How Zombie-Proof Is YOUR house?

How zombie-proof do you think your house is?

  • I basically live in a bunker.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I could hold it out in here with relative ease.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Meh. I don't really think about these thinks.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have trouble keeping Owls out of my house. They nest in my roof.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I just rely on my friendship with those who answered to Living in a bunker.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yeah, I got bored.
Yes I imagined.
And this is the result!
I was pondering how I would fair if I barricaded myself into my house using only stuff in and around where I live. These are my thoughts...
I have lots of wood, old logs and thick sturdy fence posts around my house.
I have lots of tools, slegdehammers, axes, saws, hundreds of nails (of most sizes) and I think my nextdoor neighbor has a chainsaw...I remember him using it to cut down a tree of ours many years ago. I have a massive industrial bag full of concrete debris in my garden, as my garage was just demolished and we havent been bothered to get rid of it yet.
Using all this I could create a barricade to defend my house from the undead horeds. I also have lots and lots of sheets of chicken wire stuff, because we just built a chicken coop for our chickens...and have lots left over. The guys across the road from me have a forklift truck, generators and a fresh water supply from the ground ( a brand new hand pump thingy). I also live in a bungalow (only 1 floor and a loft for those who don't know) This means I can only get 'upstairs' with a ladder, so the loft is basically zombie proof. It is also quite an old house, all the walls are double layered brick and the doors are thick, sturdy and painful-to-run-into wood.
Next, I have many solar powered lights and some electronics, because my mum likes to save energy. Which is good. Also, I have 2 vegetable patches in my garden, 4 chickens who lay far too many eggs anyway, and a farm over my back fence.
Now ffs, If only I lived in America and could get hold of some guns, I would be in business for surviving the rise of the undead.

Oh and btw, I do recognise the fact that I am pretty damn sad for doing this. Its quite cool to think about though if you get bored, or just like zombies. I quite like zombies, well games with zombies in. I can't say I have met any in real life, so I wouldn't know.

Finally, How zombie-proof do you think your house is? I would say mine is pretty zombie proof. This pleases me in the event of zombie apocalypse.
I am a huge zombie fan. Love'em and hate'em.

My house would be zombie central. Lots of windows, glass, broke back door, front door is always unlocked. I would be the first ate. That's if their the running kind of zombie, walking kind, I would probably take my chances in open field areas and alot of weponary, also IcePick's massive erection should do some justice for the zombie ladies.
easy for me.
cover up the doors and windows down stairs, block out all the light down there, then live upstairs with the stairs blocked.
me and a couple friends could live in here for atleast a year with the supplies we have.
and we would be able to get tactical information from the government using the MANY forms of internet, radio and low frequency laser i have.

plenty of living space upstairs, and we have a backup generator incase of power outs that runs on natural gas.
so unless the zombies somehow suck up all the natural gas in my area, we have food, electricity, water AND Xbox!
i would probably be more of a nomad. I might round up a few hundred survivors after the initial z-day aftermath, and hold out in a mall. One of the many plans for z-day me and my friends have thought about at length for many hours.
First: I live in an apartment above ground level, and only one door :) That makes it slightly easier to protect.

Plus I live on an island, so I would run to raise the bridge, and block the highway tunnel :)
I live in a split level/raised ranch, which for those of you who don't know, looks something like this:

I think that by boarding up the front door and bottom floor windows, and destroying the stairs to the back deck (about 10 or 12 feet off the ground) and restricting access in and out of the house to say, a rope ladder or ladder off the deck, I could hold out for a while. The house is also surrounded by big open fields, so I have lots of visibility in every direction.

That's my medium-term survival plan, I things took a turn for the worse, I would take to the hills in a small group.
In the case of a zombie take over I may be screwed because I live in a major city and there would simply be far to many regardless of where I am. So basically I would have some fun killing the zombies by any means necessary and then after eventually being bitten/turned into a zombie I would teach myself to swim and hunt for brains in an attempt to create a zombie utopia on the main land.
GiftedMonkey said:
I live in a split level/raised ranch, which for those of you who don't know, looks something like this:

I think that by boarding up the front door and bottom floor windows, and destroying the stairs to the back deck (about 10 or 12 feet off the ground) and restricting access in and out of the house to say, a rope ladder or ladder off the deck, I could hold out for a while. The house is also surrounded by big open fields, so I have lots of visibility in every direction.

That's my medium-term survival plan, I things took a turn for the worse, I would take to the hills in a small group.

Do you have low windows like that?

Low windows are trouble...
He could board those up, the front windows are his only low windows. No prob for fixing that. The only things is that he said there's alot of open space, so if a group of zombies came, that house would be their first choice most likely. Nobody has a f*cking gun ?
Oh also adding to my protection I remeber there is a huge depot nearby which stocks tons and tons of scaffolding, wood, metal sheetings, metal bars, bricks, tools, vehicles and all the things that builders need. I could build my self a fortress...
Oh and on your house Gifted Monkey, those low windows DO look like trouble...
Would anyone else just feel lazy and say to hell with it. It might not be so bad to be on the other side. No job, no stress, no worries..., Just the thought of where the brains are at all day. You don't need to do much, just kind of get together with other zombies and walk around hoping not to be shot by some damn human with a gun. Doesn't seem so bad except for the difficulty in procuring brains from jerks such as yourselves stuck up in boarded up houses refusing to except change.
yeah, but the becoming a zombie part would be a bit*h. Y'know, with all the getting ate and bit up and dieing and what not. That would suck. I wouldn't want to come back as a zombie with half my skin missing.
shandog137 said:
Would anyone else just feel lazy and say to hell with it. It might not be so bad to be on the other side. No job, no stress, no worries..., Just the thought of where the brains are at all day. You don't need to do much, just kind of get together with other zombies and walk around hoping not to be shot by some damn human with a gun. Doesn't seem so bad except for the difficulty in procuring brains from jerks such as yourselves stuck up in boarded up houses refusing to except change.
you would end up being some mindless thing that cannot kill anything else because all the humans are dead.
i would prefer to steal a gun and make sure to save 1 bullet..
if it comes to a point where the zombies are about to bite you, shoot yourself in the head.
Maybe the media has portrayed zombies in the wrong light. We all know the media has a way of spinning the facts. For all I know you might not end up mindless, the bite may not have to be that severe, and maybe zombies have manners. Just food for thought though.
I have an alright house for survival. I have around 10 windows though, but a little brick and mortar would fix those up quick. I have a bonus room upstairs, so that means I could use my $400 dollar binocs up there, and my 16 guns to snipe them off. as for electricity, My neighbor has two natural gas ones. I have plenty of food and water, and my door could be reinforced with some spare planks and bolts that I have in my garage. The only problem is that my backdoor is one of those sliding glass doors, so not sure how to fix that problem = \ but maybe with my neighbors tools I could cut out the frame of the door, and cover that up in bricks too (my house is made of all brick.)
I'll head out to the Northern part of Canada, where I'll be safe.
Best to stay out of the crowded, populated areas, and away from the panicing peasants.
I live in New Zealand. The only thing I need to worry about is some idiot flying zombies over here, or zombies walking here on the ocean floor. Nevertheless, I have contingencies in place. I'm close enough to a shopping centre, with a sporting goods store, food, clothing, shower facilities, and heavy metal doors.
I have no safety but the attic and now that it's summer, I'd basically suffocate up there.

Unless, I broke the window, but even still, it'd be hell.

My house if officially..."A Zombie Buffet."

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