Round Of Applause...


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I was thinking, if ANY computer game character walked out onto a stage in front of a shagload of people...who would get the biggest applause? Doesnt matter how old or new...

Im gonna say Link!
what about master cheif i mean i know mario and link and them are classics but master cheif is the star now no?
Id have to say link to. His character is amongst the most widely recognized and widely popular of the entire history of video games. How can he not get a standing ovation?
I guess that Both Link and Mario will recieve the biggest applause. Because they have gone to everything.
haha linky all the way.

what triggered this was the beginning of this "ultimate trailer" on yotube (its just loads of trailers in one). but they give a round of applause at the beginning when they show linky boy. PLUS this really makes me want to play twilight princess SO BAD lol. you've probs all seen it, but ill post it anyway - OH YEAH!
It really would depend who was in the crowd. If it was gamers, then of course Link. However, if it was anyone else then i'm not so sure.
Is this in the context of what the character has done in the game, i.e. is the person universally renowned as a hero?

For instance, Solid Snake surely would not get a standing ovation according to his game context because a) hardly anyone knows about him b) the politicians take credit for his actions c) his actions were widely purported as terrorism in MGS2 with no one knowing how he helped save the day.

But if it's just by recognition alone, then I'd say Mario. Casual people know of Mario; they don't know of Link.
I would defintaly say Mario, esp if he came out with Lugi.

Link would defintaly get a big round of applause too but sis you know that ALOT of casual people to gaming, think that Link's name is actually Zelda (I was one of them as a kid until we got the game for nin64 :oops: )
yeah ok good points. my friend used to think he was zelda...until i taught him the ways!

in a crowd of ordinary ppl: MArio
crowd of gamers: linky boy!....thats what i think anway!
Pfft, what a bunch of sexist pigs.

Laura Croft, Tifa, Yuna?

Remember, most people include some form of applause with their jeers and cat-calls.

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