
I used to come to Gamerevolution all the time. It ranked above Gamespot and IGN on my list, because of a simple grading system and decent reviews.

Now, it seems like all you guys care about is the constant reformatting you do to your website. Civilization IV was one of the top games of October, perhaps the year, and you STILL haven't reviewed it. You constantly bitch nonsensically about the politics involved with gaming. Whoever wrote that article criticizing the laws that makes it illegal to sell violent games to minors needs to be bitchslapped. You whine all the time about how the blame for crimes is being placed on the developers, and not the parents, which is true, but why the hell would you oppose a law that puts the blame back on the parents, or at the very least, the retailers?

Not only that, but you're giving rediculous reviews. Battalion Wars got a D. How the hell? The game wasn't as good as it should have been, granted, but that doesn't warrant anything near a D. The game was still fun, even if the voice acting sucked and the graphics were poor. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that games were all about the graphics these days.

You guys have strayed too far from the path. You seem to be good enough guys, but you're becoming piss-poor reviewers. I don't come here for commentary on the politics of gaming, I come here for a review. And for some reason, I can't get that anymore. Your format was fine before, and although it looks better now, it shouldn't be at the expense of quality reviews.

GR staff, it pains me to say this, but you are a disappointment to game reviewers everywhere.
While I can agree with some of the things you say Flak, GR is doing things which have not been done before as well. The reformatting of the website was definitly necessary.

Second, I like hearing the opinions on the laws and the politics, which is an important part of video games today, wether we like it or not.

However, I do agree about the reviews. They are few and far between recently, and also I felt that at times they could be a bit biased, Although good graphics are not the only part they review. They look at everything else as well.

I see where your coming from, but I think verbally attacking them like this was kind of the wrong way to go about it. I would of sent a letter or something to them about it.

Just my 2 cents.
This is crazy. Game-Revolution hasn't had this level of review coverage for at least three years. You know how many games came out November 15th? Fifty! On that day alone, fifty games shipped. Fifty is the magic number for November, because that's when fifty percent of the games released all year ship. Half of the year is condensed into one month, and December isn't much better. It's an avalanche, and you should be thankful we're conscious enough to review anything at all after this onslaught.

Rediculous, indeed, sir.

If you don't like the political stuff, don't click in the section titled Daily Manifesto. It's that easy.

And so was Battalion Wars.. for me to poop on.
Actually, I was majorly surprised in November when I hit the home page and noticed that you guys had reviewed almost every single X360 launch title. I think GR is keeping up better than ever, and tying that in with the reformatting of the entire site, should be applauded. And the reviews are as fair, witty, and dead-on as ever.

*stands up and starts that slow clap from the back of the audience*
All I agree with flak about is the battalion wars reveiw. D is not suiting. A B would be a good score. Apart from that, I disagree with what he is saying. You keep up well enough with all the new games coming out.
Yes maybe a C+ is more fitting, it most certainly not a D even though the graphics were very bad, it is quite a good game. Cube magazine in the UK gave it a 90% score which was probably over the top, but it just goes to show how different reveiwers rate things, which goes to show how you should look at more than one review before deciding on a game.
You guys can't base an entire review off of the final score. GR, like every other good reviewer, gives what it likes and dislikes about the game being reviewed. Use that information to form your personal opinion of the game, and whether or not it is suited to your game preferences or worth your time. Don't put so much emphasis on the grade a game recieves.
I'd like to see GR review some of these game series that they frequently missed.
Like Ace Combat and Dynasty Warriors.

If they don't already have one, I'd also like to see a UT2007 preview.

EDIT: Found it.
the reason they havent reviewed civ 4 yet is because their swamped with games to review, they dont have giant reviewing staffs like ign or gamespot, give them a break



Holy shit you disagree with them about their opinion? Well, good for you.
incognito said:
I'm very important.

I run livechat.


I agree with some of what you said Flak, mainly about the little rant you had with the new law portion. Even though it did have it's flaws.

One thing you need to learn...Well two actually: Video game reviews are opinions. They can say what they want. It's the glory that is freedom of speech. And 2, "tact", look it up. Especially when you want to not come across as an asshole when presenting what could almost pass as a reasonable argument.
hey our reviews are our opinions, well informed and thought out opinions, but still nothing more than that. at least one person is going to love even the crappiest game out there (except for survivor: the game, nobody could love that). and somebody is going to hate some of the most finely crafted games there are.

madden, for example, has made some terrific games over the years, but i would never play them. can't stand football. but that doesn't make the game an 'F'.

i'm sad we didnt review civ4. for some reason they didnt send a copy, and as joe pointed out, the in-shelves were overflowing at the time. if civ 4 was on them, it would have gotten picked over some other game.

let me put it this way. the most hate mail i've ever gotten (and still get some today) was for my review of the crow: city of angels http://grbeta.bolt.com/review/saturn/the_crow_city_of and that game sucked.
Oh I remember that, and it was justified because it was a bad game..

I said in an earlier post about Half Life 2, maybe you can have some of us here do reviews of games you missed, so we get reader opinions on those at least.
God this website sucks. Your initial post, however, is baffling.

This redesign marks the third notable change in about 7 years, which is far, far lower than any other commercial site (which tend to redesign every two years). As for some sort of drop off in reviews, well, we've been more prolific in the past two months than we have ever been during the holiday season. Indeed, we missed Civ 4, and that pains us, and we'll hopefully get it fixed, and yeah, we didn't like Battalion Wars much at all. If these two items are the basis on which you judge the efficacy of a gaming website, damn, we are the WORST.

But if you broaden that view a bit and read, like, all our other reviews and maybe not obsess over one Maifesto post, you'll realize we're the exact same GR as we've always been, just a little larger and sexier. Or at least larger.


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