So you're going to die.


Soaring Phoenix
What do you do?

For whatever reason, you find out that you will die tomorrow. How will you spend today? I'm not talking silly stuff, like streaking through Wal-Mart, but seriously thinking, "This is what I must resolve before I go".

I would make a few phone calls to family and friends. Call my job and tell them I will not be in to work for the forseeable future. List my car for sell. Stock up on groceries for my wife. Close some accounts and make sure my wife has passwords and any needed info for others. Make sure my wife has any needed information on my life insurance policy. Draft up a will and make sure my body disposal wishes are known to both my wife and my mom.

Then I would eat a large unhealthy dinner of a thick steak and a baked potato before going to bed for my final night's sleep. I don't know if I'd actually get any sleep. I'd probably lie awake until it happens, thoughts racing, reflecting on my past, hoping I'll qualify for a footnote in Tobin's spirit guide.

What would you do?
I'd write down specific instructions for my family to carry out, and wouldn't tell them about them, but make sure they were on my person at the supposed time I was going to die.

Why? Because if I were to get freaked out and do stuff like you said and be totally convinced I was going to die, I wouldn't. I would only hear the cosmos singing this:
I would want to write my graphic novel story before I die. So I'd do the same - call parents etc. Then I'd pull an all nighter writing and finishing my graphic novel. Hoping someone will draw it for me!!

I'd probably do it whilst drinking too.
Post on a couple of the forums i actually care about saying goodbye
Quickly slap together a will
Go pawn a bunch of shit to get $1000ish
Buy various fuel additives and a full tank of fuel, 3x jerry cans
Buy a shitton of Mother/Monster, couple packs of no-doz and some bottles of baileys
Tell friend the deal, get as much free weed as possible

Proceed to attempt 2,800km journey in under 20hrs, going from my house to Uluru to spend my last minutes on the top of it fucked up and listening to Spirit In The Sky.

This is all assuming i have 24hrs. If not, i'll drive to my local RAAF base and attempt to steal an F-18, and hopefully spend my last minutes listening to:
Take a train north to the arctic sea. Climb to the highest point and enjoy the scenery for the last hours of my life. The weather better be great, but I wouldn't mind facing a thunderstorm either.
sell my possessions, grab some mary j and a bottle of southern comfort, take a sleeping bag and a canoe and portage as far north as I could until sunset hit, lay back in the wilderness and reflect on my life until the moment hits
I would rob a bank. Like Hollywood style. They make bank robberies look like the coolest most glamorous felony in the world. Dog Day Afternoon, Out of Sight, Point Break, Heat, Dark Knight, Inside Man, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Raising Arizona, are just a few movies off the top of my head where the bank robber(s) are the coolest and most likeable people in the movie. They are almost always made out to be sympathetic characters and it's not unusual for other people in the same movies as they are in to be rooting for them.

So yeah, after I took care of all the mundane stuff like leaving my ps3 and games to my son, I would go out and do a big 'ol hollywood style bank robbery. Maybe more than one if I didn't get caught right away.
I have instructions for what to do in case I die, in terms of letting people know, carrying out some wishes, and transferring money and possessions. There are a lot of things I would like people to know. One or two people get access to my computer, which contains most of the information.

Record everything. Not just because it would make an awesome film, but because I have too many ideas that haven't escaped my brain yet, and I want to do as much as possible to let it all out.

I might spend time trying to catch a last-minute flight out to see someone. Maybe get it on. I wonder if that would be too traumatizing, though.

I would rent an oboe. Buy knee-high or thigh-high boots and wear them with a coat lined with a hundred pockets, maybe accompanied by sunglasses.

If I know when exactly I'm going to die, I'm going to make sure I'm near a hospital, so that I can efficiently donate my body to others and to science. I haven't yet decided where I'd like my brain to end up.

Alternatively, maybe more likely, just hang out in chats and say things until I stop.
I like De-Ting's idea. I would prefer to write things down then say them.

Then I'd sit all night, contemplating, listening to my favourite tunes until my time.

I would also be high for all of this.
Record a video for my son, talking about how much I love him. :)

Then I will gather the family for a great feast.
Buy a first class ticket to San Francisco to see my ex-girlfriend, spend whatever hours we have left candy-flipping.
Spend the day with the family, just a calm day.

Then as the sun set, I would strap as many bottle rockets to me as humanly possible and jettison to the moon.

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