New Year's Resolutions 2017

Day 17 of no caffeine or sugary drnks. Still have headaches. Seem to be loosing weight. Still feel pretty bad without it.
Sourdeez said:
Day 17 of no caffeine or sugary drnks. Still have headaches. Seem to be loosing weight. Still feel pretty bad without it.

Are you drinking more water at least? Dehydration is a bitch; what I'm finding helps (I've cut back on the caffeine) is drinking either seltzer water or the LaCroix; it gives you the fizzes and the carbonation without the sugar or caffeine.
How's everyone's new year resolutions going? Share whatever updates you might have! Here's mine.

1 - Be a happier and more positive person.

A huge, mother fuckin' yes. This has been, or at least is in the process of being achieved. At the end of last year, I had a lot of free time to think and I made some very difficult decisions that ultimately, cut out some severe causes of stress in my life and have made me a happier person. Some people didn't like my decisions, but it's not about them, it's about me (and I've realized now, it's actually okay to think like that) because now, I sleep a lot better at night.

2 - Consume less sugar, eat better food, drink more water.

Uh, yeah...

This one is tricky. I spoke to my strength coach recently and I said to her that I'm having a lot of trouble in this department, because despite eating the food I'm told to eat, I end up drinking sugary crap on top of that. She suggested to me, for the next four weeks, to just ignore my "diet" and do what's called an "instinctive diet", e.g. eat whatever you want, when you want, as long as it's simple, wholesome foods and as long as each meal contains protein/carbohydrates/fats... so milk, cheese, a variety of meats, breads, salads, vegetables, pasta, rice etc. while trying to have nothing processed or/and sugary.

I think it's going to be a challenging four weeks, but I'm so glad that I can still have, and am encouraged to have milk. I love that shit.

3 - Lose weight, get fitter and get stronger.

I haven't really lost "weight", but I have gotten stronger. Recently, I achieved a new one rep max in all of my major lifts. My dead lift is now 190 kg (418 Ibs), my bench press is 120 kg (264 Ibs) and my squat... while crappy, is 165 kg (363 Ibs), for a 475 kg (1,047 Ibs) total.. These numbers, especially the squat, aren't that good at all, but it is a sign of improvement at the very least.

I'm hoping the next four weeks will help me break away from sugar and ultimately lose body weight. I don't care about my weight anymore as a number, all I care about is my body fat.

4 - Cook more often.

I haven't cooked as much as I would like lately, but I still at least cook my weekly lunches every Sunday. I do need to cook dinner more often, though.

5 - Apply for new jobs, maybe even get a new job.

I've updated my resume and I have applied for a few new jobs, but that's about it.

6 - Start working on my own web comic.

Haha, next question... I've been very slack in this part. The truth is, I don't really know what I want to do. All I want to do is to draw for a living. I don't know if I want to do a web comic, or try and do an actual comic, or an animation. I have no idea.

7 - Save money, achieve a certain savings amount by the end of the year.

This has been challenging, especially in the last month. In just over a month, I've had to spend nearly four grand on completely unavoidable bills... insurance, registration, car service, car repayments, dental bills etc. That's just life, though. Now that most of those major bills are out of the way, hopefully I can start saving.

8 - Draw more often.

I do a lot of sketching and doodling, but I wouldn't call it actual drawing. I still need to do this more often.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Sourdeez said:
Day 17 of no caffeine or sugary drnks. Still have headaches. Seem to be loosing weight. Still feel pretty bad without it.

Are you drinking more water at least? Dehydration is a bitch; what I'm finding helps (I've cut back on the caffeine) is drinking either seltzer water or the LaCroix; it gives you the fizzes and the carbonation without the sugar or caffeine.

Yeah I second that. If beer works, fair enough. I was going to suggest caffeine-free "teas" (tisanes), like rooibos or honeybush, or chamomile, etc. I mean, they've decaffeinated green tea, but that's an abomination and I won't stand for it.

