Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

*pokes paradox* Wake up! we got new news to share here!
Lien said:
*pokes paradox* Wake up! we got new news to share here!

Been working on an update all day. Here you go.

Dwayne Johnson took to Twitter today and confirmed what everyone has already pretty much figured out: that he’ll be Black Adam.

Now we’re just waiting on WB to announce it officially.

Patrick Warburton reportedly has worked out a deal to bring back The Tick as an Amazon pilot.

Comedian and rapper Donald Glover, who lobbied for the role of Peter Parker in The Amazing Spider-Man a few years ago, will voice the character of Miles Morales in the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon.

It’s already been revealed that Ra's al Ghul will appear at some point in the upcoming season of Arrow. Although the TV and cinematic universes are separate, Liam Neeson has said that if he were approached with it, he’d jump at the chance to reprise the character for the show.

Also for Arrow, Devon Aoki had to drop out the role of Katana to to scheduling conflicts. She will be replaced by Rila Fukushima (The Wolverine).

Here’s a look at Deborah Ann Woll (and dem legs) as Karen Page from Daredevil. The actress was spotted filming a scene with Elden Henson, who is playing Murdock's law partner and friend Foggy Nelson.

Trailer for The Scribbler, based on the graphic novel of the same name.

Warners Bros has registered four new domain names for definite and possible future feature,, and We know Justice League is coming and following Dwayne Johnson’s announcement, a Shazam film now just needs a formal confirmation from WB. Wonder Woman and Aquaman, while not officially greenlit yet, both have scripts in development.

Henry Cavill as Clark Kent outside a Gotham prison:

The first short clip from Big Hero 6 has been released. So far this movie looks interesting.

Here’s a couple of shots of what is apparently Doctor Doom on the set of The Fantastic Four. I’m guessing (hoping) his actual film costume will look more impressive. The top photo also looks to have a standin for Thing and the bottom looks like it has a Human Torch analog.


James Gunn said that he had a lot of back and forth with Disney/Marvel of what he could and couldn't do in Guardians of the Galaxy. One of the things they vetoed was Gunn’s original idea for Stan Lee’s cameo. If Gunn had his way, Groot would come upon Lee in the Collector's exhibit, at which point Stan would give him the finger.

Lee Pace, James Gunn and Karen Gillan goofing off when shooting Guardians.

It may not really dance, but it bobbles and I want one.

Here’s that awesome and cute (yeah cute) mid credits scene from Guardians.

The Russo brothers said that Captain America: The Winter Soldier originally included Hawkeye in the script. Going by Joe Russo’s synopsis, it sounds like it would have been pretty cool if it had worked out: “What it was going to be, we were trying to complicate the relationship between Cap and his S.H.I.E.L.D agent friends. If Hawkeye got a call from S.H.I.E.L.D saying Captain America is a fugitive, would he listen to that call or not listen to that call? That sequence actually was heartbreaking for us to cut it. I think it ultimately might have been a conflict with Renner’s schedule. But there was a great sequence where Hawkeye was chasing Cap through Washington D.C. there was an awesome sequence where they confronted each other in a ravine on the outskirts of D.C. and Hawkeye was shooting a series of arrows closing in on Cap, Cap closing in on him. And then Cap took him down and he realized for the first time that Hawkeye was trying to trick S.H.I.E.L.D, where he whispered something into Cap’s ear that Cap had a tracker on his suit and to punch Hawkeye to make it look real, because there was a Quinjet hovering above where they were watching the feedback back at S.H.I.E.L.D.â€
"I can't divulge who is going to be in the film, but I think the fans are going to freak out when they hear about it."
Taskmaster? Nuke? I would be all over those two.
Just watched the trailer for that Nightwing fan web series. For a fan series, it does look quite good. Nightwing's costume is quite cool.

While he looks cool as Nightwing, as Dick Grayson or well... himself, something seems off. I dunno if it's the acting or the voice. The same goes for the fella who I'm assuming is Bruce Wayne.

And the villain is Deathstroke, isn't his helmet supposed to have only one eye (because of an eye patch)? Perhaps they're going to work that in somehow.

The end of the trailer was pretty cool too.

