My beef on vegans

One of my mates tried being vegan for 3 weeks.

He used to be able to take me out in a boxing match, we were pretty evenly matched, sometimes i won sometimes him.

By the end of the 3 weeks, i won first round in 50 seconds.
Not only that, but he was turning a grey colour and his reaction times were literally doubled.

Hi my name is UghRochester and I don't give a shit if someone is vegan or not. It's their opinion for choosing to be that way (or unless they need to due to medical purposes). I'm a meat eater, giggity, and don't care if anyone is disgusted by the fact.
Supersize me was on TV the other night and I caught it. Anyone who has seen it should remember the guy's girlfriend is a vegan. Obviously she had a problem eating all that McDonalds which makes sense but she actually tried to compare ham to heroin. And then he quickly shut her up. You can be whatever you want to be but I've never met a vegetarian who was overweight. At the same time, the guys I know with a lot of upper body strength didn't get that way from going vegan. So yeah, going vegetarian seems to be an even middle.
^oh, is that what we're meant to be doing?

In that case, i love eating other animals flesh and children before they're born.
In fact, i think i'm gonna go cook some steak and eat it right now.
Don't worry - i've been trolled by smart people on this issue, schimmel, not eating meat all of my teenage and adult life. Someone like you'd be hard pressed to upset me.

And, seen as I clearly said the only thing people should do is intelligently consider why and what they eat, it's your 'beliefs on what everyone should eat' that're being rattled, no?

I just thought it was a topic worth discussing with you specific guys in the hope of hearing some rational and interesting takes, but it does seem to be "not read posts properly > respond with pseudo-macho 'i dont care'". I'll not bother further.

Not so sure it's that easy to lord it over gamefaqs' or IGN's boards here anymore.
malakian said:
Don't worry - i've been trolled by smart people on this issue, schimmel, not eating meat all of my teenage and adult life. Someone like you'd be hard pressed to upset me.

And, seen as I clearly said the only thing people should do is intelligently consider why and what they eat, it's your 'beliefs on what everyone should eat' that're being rattled, no?

I just thought it was a topic worth discussing with you specific guys in the hope of hearing some rational and interesting takes, but it does seem to be "not read posts properly > respond with pseudo-macho 'i dont care'". I'll not bother further.

Not so sure it's that easy to lord it over gamefaqs' or IGN's boards here anymore.
madster111 said:
One of my mates tried being vegan for 3 weeks.

He used to be able to take me out in a boxing match, we were pretty evenly matched, sometimes i won sometimes him.

By the end of the 3 weeks, i won first round in 50 seconds.
Not only that, but he was turning a grey colour and his reaction times were literally doubled.

Yeah. always bring entertainment.

he was doing it wrong btw.

you can be healthy and strong as a vegan, but getting quality protein in is the trickiest part. this is where i'm sure your friend failed.
malakian said:
What, trippy? Of course it is! It's DIRECTLY linked. Consumers are the only thing that drive demand! You're not making sense, youre just pointing out potential causes of guilt and answering rhetorical questions in which the rhetoric points to 'yes' with 'no'.

If youre not feeling guilty, then why did you bring up automobiles? The UN have listed meat as a bigger pollutant and threat to global warming than ALL transport - automobiles are scientifically small fry when you consider that also encapsulates all planes and freighters..

I brought up automobiles as a point: I don't give a shit. First, could you please link to me all these facts that say me eating a cheeseburger is damning the entire world.

Second, even if eating one cheeseburger today destroyed the world completely, I'd still do it (so long as it was a damn good cheeseburger).

What it boils down to is you don't like eating meat and find it morally questionable to eat beef; I, however, enjoy eating meat and don't find it morally questionable, no matter how harmful to the world it may be.

I'm thinking cheesesteak for lunch.
Sure, i'll give you the facts, especially as you said please, but in return you can answer me a question based on what you just said. Honestly, and not with tired faux-ignorance and sass: What is the reason that 'no matter how much harmful', you wouldnt consider cutting down? Your urge for the taste of meat is more than science could possibly quell?

Here's the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (or as our resident brainbox schimmel might like to dub them, cabbage huggers) conclusions, from 'Livestock's Long Shadow - Environmental Issues and Options' by Henning Steinfeld, Chief of FAO’s Livestock Information and Policy Branch.

