So watch dogs

You can't do the creepiest thing you've ever done and then say 'oh I'm not as creepy as I used to be.'
madster111 said:
UghRochester said:
madster, why the f*ck are you even complaining? You didn't even buy the game.
So what you're saying is, if i played it at a mates house or borrowed their copy, i don't get to complain about what a massive pile of overhyped, bloated & broken shit this is?

This is the EXACT reason i pirate games. Shit console ports with shit DRM covering up a shit game, all for the non-refundable price of $100aud?
How about no. Maybe if demos these days weren't useless (or, you know, existed in the first place) i could avoid wasting 22gb.
I remember back in the days when you could actually trust AAA games, back when i didn't pirate shit except linkin park and aXXo. All was good, i''d just go out and get myself some nice DVDs and there'd be no problems.
Those are not the times we live in.
I gave it a chance, i really did. I went back to it after discovering the letdown graphics, the shit controls and worlds worst in-game radio stations. Messed around with the settings, couple ini tweaks that sorta thing. Decided to give the plot a chance, figured i could pick it up during steam sales and/or buy some DLC.
Just no. Watch Dogs has no redeemable features, no replay value, no reason to dick around outside of the main mission after you've done each side mission once...
It's just bad. It does not deserve my money, or my HDD space which is why i deleted that shit.

Yea, I'm certain you would pay for games if they were good. Lmao.

Rustles the fuk outta my jimmies when people try to justify their pirating. Just admit it, you're too cheap and/or don't have enough money to pay.

And you're the type of person that is first to cry when companies take extra measures to prevent piracy, limiting your experience. So then you use it as an excuse to pirate more, and they make even shittier games with an even more limited experience to prevent piracy. Etc. etc. etc.
used44 said:
You can't do the creepiest thing you've ever done and then say 'oh I'm not as creepy as I used to be.'
You're all saying it's creepy, but I'm showing people how easy it could be to track someone down. And it wasn't just for a random stream, it was for people playing Watch_Dogs. They're just getting a full immersed experience.
I'll agree with you madster in regards to the pricing of games in Australia. It sucks and a lot of the time, yeah, we're getting totally ripped off. Despite this, I don't pirate any of my games, which is why I'm so stubborn when it comes to buying games.

This is gonna sound really dumb but when it comes to buying games, unless I know I absolutely want it (for example, I am totally gonna buy Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U and 3Ds no matter what), I usually look very closely at reviews. I look at GameRevolution for text-based reviews, I look at for video reviews, I look at game's Wikipedia article and check the general reception and finally I read Australian gaming magazine HYPER for another review. I really try to do some research with reviewers I trust before I buy a game because they're usually quite expensive, as you know.

Of course, sometimes I'll disagree completely with what a reviewer says and buy a game regardless and funnily enough, still enjoy it. Good example is ZombiU for the Wii U. While a lot of reviewers didn't like it (with the exception of GameRevolution), I loved it.

One good thing about EB Games though, is the seven day return policy which I've abused in the past. I bought Aliens: Colonial Marines for PS3 on a whim when it first came out, and I was very suspicious of the game because when I looked online there were absolutely no reviews available because Australia got it early. Played it, it was so shit beyond belief, I took it back the next day and got all my money back, despite EB trying to convince me to put it on a pre-order or something instead.
intoTheRain said:
Yea, I'm certain you would pay for games if they were good. Lmao
You mean like Kerbal Space Program, or Minecraft, or Automation, or FTL, or Spacebase DF-9, or Rust or Master of Orion 2 or Civ4?
All of which i've got sitting on my laptop right now and paid for?

You don't know a fucking thing, mate.

Master_Craig said:
II usually look very closely at reviews. I look at GameRevolution for text-based reviews, I look at for video reviews, I look at game's Wikipedia article and check the general reception and finally I read Australian gaming magazine HYPER for another review. I really try to do some research with reviewers I trust before I buy a game because they're usually quite expensive, as you know.
Problem with that is games that are shit and yet manage to get good reviews.
Much like Watch Dogs, which GR officially gave 4.5 stars. You know, the same as Bioshock Infinite or Mass Effect 3.

I am yet to find a site or specific reviewer i can truly trust. Best i can do is watch gameplay online, but that doesn't tell me if the controls are shit like Crackdown 2.

If only EBs weren't so damn expensive, and took PC returns.
That's fair enough, madster. I guess that's why I look at multiple sources for reviews, as well as the general reception of Wikipedia. Not all reviewers give games the same scores but yes, some games it does happen - such as Bioshock: Infinite, which funnily enough I have yet to play.

Sure, GameRevolution gave Watch Dogs a 4.5 as written by Nick, but with Daniel's review for Playstation Lifestyle, his take on Watch Dogs wasn't so generous. Reviewers can vary.

Also, I loved Mass Effect 3 (the Extended Cut) but you already know my fanboyism for the Mass Effect series.

I remember once upon a time EB Games used to return PC games but it's fair enough that they don't any more due to disc keys having limited use as well as online DRM like Steam, EA Origin, Ubisoft's Uplay etc.

This will sound annoying but here's something you can try if you haven't already - JB Hi-Fi usually sells games cheaper than EB Games. Sometimes the price difference is awesome, sometimes it's not so much. Regardless, make your EB Games price match cheaper shops. That way you not only get the game for a better price but also you can return it within seven days... of course, as we've discussed already this doesn't include PC games unfortunately.

Buying games online can be a cheaper alternative too, as you're aware. Wolfenstein: New Order for PS4 is $99 at EB Games and $89.95 at JB Hi-Fi, my brother asked me to buy the game because he saw it for sale at for $60 including free delivery. So we got it, and delivery time was pretty quick too, a few business days.
madster111 said:
I am yet to find a site or specific reviewer i can truly trust.
Yeah, it's almost like everyone has different opinions on stuff and won't agree on every single thing. What a ridiculous concept.
used44 said:
Pierced belly buttons are so weird.

Tell me about it. Since The Matrix came out, they remind me of those things they put in the bellybuttons.
MattAY said:
used44 said:
Pierced belly buttons are so weird.

Tell me about it. Since The Matrix came out, they remind me of those things they put in the bellybuttons.
You know what else? Tongue and lip piercings. In fact, anything that isn't the ear.
"The Picton Castle is a fully certified and registered Cook Islands tall ship whose mission is deep-ocean sail training and long distance education. Picton Castle is perhaps best known for her World Circumnavigations, though she has visited the Great Lakes twice, sailed numerous times on tours on the East Coast of the Americas, completed a Caribbean Voyage and in 2008 sailed to Europe, Africa and the Caribbean on a Voyage of the Atlantic. In 2012 she sailed for the South Pacific. The Picton Castle's unofficial home port in Canada is Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, but she is formally registered in the Cook Islands and subject to that country's regulatory regime."

Who the hell names a fake online drug store after a big-ass sailing boat?

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