Master_Craig, you really have a bunch on the go... that's too ambitious for me. I'd choose just one, and whatever it would've been, I'm pretty sure I've failed it. Maybe I should start with trying out Lent or something instead. :p
Sightless said:
Master_Craig, you really have a bunch on the go... that's too ambitious for me. I'd choose just one, and whatever it would've been, I'm pretty sure I've failed it. Maybe I should start with trying out Lent or something instead. :p

I try to set a number of goals so I at least achieve something... yeah, I'm probably going to fail some of my goals, but at the very least I should succeed in a few others.

I don't feel like a very ambitious person (otherwise I would either A - have more goals, and/or B - be working super hard to fulfill and perhaps even surpass all goals), but I think having several goals is a good thing.

Having only one goal in mind... I dunno about that. Personally, if I only had a single goal and I failed, I'd feel pretty shitty with myself. You know, "Goddammit, you had one job". :p
Sourdeez said:
I have kept my resolution so far. I haven't had any caffeine since Dec 23rd. Still sucks without it.
This whole sleep deprivation thing has made me understand why people think caffeine will help them.
Sourdeez said:
I have kept my resolution so far. I haven't had any caffeine since Dec 23rd. Still sucks without it.

That's bloody awesome, well done.

I'm attempted to avoid simple sugars and processed foods/drinks for at least four weeks. So far... I've done four days.

I feel okay for now.
Caffeine in the form of soda is probably my one addiction. I don't smoke, drink, or do any drugs. I have very limited time for gaming, both video and board, so I can't do either to an unhealthy degree and I don't have the money to really overspend on anything either. But sweet, blessed soda...mmmm. Particularly Mt. Dew. Not any of their special flavors or their throwback pure sugar mix, just plain, simple Dew. Delicious.

Reading my post, I just want to say, "Sorry, Sourdeez. This probably didn't help you."
I ordered a digital scale. Idk what my weight was before but it will be nice to be able to see what it is now. Seeing it may motivate me to try to move even faster in VR.
I've gained something like 30-40 pounds since I met my wife, as she is a really good cook. Between eating better and getting older, I just don't keep my weight down as well as I used to.

That being said, I fluctuate between 200-210 pounds (90 - 95 kg), so I'm probably at a healthier weight that I used to be anyway. Though I miss being able to eat anything I wanted whenever I wanted and not really gaining any weight. My female friends were a bit upset at me for that :)
COMaestro said:
That being said, I fluctuate between 200-210 pounds (90 - 95 kg), so I'm probably at a healthier weight that I used to be anyway. Though I miss being able to eat anything I wanted whenever I wanted and not really gaining any weight. My female friends were a bit upset at me for that :)
I'm about the same, and the way guys are able to do that is by not obsessing over food and overindulging in it.

You want a star crunch? Eat a star crunch. Don't stress out about it all day just to cave in and eat the whole box all at once. Pace yourself and eat other things too. I made the box of truffles I got for my birthday last two months.
I so much as look at junk food and I'll put on weight. :(

Nice work Sourdeez on getting yourself a scale, that's gonna help you keep track. Glad you've found something to motivate yourself (you wanting to move quicker in VR, that's awesome).

I struggle with sugar. I don't eat much junk food, I don't smoke cigarettes, I don't do "illicit" drugs (everyone takes an aspirin from time to time) and I rarely drink alcohol, but I am an absolute dickhead when it comes to flavored milk. It is my weakness, my one true bane.

I mentioned above in a previous post, but recently I spoke to my strength coach and she suggested that for the next four weeks, I'm to ignore my diet, instead attempting what's called an "instinctive diet". Basically, she wants me to eat when I feel hungry, as much as I want, regardless of the time of day, "eat to appetite".

However, I've been asked to eat only simple, whole foods. Nothing processed and as little sugar as possible, preferably none.

The choice of foods is good... lots of meats, vegetables, fruits, cheese, milk, bread, rice, pasta, nuts, berries, yogurt, oats etc. Some foods, such as full cream milk, obviously contain sugar, but it's not horrible amounts of sugar like typical flavored milk. Some foods I need to be careful with, e.g. pasta sauces and whatnot. Nothing "pre-cooked" (frozen meals you can buy from the super market).

