Sega Genesis and Atari with built in games?!

I was going to say it probably doesn't have some of the games I want (like licensed games and sports games that these things never have) but then I saw that it had a cartridge slot. That's fucking awesome.
Ah, those Atari games are just a little old for me to remember them. apart from the obvious one like Missile Command and Space Invaders.

Amiga games - if they did them, then I'd be interested!
Atari has some good games on it, but chances are those cartidges will have the standard ten or so that are in pretty much everything. Adventure, Combat, Outlaw, Pac Man, Yars Revenge, Defender. The classics basically.

I've been thinking about getting one because it combines hardware, but I'm trying to less stuff overall so no adding right now after X1 and PS4.
I played a considerable amount of Atari games back in the olden days of nineteen ninety six, because that's what my grandma had, and I got pretty damn good at some of those games.

I had one of the ones like this, but the only good game it had on it was Adventure. And I am so goddamn good at Adventure already.
Saw the Sega one for sale at toys r us last night. Quick look at the back of all the pictures of games cases made me super nostalgic. The added ability to use cartridges is also pretty sweet. Might have to pick one up or at least add it to Christmas wish list... for my son... yes, sure my son needs to play it.

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