Fuck You George Lucas

So I just saw with my very own eyes a trailer for the rerelease of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace in 3D....

How fucking dare you, George. I hope no one bought the Bluray collection... Should probably wait for the 3D Bluray collection. How much would you pay for a set of discs or... a license or whatever that would just update everytime Lucas changed the movies... you know, like a forever stamp?

I would pay NOTHING for it. I will never buy a set of star wars on bluray or hologram disc or whatever as long as George Lucas lives. I've got a set of VHS tapes behind me and will just download and delete the latest version should i fail to find the analog cables for my tape player.'

tl;dr fuck lucas i hate that guy
In other news, a mysterious man assaulted the venerable film maker George Lucas earlier this week at his home with a plastic light saber toy reportedly screaming, "FUS RO DAH!" and "Dinosaur people". If you have any information of the whereabouts of the man who assaulted Lucas, you are advised to contact the authorities.

But seriously though, George should stop touching Star Wars.
Like I said in the last fuck you George Lucas thread.....I'm glad I don't care about Star Wars, otherwise I'd probably be pissed too.
anything in 3D sounds terrible, and I can understand how this would outrage people - but personally in the future if there happens to be some real revolutionary breakthrough in they way movies are viewed I wouldn't mind revisiting Star Wars. Like if movies somehow got mapped into this interactive mind first person POV thing - Star Wars would be awesome (and sad - seeing as how I will probably never see this in my lifetime).

He is entitled to milk this for as long as people will slop it up, and he probably wants to market to the new wave of sci-fi nerds, but I will be avoiding it too.
DLC release dates before the game is even released is also on this level of douche baggery.
I just don't give a shit, but yeah...he already changed the original movies...he is messing with the prequels now...he fucked the continuity and canon of the world immensely...

I'm sorry George...just give it up. There is a reason why Steven Spielberg is working with Peter Jackson now...it's because you are a terrible filmmaker.
Re: f*** You George Lucas

danielrbischoff said:
So I just saw with my very own eyes a trailer for the rerelease of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace in 3D

Aren't they doing all six? So by the time it gets to IV it'll be a re-re-re-release? :shock:
It is his property, and therefore, his to do with as he pleases. I don't disagree with that, I strongly support his right to do that.

However, he should have a bit of compassion towards the fan base, and at very least be willing to release original prints that have had nothing more done to them than slight visual improvement.

As far as changing attitudes as time passed, its something most creative types (I'll avoid using the word artist) suffer from. New work often lacks the same charm, creativity, originality it possessed when the creator was not straddled with cash and fame. Stephen King is a great example of that. His best works were the earliest ones, things like The Stand, The Shining. The term "Plateau" was brought into creative environments for a reason.
Pretty much what Sticky said.

Either way, I'll go see it. If it's done well and reviews suggest it doesn't look cardboard like other 2D films with a 3D filter applied, it could be highly entertaining. Or, as entertaining as TPS could ever be. I'd definitely be up for watching RoTS in 3D. Hell just that awesome opening sequence alone would be worth it.
Lethean said:
I'd definitely be up for watching RoTS in 3D. Hell just that awesome opening sequence alone would be worth it.
I'm sorry... but no... just no

In this mess of a CGI film, the opening got like100 things happens in the same time... THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PLOT!

Seriously, everyone goes like "poof! we saved the chancellor and doku is dead!... so... Lakers tonight?" then bla bla politics, obi wan leaves Anakin alone with Padme for some random hijinks and then plot holes are covered up faster then anyone can say vader built C3PO. That film was a mess... a computer generic made mess with a horrid opening. Want a better film opening? watch the original one.

At least that one set the tone for an atmosphere: despair, empowerment by a greater force and shows the rebellion cause. This is proven right after when the first line of dialogues comes in. C3PO filled with confusion, the rebels are exasperated and THEN Vader walks in being badass. Remember that was the first time we see him. That bigger ship swallowing the smaller ship in the pic just above was just there to introduce Vader and the rebels, it sets the theme for the entire film. It's worth rewatching those 10 minutes all over and over again over and over again in it original splendor.

Now, the first line of dialogues episode 3? Just obiwan and anakin... doing a laurel and hardy sketch like they always do. And I guess they did a good job... cause that's what they do for the rest of the film.

And if you want a CGI opening that would be kickass in 3D... try casino royal. It'll be the trippiest thing you'll ever orgasm on!
StickyGreenGamer said:
As far as changing attitudes as time passed, its something most creative types (I'll avoid using the word artist) suffer from. New work often lacks the same charm, creativity, originality it possessed when the creator was not straddled with cash and fame. Stephen King is a great example of that. His best works were the earliest ones, things like The Stand, The Shining. The term "Plateau" was brought into creative environments for a reason.

Stephen Spielberg, Werner Herzog, Pablo Picasso, Peter Max, Shigeru Miyamoto, Vincent Van Gogh, Peter Jackson.

Some of these guys still around, but they have not plateaued yet. Just saying...
LinksOcarina said:
StickyGreenGamer said:
As far as changing attitudes as time passed, its something most creative types (I'll avoid using the word artist) suffer from. New work often lacks the same charm, creativity, originality it possessed when the creator was not straddled with cash and fame. Stephen King is a great example of that. His best works were the earliest ones, things like The Stand, The Shining. The term "Plateau" was brought into creative environments for a reason.

Stephen Spielberg, Werner Herzog, Pablo Picasso, Peter Max, Shigeru Miyamoto, Vincent Van Gogh, Peter Jackson.

Some of these guys still around, but they have not plateaued yet. Just saying...

Which would be why I used the term "Most" instead of "All".

And Van Gogh's work wasn't exactly famous and lauding him with cash while he was alive.
The movies actually look worse now because some things are edited, and others aren't. Now, we have some aliens who are CG and some aliens who are still dudes in suits/puppets.

Also, GR said I'm spelling movies wrong.

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