Modern Warfare Deux Clans


So this idea was proposed by 1000_Squirrels on the bottom of the page I linked for the MW: Deux topic, but I think it's a good idea and odds are many of you will too.

I'm out of the country (USA) until Saturday January 9th, and will be more than likely away from my consoles until January 10th, so that's probably when the preliminary rounds will happen. We'd be looking for about 8 players on each platform, with an 8 player backup team if necessary, so 16 players on each platform in total. PM me with your gamertag/PSN ID if you want to try out, and I'll post the roster as it grows. I will also need someone on the PS3, 360, and PC to manage each of those platforms, while I manage the overall clan HQ. I'm the first to admit I won't be the best platform clan manager so one for each would be great, while I manage the overall clan. All four of us will converse on possible matches (also on a site with other clans so we can actually set up matches). PM me if you're interested and I'll have to pick a favorite from each of the three to actually be in charge.

I hope this goes well and I look forward to seeing my inbox be flooded with PMs over the next week of people who want to try out. I'll update accordingly with tryouts, as well as final teams (as selected by the people running each platform).

Also, if this could get sticky'd I'd appreciate it.

Let's get killing, everyone.

PS, if you could PM me with good clan sites that'd be cool, I know none since the last clan I was in was back in the days of Rainbow Six 3 on the Xbox
I'll manage PC, liek, if dats coo.
I've got a few friends who aren't on GR but all have (and are very good at) MW2 on PC. can they join?
Alright, folks. The PC manager is:
Ian Greer (Keepithowitis)

Stay tuned for more updates on different consoles.
Only Green Lantern and Diabolus have MW2 on PC as far as I know though. If you could convince Stal and Lethean (I'm pretty sure they have gaming PCs) to join, we'd have a 5-person team.
Dammit, I'm just so used to clicking Misc at the moment, most of my fun comes from there. Thanks for the reassign

Also, I still need a free site to register us on, seeing as none of us really have any money to put towards this free is always better. Even if the clans are assholes.
So I'm guessing that this idea isn't as popular as I'd thought it'd be. I'm gonna leave the suggestion up there until Friday but if I can't get more people who are interested in it I'm pulling the plug
I would be interested in playing, sorry I forgot to drop a post (oops). But being married guy, I never know when I'll be playing (usually evenings MST).

PS3, baby!
It's alright, afterall....

Your thumbs can't handle frag masters of this magnitude.

Just to be clear, I'm still lost on half of the maps. :(
Hopefully by the time I get back on, most people will have an adequate level of skill, so every single frickin' team I get placed on isn't full of absolute ding dongs.
De-Ting said:
Hopefully by the time I get back on, most people will have an adequate level of skill, so every single frickin' team I get placed on isn't full of absolute ding dongs.

Not gonna happen.
Alright, the plug has been pulled. Maybe some clan idea will resurface in a couple months, but for now I'm guessing there just isn't enough interest in killing some people as a GR family.

Can someone lock this please?
I feel your plan was failed from the start: we are too diverse a group in regards to time zones and personal activities.

However this should be brought back up when SW:tOR comes out a year from now.
you're probably right Trippy. I'm actually playing the Star Trek Online beta right now, so i'm too busy to MW2 it up anyways.
How is STO. I was looking forward to it, but I just don't have time for MMOs. If its good, I may grab it, but after WAR and Champions, I'm kinda MMOut
It's actually pretty fun so far. Considering it is the beta still, it is a bit glitchy and the servers are down frequently for patching, but i have a feeling i'm probably going to buy it. So far there doesn't seem to be too much of a, the space combat is actually challenging. I've gotten my ass kicked a many a time, and i like an mmo that isn't easy.

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