Take it or leave it! (Donation)

Do you donate?

  • Yes! (Take it all)

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  • Yes! (But only some parts)

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  • No! (Keep your hands for yourself)

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  • Undecided.

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  • I am considering it!

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In the case of sudden death, how many of you would like to donate parts of your body to some lucky guy or girl?
Or are you being grossed out by the idea that your appendix is living on in some other persons body after your brain has seized to be?

Myself, I have written on my official donor card, TAKE IT ALL, LEAVE NOTHING FOR THE WOLVES, sort of.

It always seems to be a controversial debate, regardles of where you're from, Denmark, Finland, USA, or even a small place where people are refered to as a small weird looking bird, or a fruit (Kiwi).. (Says the guy who shares nationality with a pastry).

Yay, or nay?

Why I am letting the doctors rip out my precious organs in case of suddent death and give it to someone else?
Why not?
I have no use of them, I am either dead, or as close to being it, so why not help someone else to have a better life :)
Or do you only want selective parts of yourself donated?
I want to do it.... but for some reason, the idea scares the shit outta me even though I am dead.... why? I dunno....

I view the human body like a machine or a computer. It should be normal that, when a machine cease to function, to take some part of the bad machine and use the parts to fix others....thats normal in my case but when it comes to human bodies.....ahhhh... I dunno.
It doesn't worry me at all. I'd like to know that every last useful part of my body will be put to good use. I've never really had any problem with that.

As long as I'm dead of course.

I think I will be the same way...I mean, if I won't be using those parts anymore might as well let someone else use them, especially if it saves their lives.
Why not? If I had a perfectly healthy organ at the time of my death, there shouldn't be any reason why not to give it to someone else.
I was all for donating my body to people who needed organs and stuff...until I read the story about the guy who was "dead" for a day, then woke back up when they were about to take out his liver or something.

Now I'm reconsidering.
spanky1113 said:
I was all for donating my body to people who needed organs and stuff...until I read the story about the guy who was "dead" for a day, then woke back up when they were about to take out his liver or something.

Now I'm reconsidering.
Yeah, that's a pretty scary thought, but it's such a rare occurence that the chances of it happening to you are tiny.
I have no use for my organs after I die, so why not help someone else out with my death. I donate blood now, so why not give the whole heart later?

One thing that I know a lot of people have an issue with is the idea of donating skin. "What are we supposed to look at at the funeral?" So I'm a little unsure about that part. I guess it would depend on how I died maybe and if the people attending my funeral would actually want to look at my dead body. :p I personally don't like looking at the dead people, so maybe I'll just say fuck it and not let anyone look at me being all dead either.
I have a doner card and would love to donate everything, but my eyes (eyes are the window to the soul, and besides I'm short sighted :p) but I doubt they would want any of my parts due to the lithium levels in my blood, hence why I can't donate blood anymore either.

I am all for donating my body organs, ESPECIALLY if it means dieing instead of living on as a vegetable. I, however, get creeped out by the idea of donating my body to science.
Enigma said:
I have a doner card and would love to donate everything, but my eyes (eyes are the window to the soul, and besides I'm short sighted :p) but I doubt they would want any of my parts due to the lithium levels in my blood, hence why I can't donate blood anymore either.

I am all for donating my body organs, ESPECIALLY if it means dieing instead of living on as a vegetable. I, however, get creeped out by the idea of donating my body to science.

Bodies for Unitology I say! :p :D

Myself? I'm dead, no need to use my liver, kidneys, brain etc. anymore. Maybe someone else will need it ... so why not bucko', take em'. :p
I'm a donor...but i still always wondered what would happen if say, me and some other guy who wasn't a donor got in a car accident and they only had the time to save one of us and both are hearts could be used to save some person...would they save the guy who was willing to give up his heart...I dunno.

"Well little Betty does need a new heart...and she is way cuter than this guy...screw it lets just let him die."

But I am sure I'm just paranoid.
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
I see no reason why anyone would choose not to donate organs once they die.
I think some religions believe that if you mutilate the body in any way (tattoos, piercings, cremation, removing organs, etc.) then you don't go to heaven- or whatever other thing they believe is at the end. So that might be a reason for some people who really believe in that stuff.
Organ donation is awesome, even though very few people actually end up donating organs since you have to die on life support, or whatever.

I think the whole "Oh, you've mutilated your body. You're not going to get it back" thing is misguided. Do you know how many people have been dismembered? Heaven would be pretty empty. I am against piercings and tattoos though.
Actually, my life's goal is to donate "seven pounds of flesh" to repent for the lives I carelessly ruined.
tigerlily521985 said:
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
I see no reason why anyone would choose not to donate organs once they die.
I think some religions believe that if you mutilate the body in any way (tattoos, piercings, cremation, removing organs, etc.) then you don't go to heaven- or whatever other thing they believe is at the end. So that might be a reason for some people who really believe in that stuff.

Then those religions are TRULY wrong.

WTF can be bad about giving some parts of your dead body to a dying kid or something?
madster111 said:
tigerlily521985 said:
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
I see no reason why anyone would choose not to donate organs once they die.
I think some religions believe that if you mutilate the body in any way (tattoos, piercings, cremation, removing organs, etc.) then you don't go to heaven- or whatever other thing they believe is at the end. So that might be a reason for some people who really believe in that stuff.

Then those religions are TRULY wrong.

WTF can be bad about giving some parts of your dead body to a dying kid or something?

If the kid is you, I am going to reconsider :p

Do you guys have open coffins at funerals?

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