Resident Evil 5 collector's edition is $90


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...but full of enough stuff to probably make it worth it if you're a really big fan.


It's pretty cool that so much went into it, but I really can't see why I would need any of it. I like the Chris figurine (because I like figurines), but everything else would likely just be kept in the box. The messenger bag is nice (thankfully not full of Kijuju writing like everything else) , but probably cheaply made, the necklace is really big and ugly, and I stand firm that Bonus videos of behind the scenes documentaries and artwork should just be available for free on Xbox LIVE.

Will you be dropping the benjamin on it?
I wouldn't if I had a PS3 or Xbox 360 to buy it for, special edition isn't that "special" OMG A SACK AND A NECKLACE :roll:
What the hell is this trash? Fuck that. A worthy bonus would include, say, all the previous RE games on another disc or two, but nooooooooo...

I would kill to play a high def version of REmake.
There are a lot of games I spent the extra money on for the special edition. MGS4, GTA4, even Resistance 2 simply because it came with a kickass Chimeran action figure/plastic statue for like 10 bucks more.

However, I will not be getting this. RE sucks.
If this was a collector's edition containing the game soundtrack, bonus art book, behind the scenes DVD and a steel case I'd consider shelling out 75 dollars for it.

90 dollars for all of that? No thanks.
Well, it does have a nice steel case, and a Bonus DVD. But I agree that the price, and the ridiculous necklaces they've thrown in to up the price, make this a no-buy for me.

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