So watch dogs

I've been playing this game a bit for the past week.

I like it. Don't understand why some people hate this game with a passion, but then again some people hate McDonalds with a passion and I love that shit. Whatever.
Yep, just found out about this too.

Fucking ubisoft. Then again, what was i expecting? This is ubisoft, who are only just barely better than EA these days.
Get ACTUAL next gen graphics, while having it run less shit. Excellent work ubisoft, really proving us pirates wrong with your support of the PC and gaming community in general.
madster111 said:
Yep, just found out about this too.

Fucking ubisoft. Then again, what was i expecting? This is ubisoft, who are only just barely better than EA these days.
Get ACTUAL next gen graphics, while having it run less shit. Excellent work ubisoft, really proving us pirates wrong with your support of the PC and gaming community in general.

What it actually shows is tension between higher ups and developers since they hid this on the PC version. Something tells me there was a push from console developers to tighten the actual gap between consoles and PC and the heads told them to downgrade. Another generation of consoles fucking PC again
They created an "E3" version, and didn't keep it with the game's release, fuck.. Why?

213EDD said:
What it actually shows is tension between higher ups and developers since they hid this on the PC version. Something tells me there was a push from console developers to tighten the actual gap between consoles and PC and the heads told them to downgrade. Another generation of consoles fucking PC again

seem legit.
I thought it was a common practice to dress the games up for E3 and show a bunch of pretty, scripted cut scenes of which the final product hardly resembles.
C_nate said:
I thought it was a common practice to dress the games up for E3 and show a bunch of pretty, scripted cut scenes of which the final product hardly resembles.

Mhm, I remember when Watch Dogs was first revealed at E3 2012 (I think, or was it 2011? I forget) it looked really awesome... a lot better than it does now.

Not to go too far off topic, but the whole fiasco reminds me of when Aliens: Colonial Marines was first revealed at E3. It looked amazing. Then the final product? What the F-?
Been playing this game more frequently over the past few days. I am really liking this game. I love how you really dont serve any purpose in the world an literally doing whatever the hell you want and the story is being pushed by the actions of other people. The hacking is pretty ridiculous (why would locations that want to stay private be open to ctOS?) but it keeps me entertained. I enjoy that I can get myself through missions by using my hacking skills and stealth alone. I never finished any GTA game because I don't enjoy massive shootouts.

I really dont understand how some people hate this game with a passion. Maybe the hype go to them? I didn't know about this game until it was released.
The even listed it was E3 in the code. :evil:
C_nate said:
I thought it was a common practice to dress the games up for E3 and show a bunch of pretty, scripted cut scenes of which the final product hardly resembles.
No they set the game up to run perfectly on a top tier PC and then drop it down for the consoles.
Thing is, most developers leave all the E3 code in for the PC version.

Watch Dogs was shown at E3 2012 running 60fps on a SLI GTX680 setup. You know, like Sourdeez here has right now and is possibly posting from.
And yet they STILL give us a shitty ported version with the same graphics as the xbone and i bet it still runs 1/2 as good on his setup as any properly optimized game should.

Be honest, which looks prettier. Standard watch dogs or my copy of Skyrim:

Guess which runs better.
MattAY said:
I swear if I hear you say "xbone" one more time...
They come up with a stupid, long name, they get a stupid short nickname. Looks better than 'Xbox1' and 'Xbox One' takes too long to type.

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