Not bad at all for a fan film, very good effort. I'd like to watch this.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Nightwing should have a movie. With all of the success of the. Batman Trilogy, I'm surprised they haven't made spin offs.

Three words; Joseph. Gordon. Levitt.

Unfortunately it won't happen because of another three words: Nolan. Is. Done.
Daddy why does Nightwing have Bat Nipples?
Because whoever made this is an idiot son.
I'm scared...
Me too son, me too.

I'd rather not see a Nolan directed Nightwing movie. Or a Nightwing movie at all.

But if they had to do it, then I would want a director who won't make it dark angsty angst.
Here's the best look yet at the new Batmobile from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice:



To me, it looks to be the middle ground between Tim Burton's Batmobile and Nolan's Tumbler. There's also a strong similarity to the car that's going to be in Batman: Arkham Knight.

Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg have started writing the script for Preacher and sought out guidance and advice from author Garth Ennis on the project.

Warner Bros TV is looking to bring a Supergirl series to TV. Greg Berlanti, who produces Arrow and The Flash on The CW, is reportedly tapped to executive-produce.

Emmett Scanlan (Hollyoaks) has signed on to play New Orleans homicide detective Jim Corrigan on Constantine in a recurring role. In the comics, Corrigan became The Spectre, a character that would fit right in on a show like this.

While Liam Neeson has said he would love to play Ra's al Ghul on Arrow, the part has gone to Matt Nable (Riddick)

The season premiere of Agents of SHIELD will have a flashback scene that shines on the origins of SHIELD and will co-star Hayley Atwell, Kenneth Choi, and Neal McDonough as Peggy Carter, Jim Morita and Dum Dum Dugan. With Agent Triplett on the show as his grandson, you'd think they'd get Derek Luke back as Gabriel Jones. The flashback could potentially be an introduction to the Agent Carter TV series.

Reportedly (as in not confirmed) Warner Bros has sent out copies of Legion of Superheroes comics to prospective screenwriters. If so, it's likely because they're jealous that Guardians of the Galaxy made all of the money, and want to craft their own version.

Following up on last week's announcement that Dwayne Johnson would be playing Black Adam in a Shazam film, I'm hearing that the film may not be set in the shared DC Cinematic Universe that WB is crafting. If this is true, then it would be a completely STUPID decision.

Here's the first look at how The Vision is likely to appear in The Avengers: Age of Ultron.

And another concept shot that should be indicative of his appearance in film (couldn't find one without the watermarks)

Now that The Avengers: Age of Ultron is entering post-production and Phase Three is gearing up to begin with Ant-Man and Doctor Strange and Cap 3, eyes are already being turned toward the third Avengers film (a hundred credits says it will be subtitled The Infinity Gauntlet). Reportedly (as in still an early draft), Dave Batista's Drax is to feature in a significant role, which is what I'd expect given his relationship to Thanos.

I'll end with a fan made trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. It's cool, a little rough in parts, but the last 15 seconds or so really sold me on it.
The Vision looks cool. Nice.

If Shazam/Captain Marvel aren't in the same universe as the new Batman/Superman, then I agree, that would be a very dumb decision.

I like the new Batmobile and that's exactly what I said to my colleague here at work this morning, that it's like a cross between Tim Burton's Batmobile and Christopher Nolan's Tumbler. It looks very similar to the Batmobile in Batman: Arkham Knight. Looks cool.
Paradox said:
The season premiere of Agents of SHIELD will have a flashback scene that shines on the origins of SHIELD and will co-star Hayley Atwell, Kenneth Choi, and Neal McDonough as Peggy Carter, Jim Morita and Dum Dum Dugan. With Agent Triplett on the show as his grandson, you'd think they'd get Derek Luke back as Gabriel Jones. The flashback could potentially be an introduction to the Agent Carter TV series.
Shit, if that is who the Agent Carter show stars, then I will watch the shit out of that.
Fuck Agents of SHIELD. Howling Commandos are fucking great.
danielrbischoff said:
Batmobile looks cool, even without the could-be-a-real-tank design.

OMG Daniel. You have time to post in here but not respond to my PM or my topic to you in Covert Ops?!?


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