

Why do people say pong is the best video game ever? Is it just the fact it was one of the first? becuase if you really think about it pong is a terrible game and it horribly SUCKS.

i wouldnt say its the best game ever, but it certainly does not suck. pong was the game that introduced me to gaming. my very first video game. i have fond memories of it. it complelled me to visit those large flashing boxes ive seen in passing, particularly one named pac-man. ive never looked back.
Pong doesn't suck, but it's also not the best. It's like Asteroids, Battlezone, Centipiede, and Missle Command, it's a classic game that is regarded as one of the first games, which automatically make it one of the best games.

I personally like the game, as it is addicting and fun with someone else, and all the remakes of it are good too, like Table Tennis, so it's a great game to play with anyone.
how would you like to be the guy that loses in the original pong - whne it first came out.

i think 2 decent gamers now a days would have a pong game that lasts hours.

look how far we've come.
I tend to find that a lot of people just say they like old games becuase they want to appear as though they're a "videogame connoisseur", whereas thay never actually played it and the only games they're interested in are Need For Speed and Def Jam Icon.
its definitely not the best but u hav to giv it some credit for being the first game that u were able to play on ur tv, they were experimenting
i believe that belongs in another topic grandmagoodtimes.

I must say I've never played the original Pong. I've played it online and as a minigame in loading screens in some games, but I don't think that really counts.
I played pong for the first time on Testdrive for ps2 on loading screens. It passed the time so I can't complain....it's better than just looking at a car for 20secs.

But to keep on subject of this thread as far as a whole it might be considered classic but I wouldn't actually get excited about pong nowadays.

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