Did your parents have rules about video games?


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Mine didn't really, though there were times when I played them far too much. I had a friend who basically wasn't allowed to play them when his parents were home. So we would go to his house and play after school, but then his mom would get home at like 5 and we would have to go do something else.
I had to drop what i was doing and start homework at 4 o'clock every day, which gave me about an hour to an hour and a half after school to do as I pleased. I always wished I could go on a marathon, but I always ended up getting booted off the TV for one thing or another.
Not mine, obviously couldn't think about playing while on punishment, but they did make a big stink when I stayed inside during the summer to play the NES. Seriously, it was like 97 degrees and humid in NYC - did they really want me to go out and ride my bike?
Chores and homework before games. My mom had an internal time sheet and if she felt you needed to do something else with your time...you did something else. We had a separate TV for the Nintendo. Old thing with faux-wood paneling and a radial dial. That was back in the "rumpus room" next to the pool table and foosball table. That was my corner from 4-6 pm. No games before bed because it got us wound up. Minimal games on Saturday. I don't think we could play longer than 2 hours if I remember correctly unless we were having a sleepover.

My parents were pretty fair and stressed the importance of doing other stuff (sports, toys, trampoline, etc.).
I was raised by my father he used to enjoy playing Atari with me when i was much younger and we never grew out of it i had no real rules as long as nothing good was on tv i had free reign.
I grew up across the street from a lake and during the harsh New England winters there was plenty of sledding to do.

Yes I gamed alot, but it was mostly between playing outside, sports, work (started at 14) and homework. There wasn't rules per se, but we preoccupied ourselves enough to make up for an prolonged gaming session.
Despite having very conservative Christian parents, they enjoyed playing video games on the NES, SNES with me when I was younger and they never imposed rules on me on what games I could or couldn't play or on my playing habbits. My Mom still plays a ton of casual computer games like Plants vs. Zombies, Angry Birds, Peggle, etc.
Only to be the very best, like no one ever was. To travel across lands, searching far and wide. But most importantly, to catch them all. Weird part about it was this was 15 years before the first Pokemon title was released, so yeah.

No special rules or nothing like that with my folks. Just as long as I didn't damage anything at home and I didn't let my gaming interfere with my school work/house chores.

When I seriously started playing home console games I was able to afford, I could do so in my room with my own TV, so I stayed out of everyone's way.

Before that, I mainly gamed in the arcades & on portable handhelds.
No. Well, I was always a Nintendo nerd anyway, so I doubt we would've needed any actual rules anyway (at least content wise). I was never restricted as far as time is concerned either. I always went outside on my own most of the time.
kiteinthesky said:
No. Well, I was always a Nintendo nerd anyway, so I doubt we would've needed any actual rules anyway (at least content wise). I was never restricted as far as time is concerned either. I always went outside on my own most of the time.
I got told to go outside a lot more when I was playing stuff like GTA or shooters like Timesplitters lol. Never got scolded for playing Mario Kart with my brother.
Early on my mom would restrict our playing time, but I don't remember it being that strict. The only real rule was that she didn't want violent games in the house (so really, no M rated games). Of course, that didn't stop me once I was old enough to get them myself, and she never really tried to stop me.
Not really. My parents were really relaxed when it came down to video games. My uncle was an equally bad influence on me. He used to rent stuff like Splatterhouse 3 for me all of the time. Those were the days...
We didn't really have any "rules" in our house hold regarding games, but it was the typical and straight forward stuff.

After school we had to get started on home work at about 5 PM. We couldn't play games, watch TV or anything like that until our homework was done. So... if we didn't have much homework, that's great, if we had a lot of homework well uh... not so great.

When we were kids we had to share too, which can be problematic with three brothers who all want to play a specific single player game.
The only rule that my mother gave me is to finish my homework early; its about 4pm and then I have to play for 5pm-9pm only because my mother turns off the lights of our house at about 9pm and all the family members should go to sleep.

My parents are also strict when it comes to choosing games for me, they dont want those brutal games like Misery and Brutal Doom. They like those games like sports games and sci fi games.
Must always eat at the right time. Turn it off when my parents have to watch something. Good thing we have two TVs now. Yup, that's the only rule I had even ever since I was a kid.
Yeah ! My parents always had a lot of rules about playing video games which almost means that they totally don't want us to paly games. Those rules were don't play video games at night. not in study time which was almost whole day. Not in afternoon as well not in dim light. Ahh..
My rules were very simple: "Finish your homework, then you can play. But only for 1 hour, 2 hours tops."
Of course, nowadays, I no longer do homework since I finished college and I now play as long as I want, which isn't as much as you think anyway. 3 hours tops.

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