Christmas wish list.


What do you want for Christmas? Even if you don't think you're gonna get it, what are you wishing for?

Wish List
-PS3 (yeah right)
-Infinte list of PS3 games (ditto)

-Scott Pilgrim VS the World
-Kick Ass
-LOST complete series

Books (what's a book?)
-Scott Pilgrim complete series
-The Walking Dead

-Wireless Media Adapter
-Samsung Galaxy Tab phone

And socks, you can never have too many socks.
I hear ya on the socks, brudda!

I've asked for a bookcase thingy with the first 21 manga volumes of Bleach in it. That's my "big" present.

Then in terms of games, I've asked for Fable 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

Everything else is just jumpers, jeans....and socks.
A partridge in a pear tree.

Seriously, everyone else seems to be getting them.

All that's really on my list this year is:

DK Returns
No idea.

Clothes would be good. I only have like 6 different shirts and maybe 5 pairs of pants to wear on a daily basis.

Blu-rays would be cool, i suppose.

and her

PC Games:
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Fallout 3: GOTY Edition
Fallout: New Vegas
Civilization IV Complete (so my brother and I can play each other long distance. He goes to UCLA and his computer can't run Civ V)

Creative Labs Sound Blaster Arena Surround USB Gaming Headset

Not a whole lot that I want this year. Just a few games and some money.
^warning nick, if you have a dual core it won't run black ops well at all.

Anyhow, wishlist eh:

PS3 w/ GT5
New Vegas (PC)
Don't get Black Ops on PC. It's damn near unplayable unless you have an overclocked i5 and better than a GTX460.
I was under the impression that the post-release patch fixed a vast majority of the problems with the PC version. Correct?
NickKmet said:
I was under the impression that the post-release patch fixed a vast majority of the problems with the PC version. Correct?
LOL! "Call of Duty" and "fixed" create a paradox.
Ya dreamin: Toyota Chaser, preferably a series 2. 99-2001

You have a better chance at winning the lottery: 42inch LCD for my room

Maybe...If you're lucky: Money

More realistic: Books and clothes

Most definitely: Nothin...
I stopped asking for stuff but I realize that gets you a bunch of atrocious clothes you'll never wear so I'll have to steer them in the right direction.
Yeah I stopped asking what I wanted as well. But then I also reailised it means getting a bunch of shirts I wouldn't be caught dead in.

Also I'm moving into my late 20's and beginning to understand how much Christmas can suck if you're older than 18. It just took me awhile to get it because I have a very small family.
I always end up getting "christmas" presents early, so I don't even know if I've used up my presents or not yet lol....

But probably just money mainly and maybe a few games or other electronics things.
I didn't officially ask for anything, or make a list or whatever, but when people have asked I've said a few things.

Headphones, money, some clothes maybe, Inception.
My family told me that they weren't getting me anything video game related this year.

So I'm not getting much.
lokness said:
Ya dreamin: Toyota Chaser, preferably a series 2. 99-2001
If it's an Auto with high kms and shit condition, you might get one. Providing you're willing to supply your parents with a kidney.

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