, our personal interest and our current workload. We occasionally do spend cash to buy games that for one reason or another didn't show up, but we only do that for very big titles that we simply couldn't afford to miss.

The industry is constantly moving forward, and we have to keep up with that by not dwelling too long on games we missed. Over the holidays, for instance, we can't possibly cover everything that comes in. By the time the piles thin out a bit, some of those games might be 2 or 3 months old, and that's not as compelling as a brand new game that just arrived. Most games have a coverage 'hot zone' of a couple weeks before they become old news. It's a very tough balancing act. This, sadly, is the current state of an industry facing a serious overabundance of sequels and filler titles.

We haven't had anything against the Gothic line, and indeed, we did preview the first one back in the day. I can't quite recall what happened with review copies of Gothic I and II, but if III shows up, we'll certainly consider covering it.

Hope all of that sheds some light on the process. Back to the caves!


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