So far I've almost done two weeks. I shamefully admit, I have had the dreaded flavored milk on the weekends, but I've minimized it to one, maybe two... not three to five. :/ Yeah, I was bad.

My body weight fluctuates randomly between 108kg to 114kg (238 - 251 Ibs). It's really weird.

At this stage, I don't care about my body weight as a number anymore. Honestly, I've almost lost interest in judo, at least the competition side of things, so nowadays my weight as a number isn't the concern, it's now my body fat as a number that I'm focusing on.
163.2lb at 6 foot. Not bad. I'm going to track my weight as I increase VR usage in the coming month. Also only drinking beer every three to four weeks.

Thanks for the support.
Sourdeez said:
163.2lb at 6 foot. Not bad. I'm going to track my weight as I increase VR usage in the coming month. Also only drinking beer every three to four weeks.

Thanks for the support.

Jesus how is that possible? I'm 6 foot and to weigh 163 pounds I'd have to have like -2% body fat, or be missing a leg. Either way, impressive.

I'm at 260 and around 32-35% Body Fat, which is about 91 pounds. Unless I'm calculating that shit wrong, 0% BF would leave me at 169lbs, and I'd be dead. Ideally I'd like to get back under the 200 club, but I haven't been there since I was 18 and still playing soccer.

I'd say I was at 250 when this was taken back in late July, and I'm clearly not a blob of manflesh.
Looking good, Eyebrowsbv31!

Honestly, wouldn't be able to tell your weight in that picture alone. You certainly don't look 250 Ibs (that's about 113 kg, I think).

My work mate is quite a tall and thin guy. He's a little taller than I am (I'm 6'3, he's 6'4) but he weighs less than Sourdeez... about 154 Ibs. He's quite a thin guy but that's just how he's always been, and I've known the guy for over ten years.

I'm weighing about 112 kg (246 Ibs) right now and I think I'm around 20% body fat. I don't look like I'm carrying that but uh... I unfortunately am. I'm going to do a body fat scan in about three weeks time so that'll be interesting! :/


Here's a photo of my partner and I at PAX AUS 2016, meeting Jordan from Axis of Awesome. In this photo, I'm pretty much weighing the same as I do right now (112 kg / 246 Ibs) and carrying over 20% body fat.


My partner and I back in 2015. In this one, I'm about 99kg (218 Ibs) and carrying only 13% body fat. This is where I would like to get back to... but eating clean all the time is bloody hard. :(
See, in three posts we thrvee has just proven the BMI, which we Americans use, to be bullshit.

Also we totally have matching partners/wives, as mine is also a skinny redhead with glasses.
Haha, nice. :p My partner tends to dye her hair. Her natural hair colour is a "mouse brown" as she calls it (we've been together for over three years and I've never seen her natural hair colour in person). Right now, she's running around with a dark brown colour, similar to mine.

I agree that the "BMI" system is a load of rubbish... but accurate body fat calculation, whether it's skin fold testing or a precise DEXA scan, can be beneficial.

When it comes to body fat scanning, I think that's the best way to measure weight loss, or body fat loss. If we're actively trying to lose weight, we should be trying to lose body fat whilst either retaining, or developing lean muscle mass. Since muscle is heavier than fat (yet fat has the potential to have much more mass), that's why a lot of people might weigh a lot, but may not look heavy, or the weight the scales tell.

Let's say someone weighs 120 kg (264 Ibs) at 25% body fat. They go on a program to lose weight. One month later, they might be 115 kg (253 Ibs). 5 kg / 11 Ibs in one month? Awesome. But if their body fat is now 28% instead of 25%, then... something's wrong. That means yeah, they've lost "weight" but in exchange, they've unfortunately put on more body fat and must have lost lean muscle mass.

However, if after one month their weight stays the same, or perhaps goes higher, and in exchange their body fat percentage goes down... well, then they're doing something right, I would dare say. :)

Sorry, I don't mean to rant. In the last couple of years, I've learned a lot when it comes to training, exercise, nutrition and body fat. It's become a heavy interest of mine (no pun intended), although I'm not a professional in the field with any qualification.

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