So watch dogs

MattAY said:
By the way, thanks to you Lien, I just watched all of Conan's clueless gamers - they're hilarious!
The tomb raider one always cracks me up.

Just finished the main missions. I enjoyed the game even if it seemed a bit rushed. Broken game code on PC,(Also uplay was broken and caused DRM problems for legitimate customers.) Fake world reflections and no water splash physics(shooting water does nothing) Very little to spend your money on, not a lot of different customization options, No car modding, a long buildup to a rushed feeling ending.
I am glad they took the delay that they did. If I had to give it a grade I would give it a B (Because I like letter grades)
My question is, what the fuck happened to that E3 2012 build?
Remember? Back when it was the prettiest game ever made?

And then us PC players got this Xbone ported piece of badly running shit that looks worse than a modified copy of GTA4. It's not next gen in it's graphics, to say nothing of its physics.
It feels and plays like a shitty GTA5 clone with a stupid 1-button hacking minigame and some nice textures.

I have absolutely no idea how you guys like it so much. The driving is so bad and the world so flat it's not fun to dick around in, the story is generic as fuck with an unlikeable main character, the songs are complete shit and the sound effects are entirely average.

The cunts can get fucked if they think i'm so much as spitting in the sequels direction.

Would've happily paid $5 for just that spider mech thing game on its own without all the other crap attached.
I haven't played it yet, ive been hearing a lot of good and bad from several people.

From what ive seen its basically a well made game, but not necessarily a good one. I agree with Madster regarding the storyline, the bits ive seen or that have been spoiled to me make me shake my head at how silly it is.

Still, I won't judge until I actually play it.
Its worth the cash for the entertainment value and story. The main dude's voice is kind of annoying, but its a solid game. I've only experience one sketchy bug while playing - trying to sneak /crouch around in the Prison my screen shook violently and Aiden slowly started to move backwards while crouched. Also, if they're going to penalize me so much for hitting pedestrians (which I like) theyve got to let my car handle better,
I'll be honest, I was never interested in this game. I never saw what all the hype was about.

I watched a bit of Howie's stream (yes the quality was fine H!) and I was just, meh, the whole time. You could probably say too much hype ruined it. If its expectations weren't so large, it could've received a more positive response?

The good thing this game seems to have is a lot of extras, easter eggs and "fuck-aboutness". The plot in these sandbox games is rarely captivating. Infact GTA5 is the only sandbox story I was interested in knowing what happened next really.
UghRochester said:
madster, why the f*ck are you even complaining? You didn't even buy the game.
So what you're saying is, if i played it at a mates house or borrowed their copy, i don't get to complain about what a massive pile of overhyped, bloated & broken shit this is?

This is the EXACT reason i pirate games. Shit console ports with shit DRM covering up a shit game, all for the non-refundable price of $100aud?
How about no. Maybe if demos these days weren't useless (or, you know, existed in the first place) i could avoid wasting 22gb.
I remember back in the days when you could actually trust AAA games, back when i didn't pirate shit except linkin park and aXXo. All was good, i''d just go out and get myself some nice DVDs and there'd be no problems.
Those are not the times we live in.
I gave it a chance, i really did. I went back to it after discovering the letdown graphics, the shit controls and worlds worst in-game radio stations. Messed around with the settings, couple ini tweaks that sorta thing. Decided to give the plot a chance, figured i could pick it up during steam sales and/or buy some DLC.
Just no. Watch Dogs has no redeemable features, no replay value, no reason to dick around outside of the main mission after you've done each side mission once...
It's just bad. It does not deserve my money, or my HDD space which is why i deleted that shit.
madster111 said:
UghRochester said:
madster, why the f*ck are you even complaining? You didn't even buy the game.
So what you're saying is, if i played it at a mates house or borrowed their copy, i don't get to complain about what a massive pile of overhyped, bloated & broken shit this is?

This is the EXACT reason i pirate games. Shit console ports with shit DRM covering up a shit game, all for the non-refundable price of $100aud?
How about no. Maybe if demos these days weren't useless (or, you know, existed in the first place) i could avoid wasting 22gb.
I remember back in the days when you could actually trust AAA games, back when i didn't pirate shit except linkin park and aXXo. All was good, i''d just go out and get myself some nice DVDs and there'd be no problems.
Those are not the times we live in.
I gave it a chance, i really did. I went back to it after discovering the letdown graphics, the shit controls and worlds worst in-game radio stations. Messed around with the settings, couple ini tweaks that sorta thing. Decided to give the plot a chance, figured i could pick it up during steam sales and/or buy some DLC.
Just no. Watch Dogs has no redeemable features, no replay value, no reason to dick around outside of the main mission after you've done each side mission once...
It's just bad. It does not deserve my money, or my HDD space which is why i deleted that shit.

