So there is a God....(SWKnights of the Old Republic related)


...And a KOTOR MMO!

Taken right from the actiontrip news post, comes the confirmation that there will be a KoTOR MMO.

Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello today confirms what most of us suspected for a long time - that well-known development studio BioWare (currently also working on Dragon Age: Origins) is creating an MMOG set in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic universe (thanks, Shack).

"We've got two of the most compelling MMOs in the industry in development," Riccitiello stated to "The one that people are dying for us to talk to them about -- in partnership with Lucas, coming out of BioWare, which is, I think, quite possibly the most anticipated game, full stop, for the industry at the point when we get closer to telling you about it."

He was then approached and asked if the game he was referring to is, in fact, a Knights of the Old Republic MMOG, he let out a simple "yes."

That's all we know so far. I'm sure this pretty much shattered all your hopes and dreams of a possible Knights of the Old Republic III single-player game.

Sorry, kids.
No, if there were truly a god, Nintendo would have a much better online service and would improve Wii memory management.

There IS a God, and I have proof


Ah, 4chan, what would we do without you?
Aside from leading perfectly normal and much healthier lives, that is.
I hope that it will be a lot better than SWG, a game that I liked in the beginning but got raped IMO by Sony :)

I still think it will have a great story as a MMO! :)
Although this article made me believe (see my post above) I forgot that I already started believing that there was a God when Rage Against The Machine got back together last summer. This just furthers my belief however.
I don't really see the point in there being an MMO based on KOTOR. I mean it's not like KOTOR's gameplay was made for an MMO (maybe for an online experience like the one found in Diablo II, but not an MMO), and with Galaxies out, it dosen't make much sense to release another MMO in the same franchise.
Longo_2_guns said:
If there were truly a god, then Firefly would have a game out by now.

Words cannot describe the awesomeness of such a game. Our primitive minds are just not ready for something of such unattainable beauty.

I don't really see the point in there being an MMO based on KOTOR. I mean it's not like KOTOR's gameplay was made for an MMO (maybe for an online experience like the one found in Diablo II, but not an MMO), and with Galaxies out, it dosen't make much sense to release another MMO in the same franchise.

Galaxies sucks; it has no reason to exist than to appease some fan boys. KotOR, however, is made of win and set 4,000 years before Galaxies, thus while they are part of the same universe, they are completely different in terms of technology, political structure, and level of Ewoks. In KotOR, the Sith and Jedi elements are very real. They are not just lost remnants, they are fully established entities. As are the Mandalorians, and the best droid ever. HK-47 and T3-M4 > C-3PO and R2-D2 any day.
bomby139143 said:
I hope they still make a KOTOR 3, I liked KOTOR for the story, not the RPG elements


I've never played an MMORPG, and as much as I love Bioware and Kotor, I still probably never will play an MMORPG. So, I'm hoping for a new KoTOR single-player RPG to come out some time.
Hopefully though in the KoTOR MMO we'll be able to choose something other than being human, and it would be cool if we could take professions other than Jedi... I mean with the option to be one everyone will be a Jedi anyway but it'd be nice to know the option is there.
used44 said:
bomby139143 said:
I hope they still make a KOTOR 3, I liked KOTOR for the story, not the RPG elements


I've never played an MMORPG, and as much as I love Bioware and Kotor, I still probably never will play an MMORPG. So, I'm hoping for a new KoTOR single-player RPG to come out some time.

Perhaps Bioware could make a game in the time where the Great Hyperspace War occured. Or just in the Sith era.
And I have also never played an MMO, but this would be my ideal choice for one.
HK-47 said:
used44 said:
bomby139143 said:
I hope they still make a KOTOR 3, I liked KOTOR for the story, not the RPG elements


I've never played an MMORPG, and as much as I love Bioware and Kotor, I still probably never will play an MMORPG. So, I'm hoping for a new KoTOR single-player RPG to come out some time.

Perhaps Bioware could make a game in the time where the Great Hyperspace War occured. Or just in the Sith era.
And I have also never played an MMO, but this would be my ideal choice for one.
i hope they would. but im pretty sure they wont. im pretty sure that they would only make games which is more or LESS canon to the universe. Like KotOR 2, it wasnt even mentioned in the comic.

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