Quick summary:

Causes 9 percent of CO2 deriving from human-related activities, but produces a much larger share of even more harmful greenhouse gases. It generates 65 percent of human-related nitrous oxide, which has 296 times the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of CO2.

Meat is responsible for 37 percent of all human-induced methane (23 times as warming as CO2), which is largely produced by the digestive system of ruminants, and 64 percent of ammonia, which contributes significantly to acid rain.

Herds cause wide-scale land degradation, with about 20 percent of pastures considered as degraded through overgrazing, compaction and erosion. This figure is even higher in the drylands.

The livestock business is among the most damaging sectors to the earth’s increasingly scarce water resources, contributing among other things to water pollution, euthropication and the degeneration of coral reefs. The major polluting agents are animal wastes, antibiotics and hormones, chemicals from tanneries, fertilizers and the pesticides used to spray feed crops. Widespread overgrazing disturbs water cycles, reducing replenishment of above and below ground water resources. Significant amounts of water are withdrawn for the production of feed.
Could you still send the link to the article. What you supplied was the outcome. I'm interested in reading how the process unfolds, and then researching potential ways to overcome these effects.

Also, I'm curious as to what makes up the other 63% of human-induced methane, as well as the equation that compares the 65% of nitrous oxide generated to total CO2 omissions. For all I know, the 65% of nitrous oxide produced only equals a fraction of total greenhouse gases, even when you factor in the 296x.

malakian said:
Sure, i'll give you the facts, especially as you said please, but in return you can answer me a question based on what you just said. Honestly, and not with tired faux-ignorance and sass: What is the reason that 'no matter how much harmful', you wouldnt consider cutting down? Your urge for the taste of meat is more than science could possibly quell?

How much beef do you think I consume in a given week? I'd say, including lunch and dinner, I have beef about 3 to 6 times out of my 14 meals a week, and I'd say two of those are leftovers. Going over my consumption this week (Lunch, Dinner):
Sunday: Leftover Beef Jerky, Chicken
Monday: Chicken, Fish
Tuesday: Chicken, Shrimp
Wednesday: Pork, Fish
Thursday: Beef, Leftover Fish/Turkey
(All of these are also assumed)
Friday: Pork/Squid, Leftover Shrimp
Saturday: probably Poultry Sammich, probably pizza
Sunday: Leftover Pork, Beef or Chicken.

That is a typical week for me. I don't eat beef 24/7, but I do enjoy having it at least twice in my week, and don't feel I need to cut down anymore as I greatly enjoy beef, it is easily procured, and one of the great joys in life is grilling up a burger on a propane barbecue with a beer in one hand, a spatula in the other, and a nice slice of sharp cheddar melting away.
intoTheRain said:
I smiled.. I might have lol'd but I was chewing on a hamburger (srs)

Oooo hamburger sounds good. I could go for one right now! A pound of ground beef with cheese tucked inside.

I know what I'm having for supper tonight. Thanks Rain.
Out of curiosity, Mala, what is your opinion on humane treatment of animals?

Trippy, I'm guessing you don't keep Kosher. ;)

My life experience of working in the research sector, both schools and private companies has led me to an understanding that not all scientists are as objective and alturistic as you would believe. Many have a personal desire and vestment to see something happen in regards to their work. Some lie and some exaggerate the importance of their findings. Having not read this study, I can't say yay or nay. But just because Dr. Fulano and Dr. Smith say something, I don't just jump on board. There are already several other researchers who are refuting these studies too.
MonkeyPox said:
rubs my balls wrong.

I think that if we really want to help the world, we should give all of our computers to african kids instead of eating salad. Food is food, and if we want to help the rest of the world, we should give them food. If I was a starving African child, I would want a big ol' steak on my plate.
bomby139143 said:
I think that if we really want to help the world, we should give all of our computers to african kids instead of eating salad. Food is food, and if we want to help the rest of the world, we should give them food. If I was a starving African child, I would want a big ol' steak on my plate.

...What? I dont know whether to laugh or... ...What?
Hlallu said:
bomby139143 said:
I think that if we really want to help the world, we should give all of our computers to african kids instead of eating salad. Food is food, and if we want to help the rest of the world, we should give them food. If I was a starving African child, I would want a big ol' steak on my plate.

...What? I dont know whether to laugh or... ...What?

It looked better in my mind... Fuck it

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