Watch Dogs isn't bad, nor is it great. I haven't finished the story, yet. the ctOS towers and bases are fun and challenging. You could either do it the easy way and just shoot and kill everyone, but that's not fun to me. I like the whole hacking to different cameras to get where I got to go. That's challenging and I enjoy it. The always online is great too. I see people complaining about losing connection to Uplay all the time, but those people I see are PC players. It worked fine for me. Of course, the average wait time to hack someone on day 1 was 2 minutes, but now it's a couple seconds for me.

I just think the game has mixed reviews. The only way to determine if you going to like it or not is give it a go. madster may not like it, but it's a good game for console users.
I did see something sneaky in the new assassin's creed unity trailer. It also had no character reflections in the windows. Just like watchdogs.
I think Watch Dogs isn't a great game, but it's not a bad game either. It's alright. I find I'm having fun when I'm not doing the storyline, such as the ctOS towers and the gang hide outs.

But funnily enough I'm having more fun with Mario Kart 8 and The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD Edition.
Finished the main story. I really disliked how some of the missions you were forced to shoot your weapon. To be honest, If I ever used a weapon throughout the game, it would be something I hacked or a silenced pistol.

There were somethings that annoyed me, having a crowd the same models, but with different profiles. Also, you have chunks of water on the map that you think you can access, but there's a f*cking invisible wall by the buoys. Also, if you have a truck with bed, go under a swing set slowy. You'll find the tire will get caught in your bed and won't let you drive off. One thing that really pissed me off was not being able to shoot while driving or being able to have a flying vehicle. I'm just happy the bushes weren't cement, but the gates with barb wire were mainly unbreakable unless you had to break them

Overall, it was a good game. The hacking was great. Being able to use a QR code reader on your phone was a cool feature. The story was alright, but I didn't feel connected at all to the characters. If anything, I feel like I can't trust anyone now. I enjoyed the game.
I'm not a big fan of Aiden Pearce either. He's not very likeable really. I also don't like how Aiden feels so hypocritical, e.g. running around being a vigilante and stuff and stopping crime and bad guys, yet he's going around stealing money from innocent people's bank accounts, causing destruction and mayhem and murdering people. If anything, Aiden should have been a criminal himself, similar to the characters of GTA.

I think that's what annoys me about Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed. They're supposed to be "good guys" who try to justify their horrible actions, e.g. murder, theft, destruction etc. Although Alex Kidd in Assassin's Creed IV: Blackflag comments on this quite well, "We're monsters, but we're necessary monsters."

I agree that not being able to shoot while driving is annoying, but I think that's because the developers want players to focus on hacking abilities while driving, e.g. "Hacking is your weapon". In saying that though it is a bit contradicting, considering one of the game's taglines is "Hacking is your weapon" or whatever, but lets you run around with all sorts of guns to cause mayhem with.

I think it would have been interesting to see Aiden as a less combative character. Someone who uses stealth/hacking more often rather than ordinary weapons and violence. And if shit hits the fan well, that's when you could bail out and try to escape. I think that would have been a more interesting, challenging approach, rather than going third person shooter like a lot of games of today.
I might have made someone afraid of technology. I was watching someone play Watch_Dogs on PS4. To make it look like Big Brother is watching and make it look like another promotional stunt, I Google'd his username and see if I can find that related to any social networks, which I did. I found out this person's job was self-employed and he posted his website on his profile. I checked the website and looked at the contact info to see if the person's phone number was there. It was and I left a voice-mail telling him what I did and not to be alarmed. I told him it was easy to find out who he was, because he had the same username and he could prevent this by having different usernames. I know it was the same guy, because of the pictures and his live stream. He also played the voice message on the air after he was done with the main story.
B-But, it was to show how easy someone can find that person. I'm not as creepy as I was in my younger days.

"But I'm not a rapist! I just did it to show her she was vulnerable to rape!"

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