It's been a long year that is only getting longer

Well, i'm late as hell posting this. but i was gone fore about 3 weeks. My mom was in the hospital and just died from cancer that she had been battling since dec of last year. My dad is in the hospital for a inflamed liver and on detox now, my fiances' uncle has lung cancer and her dad just died. so yeah. it's been a long year that is just getting longer. anyways, just letting you all know why i hadn't posted in so long till recently.
I'm sorry for your epic sad news. Hope you get through these troubled times like a WARRIOR!
We will never hold a grudge on you for being absent... especially if it's justified...
Uh hum... man... i can't do this... "Did she drop any..." CRAP i can't. I really can't be funny to this. I'd rather say my condolences.

Please be happy she led a long life, long enough to raise you who you are.
3 years ago, a very close friend of mine died from heart failure... at age 25. All i can say is on why she died young is: "being homeless sucks". be thankful to have a roof on your head and that you had mother who would certainly be proud to know you still feel for her to this day.
Now the time to love your father.
thanks guys. apreciated. on the good side. my dad is out of the hospital now. ba side, he's a diabetic that now has to take 2 different types of inslin shots 3 times a day.
Sorry for your loss, and yea this year really does suck.

My dad's laid off, my mom had surgery that's left her unable to walk for over a month now and I'm in rehab for the second time.

I just got news my neighbor is losing his job too. He has a stay at home wife and two young kids.

But... hard times make you stronger.
:( sorry to hear this dude. I hope your dad does better after detox. I wish I could do some stuff to help you, but at least I can offer this.....


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