Have you ever...

yes i have and i though: how can girls like that iuuk

have you ever seen the rain comin down on a sunny day?

Have you ever been in a place for a few days where the only bathroom accommodations were port-a-potties and you ended up not pooping until you got home?
yes i have. the port a poty had used toilet paper strwen all about and there was flies all over.

have you ever tried to spy on your sisters while they were naked and got caught by them
Yes. In basic training, we were getting our urine tested and my training instructor yelled at us that we better be hydrated and ready to piss. I thought I would get a head start by chugging canteen after canteen of water. 2 hours and a bus ride later, I couldn't hold my piss in line any longer, and seriously thought I was going to die. My intstructor wouldn't let me piss, so I had to let a little loose and he finally let me go after ripping me to shreds. What an asshole! Still managed to produce a urine sample afterwards though!

Have you ever been arrested...naked?
No, err, wait lemme check...Yep...

Have you ever dug in your butt, didn't wash your hands and eat fried chicken then lick your fingers ?
Ewww...yeah, we were at a picnic and brought greasy KFC with us, it was hot as hell and i was sweating, so i Itch my rear and continued eating

Have you ever tried making a dorky sound effect and people called you retarded?
Yeah, I said "Dey dook r dobbs !"(They took our jobs!) to my mom and she called me a fuck tard...

Ok last one from me

Have you ever been in a public place sitting down and had a day dream about falling off something then woke up trying to save yourself ? lol
^ Yes, at a couch at work while taking a short nap, should have seen the look on the girl across from me.

Have you ever fallen asleep standing up?
No, but I've been close, and fallen asleep sitting down hundreds of times...

Have you ever taken your shoes off at an unconventional time?
The only unconventional time I can think of is at a ball or seomthing...and no I havent then!

Have you ever got your dick caught in the zipper?
(PS - people need to stop giving crap answers to my awesome questions...hint hint)
Wow, what an awkward question, erm, nooo, but lets say the bush has and thats always painful.

Have you ever drooled on the public train, realized someone has seen you and totally went red?
No, but in high school someone almost started drooling me on my way home. I nudged him, he didn't wake up, so I pushed him against the bus window, he hit his head, woke up and realized what was happening.

Have you ever been in such a hurry to do something you didn't notice your pet and trip over them?
Many a time. My old cat Mitzi always got in the way as a kid when I was scampering and evading my brothers to tag the last jam doughnut. I have no pets recently though :(

Have you ever been a little curious and stuck a digit up your ass? Not necessarily all the way.
Nope. I have a tramp stamp that reads "exit only".

Have you ever gone up to a random stranger on campus and just had a conversation with them as if you were old friends?
Yeah, all the time. The weird thing is that nobody ever asks me who the hell I am and they tend to join in the conversation immediately. Sometimes it even creeps me out when I started the conversation in the first place.
My favorite time to do it though is the beginning of fall semester because that means that I can also adopt freshmen at the same time.

Have you ever been caught dancing when you thought you were alone?
Yes. And I was dancing because I was baked, and even after I noticed, I was way into the music to stop.

Have you ever picked your nose in public and got caught?
Yeah, I was walking down the street thinking I was alone (wasn't paying much attention) and some guy gave me the weirdest look.

Have you ever tried to resurrect a topic just because it was yours?

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