But there's no difference between 30FPS and 60FPS

I just love how the comments section is full of talk about graphical detail and how the Xbox One outperforms PS4 and is on par with PC.

I don't even have a picture for this one.
Too bad YouTube doesn't fully allow 60FPS, yet. So that video was actually 30FPS for PC and what 15FPS for Xbox One?
LinksOcarina said:
Why does this matter again? Someone please explain that.
Because if you have 2 equally skilled players on identical PCs playing the same shooter, but 1 of them is running 30FPS and the other is 60FPS, the 60FPS player will win. Double the visual information per second allows you to react quicker, not even mentioning how much smoother the controls feel and how much smoother the motion is for your eyes. Look at how much more motion blur the xbone copy uses to try and make 30FPS seem smoother, all that blur is information your brain isn't getting that, being an interactive medium, it should.

I'm not gonna stop until everyone demands a minimum of 60FPS from the PS4 and Xbone. Who gives a shit about little cloth movements and dynamic shadows for small objects when those things noticeably detract from the gameplay experience.

Also, buy a gaming PC.
I love 144HZ. It takes a lot of horsepower to push new games at max settings 144fps though.

madster111 said:
LinksOcarina said:
Why does this matter again? Someone please explain that.
Because if you have 2 equally skilled players on identical PCs playing the same shooter, but 1 of them is running 30FPS and the other is 60FPS, the 60FPS player will win.
But wouldn't that not matter at all if both people were on the same console type, with the same specs?

I mean, I know why it's important, but that's not such a great example.
Longo_2_guns said:
But wouldn't that not matter at all if both people were on the same console type, with the same specs?
No, but just because those disadvantages are being given to everyone doesn't mean they're not there.
I would say if the person at 30 fps has a faster connection to the server than the person with 60 fps, the faster ping wins no matter the frame rate.

But what do I know.
madster111 said:
Longo_2_guns said:
But wouldn't that not matter at all if both people were on the same console type, with the same specs?
No, but just because those disadvantages are being given to everyone doesn't mean they're not there.
If everyone is on an equal playing field, it isn't a disadvantage. That's the definition of disadvantage.
I might not know much about technology but I do know my movies. And I hated watching The Hobbit at 48 FPS so I doubt I would wanna play games at 60.
Green_Lantern said:
I would say if the person at 30 fps has a faster connection to the server than the person with 60 fps, the faster ping wins no matter the frame rate.

But what do I know.

I'd also go along with this. Though I think 30 is about as low as you can go before it does start to impact gameplay, latency issues or not.

I'm sure we've all had that time in WoW or somewhere else where too much shit was going on (faction leader raids) and the frame rate drops to single digits and the game becomes a slideshow.

Edit: Also, personally speaking, though it might not impact gameplay, playing at 30 fps just doesn't feel as good as 60 fps but it's something that doesn't become painfully obvious unless your fps fluctuates during gameplay.
WickedLiquid said:
I might not know much about technology but I do know my movies. And I hated watching The Hobbit at 48 FPS so I doubt I would wanna play games at 60.
I'd bet you my freshly purchased automobile you deeply enjoy games running at 60FPS.
Enjoy almost any game made for the PS2, for instance?
Just gonna throw it out there, I prefer 60 FPS on my games over 30 FPS. Key word being "prefer", it's not mandatory.

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