Metal gear solid Philanthropy


Metal gear solid: Philanthropy
The trailers :shock:
To download or view the movie, follow the link on the main page.

Well... basically, an Italian independent studio made a non-profit movie based on Hideo Kojima work. And i'm not talking college student My-mommy-funds-it-and-likes-it, i'm talking Stunt actors, CGI, Hollywood guns and CQC!
Yeah i know, it would get a 2.5 stars movie review and the actor speaks with an accent that would made the sopranos cry, but that's still a whole lot better then Fame! or heck,better then the cut scenes in metal gear solid 4!

I'm downloading this baby right now!

Now what would Kojima think of this?

Edit: Forgot to Add movie poster
looks interesting - def worth watching. I will let you know what I think after I see it.

ps- your crazy. Fame in the 80s was sick, I think this one will probably not be as good, but dont talk about it like its going to be as bad as Jennifer's Body or Sorority Row.
The remake of "Fame" is mo' like "Shame". The L.A times says it best: It's not "gonna live for ever", it's "Dead on arrival". Prepare to be nostalgic about the 80's.

And Dude, Jennifer's body touched my soul, i could write an essay about how life and it's society is changing because of modern technology, social cliche, high school vampires and also boobies. Sorority row on the other hand...

Also, i just found out the the girl who sang "The best is yet to come" sang the main theme of this movie.
Well finally saw it. Totally worth downloading for free if you ask me. But paying a ticket... hmm maybe... maybe not.

The story: After the shadow mosses incident, Snake and Otacon get financial support from an ex-arm dealer called bishop to create "philanthropy", an anti weapon of mass destruction group (i.e metal gears). After many successful missions, the father of bishop, senator Abraham Bishop, got kidnapped by unknown military assailants and snake got ten days to get him out as a mysterious storm sets in Daskasan.

And this movie is part one... Darn it! I want part 2 now!

The dialogue, the codec and the plot development is very similar to a metal gear game. Even the scheming side-kicks and the grunts/groan that snake does in between plot twists. Fan boys will like this. Plus there's blood and the cgi is "OK"
But people who don't know the franchised or is unfamiliar with "kojima style plots" will only like the actions scenes and find the rest a bore. We can tell it's dubbed (it is an Italian studio).
That and the chick is NOT hot. Sorry hive division.

But still, i enjoyed it and willing to watch it again. I'm giving two thumbs up for this indie baby and I'm really interested to what Kojima thinks of this. What do you guys think? don't forget to watch the extras at the end. Worth a few laughs.

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