See my leg!


And tattoo, there's also a tattoo:


Yeah. Point is though that it's my first tat, I spent a lot of time making sure I was happy with the design and now I want to start work on the next one, not going to wait so long this time.

Oh... yeah, I guess you can post pictures of your tattoos now... >_>
Looks cool man.

I don't have any tattoos. Mostly due to the fact I'm too indecisive and could never decide on one.
That's gay. I bet all the nerd boys are going crazy over it. Look at how deep and insightful you are.

Alright, I'm done. That's pretty cool.
UrbanMasque said:
I like it.
why the leg, and not the shoulder/arm or high back of the shoulder or forearm?

My guess would be, 'cause he has tiny woman arms. Either that, or he's afraid that his mother will see it, so he wanted it in a place that could be concealed easily.
UrbanMasque said:
I like it.
why the leg, and not the shoulder/arm or high back of the shoulder or forearm?

I've had this idea knocking around for probably nearly half a decade and part of the decision was where it went. I started wanting a tattoo on my inner forearm after I saw Dave Grohl's (seriously). After I figured out the rough design I had to dismiss the forearm idea because of career prospects; it's unfortunate but society still looks down on tattoos and I don't want a tattoo to damage my career potential. I also thought about on the bicep and thought that for my first tattoo I wanted to put it somewhere less stereotypical. The shape lends itself perfectly to going on my back but I'm not one of those guys who parades around topless so it'd never get seen. I know tattoos are done for the individual and mine does have personal meaning but I don't see the point of getting something done which is never seen. It wouldn't even be seen by me as it's on my back!

So given the shape of the design and all I just said I thought that the calf would be the best place.

Diabolus: in response to your PM, I don't have any more concrete ideas at the moment. There are a few bouncing round in my head but none are particularly original. I'm thinking that if the idea itself isn't original but I put my personal spin on it then that would be ok too. Haven't got there yet though.
It definitely looks cool. I like the metallic shading, the artist did a good job there. So what does it mean?

I've got one on my ankle that is this:

With the date 10.5.37 in roman numerals underneath.

It's to signify my love for manga! And the date has a double meaning.
1) My best friend has the same tattoo on his other ankle and we plan to meet up at the Lincoln pier on that date (when were 50).
2) I plan to make my first graphic novel before that date (drawing manga is a hobby of mine), it doesn't have to be published or anything - just done.

Plus Naruto was the first that really got me into manga. Sure I watched Dragonball etc when I grew up, but I thought everyone would make fun of me when I was young so I didn't tell anyone haha!
Oh, and Itachi is my favourite character in the series too! Closely followed by Killerbee.
Maybe I'm just thick but can you explain the meaning of the broken chain double helix tat?
Nice tattoo Matt, I like the date thing but why that particular date?

As for the meaning of mine it means that we're not constrained by our DNA. Our genetic code might place limits on us (hence the chain) but we can push past those limits if we want to (so it breaks).
Surprised to see an awesome tattoo, with an awesome story/meaning.

I disagree with the meaning, I think we're all basically pre programmed machines, some of us just get better operating systems and hardware. Which is why I have a hard time judging anyone for anything anymore. I do, of course, and anyone who knows me as a poster knows I do, but in a perfect world I wouldn't.

That said, its just my opinion and still think the tattoo and its meaning is badass. Good going Sam!

I wish I shared your opinion on us being free from our genetic makeup if we want to be :D
Mattay awesome tat of the leafs akatsuki emblem also, Itachi is one of my favorite if not my favorite manga character closely followed by Luffy or Zoro.
Haha thanks gunner, knew you'd like it ;)

maca2kx said:
Nice tattoo Matt, I like the date thing but why that particular date?

It's just the date we got our tattoos, i.e from then it would be exactly 30 years.

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