Dragon Age

Indeed, your awesomeness has no cooldown period.

@used (in response to the spoilers comments in another topic). Bite me, I don't have a GameFly account, so yes I'm getting to the party late. But you guys will hardly ruin it for me. It's all my friends would talk about for months on end.
The trick is to try and maneuver around the fire if possible. Have the mage spam bolts on the nearest archer, along with Alistar and the Dog. You can also manually put up Alistars passives, one is used directly to deflect arrow bolts so I suggest getting that up, and the Dog's howl can stun if you have it already.

It will be difficult, but it is still doable if you work with what you got to your advantage. It's basically all of you gank one character at a time, and heal yourselves and the other characters when necessary.
Dread Howl is the pimp move. It almost always works on every single enemy and as a rogue that means sweet backstab damage. But he never does it automatically unless you program it into his tactics.
It's not actually awesome unless it ends up helping eyebrows. Though I appreciate the vote of confidence none the less. =)
Well I was on normal mode, I kicked it down to easy; then I loaded back a little and reworked the dog and turned him into a tank by bumping his CON stat to over 20. Then I had him run in first and draw all fire, clear the traps, and make a muck of things. Was able to move on after that, finally. I'm finding the Bard lady's voice slightly irritating; Guess they wanted her to be Irish/scottish a little but it comes off as a childish lisp. Good in a fight though.
She's no way irish/scottish, she's some kind of eastern european i'd wager. If she was irish or scottish you'd find it intolerably irritating. That's why no scottish or irish characters are in games as anything but oafs. </racism>
definitely not welsh, dude...Welsh accent is characterised by a really pronounced rising inflection. I'd go with some french, but I still think there's eastern european in there. Sounds *just'* like elana from peep show, if any brits are here.
thanks for opening the racism door Mala.

Damn, which to bang, the pinched face redhead with the childish slur or the hooker mage that can turn into a spider, the height of my sexual fetish, Arachnophobia.

Or I could go with the bisexual elf guy.
She's definitely supposed to be French, as Orlais is to Ferelden what France is to England, and all that bullshit.

Also, for the record, in Demon's Souls, like half the characters have Scottish or Irish accents. Not all of them are well done, but whatever, at least they tried.
I did not ever have Zevran in my party but I did leave him nude in my camp all the time. I did the same thing with Sten. It always made me laugh to walk into camp and see two naked dudes standing next to the fire, not talking to each other at all.
What I like about Zevran is that he has the exterior of a whore, but through the romance he kind of wants to show love in a more positive way.

And hell, he has some really funny dialogue during the game.
used44 said:
I did not ever have Zevran in my party but I did leave him nude in my camp all the time. I did the same thing with Sten. It always made me laugh to walk into camp and see two naked dudes standing next to the fire, not talking to each other at all.

I hate you, I read this and now my assistant is wondering why I'm laughing.

I agree with Links, Zevran has some of the best quips in the game. Also, I've found my Eyebrows issue. I stomp everything in this game. Main quest, side quest, most every battle, I beat without having a do-over. EXCEPT for a random encounter assasin attack. We're on a thin path and there is an assasin leader dropping arrows on us and then a buttload of guys rushing us and I always two guys in 10 secs. Don't need help just want to vent. Evytime I get a random traveling encounter I pray it's not this one cuz I'm 0 for 10.
Damn ye all. I just uninstalled this a while ago and now I want to play through it again. Thanks fellas.
I liked zevran but


His eventual betrayal was a big let down as it was such a rushed moment. Zevran was a character that could have had a more spun out betrayal, I think. Like perhaps sabotaging something vital only for you to find out later with no clues as to it. I think that would have had more of an impact at the point of betrayal. To find out it'd been a companion that'd done something terrible previously would have been a bit more weighty than just 'Ok actually good point random bandit, I WILL try and stab him with you, despite knowing from camp (pun intended) experience that he's a walking tank'.

Umm... Mal... you know that doesn't HAVE to happen right? That's just one of several things that happens at that encounter. And it wasn't a random bandit, it was a member of his former Assassination organization. But in any case, that isn't a guarantee. Almost every time I go through that point of the game, Zevran shows up and kicks that guys' ass with me.
It really does depend on your rapport with him at that critical moment. Like all characters though they can leave on an instant if you are not careful.....so the juggling act of keeping them happy but making decisions they don't like is part of the challenge.


The Urn of Sacred Ashes quest I desecrated the relic, and had Wynne and Leliana almost leave on me, but I luckily built them high enough so they wouldn't, for example.

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